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Only your wives and your little children and your livestock (I know that {you have much livestock}) must stay in your towns that I have given you,

"However, {take care} for yourself and watch your inner self closely, so that you do not forget the things that your eyes have seen, so that they do not slip from your mind all the days of your life; and you shall make them known to your children and to {your grandchildren}.

so that you [do] not {ruin yourselves} and make for yourselves a divine image [in] a form of any image, a replica of male or female,

Watch [out] for yourselves so that you do not forget the covenant of Yahweh your God that he had {made} with you and make for yourselves a divine image [of] the form of anything that Yahweh your God {has forbidden},

"When you have had children and {grandchildren} and you have grown old in the land and you act corruptly and you make a divine image [of] the form of anything and you do evil in the eyes of Yahweh your God, [thus] provoking him to anger,

'You shall not make for yourself a divine image of any [type] of form that [is] in the heaven above or that [is] on the earth beneath or that [is] in the water under the earth.

'Observe the {Sabbath day} to make it holy, [just] as Yahweh your God has commanded you.

and Yahweh your God will give them {over to you} and you defeat them, you must {utterly destroy them}; you shall not make a covenant with them, and you shall not show mercy [to them].

And he humbled you and let you go hungry, and [then] he fed you with that which you did not know nor did your ancestors know, in order to make you know that not by bread alone but by all [that] goes out of the mouth of Yahweh humankind shall live.

Leave me alone, and let me destroy them, and let me blot out their name from under heaven, and let me make you into a nation mightier and more numerous than they!'

"At that time Yahweh said to me, 'Carve for yourself two tablets of stone [just] as the former [ones], and come up the mountain to me, and you shall make for yourself an ark of wood.

And you shall eat {before} Yahweh your God in the place that he will choose to make to dwell his name there the tithe of your grain, your wine and your olive oil and the firstling of your herd and your flock, so that you may learn to revere Yahweh your God {always}.

You shall not plant for yourselves {an Asherah pole} beside the altar of Yahweh your God that you make for yourselves.

Except, he may {not make numerous} for himself horses, and he may not allow the people to [to go] to Egypt {in order to increase horses}, for Yahweh has said to you that {you may never return}.

Then judges shall make a thorough inquiry, and [if] it turns out that the witness is a false witness [and] he testified falsely against his brother,

But if they {do not accept your terms of peace} and they want to make war with you, then you shall lay siege against it.

"If you besiege a town [for] many days to make war against it [in order to] seize it, you shall not destroy its trees by wielding an ax against them, for you may eat from them, and [so] you must not cut them down. Are the trees of the field humans that they should come in siege {against you}?

"When you build a new house then you shall make a parapet wall for your roof, so that you will not bring bloodguilt on your house {if anyone should fall from it}.

"You shall make tassels for yourselves on the four corners of your clothing with which you cover [yourself].

"{When you make a vow} to Yahweh your God, you shall not postpone {fulfillment of it}, [for] certainly Yahweh your God shall require it from you and [if postponed] {you will incur guilt}.

"When you make a loan to your neighbor, a loan of any kind, you shall not go into his house {to take his pledge}.

then it will happen if the guilty [one] {deserves beating}, then the judge shall make him lie, and he shall beat him {before him}, {according to} {the prescribed number of lashes proportionate to the offense}.

then you shall take from the firstfruit of all the fruit of the ground that you harvest from your land that Yahweh your God [is] giving to you, and you shall put [it] in a basket, and you shall go to the place that Yahweh your God will choose to make his name to dwell there.

And {Yahweh will make you successful and prosperous}, in the fruit of your womb and on the land that Yahweh swore to your ancestors to give to you.

And Yahweh shall make you as head and not the tail, and you shall be only at the top [of the nations], and you shall not be at the bottom, if you listen to the commandments of Yahweh your God that I [am] commanding you {today} {and diligently observe them}.

"You shall carry out much seed to the field, but you shall gather little [produce], for the locust shall devour it.

{And then} as Yahweh delighted over you {to make you prosperous} to make you numerous, so Yahweh shall delight over you to exterminate you and to destroy you, and [so] you shall be plucked from the land that you [are] going there to take possession of it.

These [are] the words of the covenant that Yahweh commanded Moses to make with the {Israelites} in the land of Moab {besides} the covenant that he made with them at Horeb.

'All its land is brimstone and salt left by fire, {none of its land will be sown}, and it will not make plants sprout out and it will not grow any vegetation; [it is] as the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Adman and Zeboiim, which Yahweh overturned in his anger and in his wrath.'

And Yahweh your God will bring you to the land that your ancestors had taken possession of, and he will make you successful, and he will make you more numerous than your ancestors.

And Yahweh your God will make you prosperous {in all your undertakings}, and in the fruit of your livestock and in the fruit of your ground {abundantly}, for Yahweh {will again rejoice} over you, [just] as he rejoiced over your ancestors.

For I know your rebellion and your stiff neck [even now] while I [am] still alive with you {today}, rebelling against Yahweh, and {how much more} after my death.

They annoyed me with [what is] not a god; they provoked me with their idols. So I will make them jealous with [those] not a people, with a foolish nation I will provoke them.

From outside [her boundaries] the sword will make [her] childless, and from inside, terror; both [for] [the] young man [and] also the young woman, the infant [along with] the gray-headed man.

I thought, "I will wipe them out; {I will make people forget they ever existed}."

I will make my arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh with the blood of the slain, and captives from the heads of the leaders of [the] enemy.'

Call for songs of joy, O nations, [concerning] his people, for the blood of his servants he will avenge, {and he will take reprisals against his foes}, and he will make atonement [for] his land, his people."