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But they that fed them fled, and went away into the city and related everything, and what had happened as to those possessed by demons.

Another parable set he before them, saying, The kingdom of the heavens has become like a man sowing good seed in his field;

And the bondmen of the householder came up and said to him, Sir, hast thou not sown good seed in thy field? whence then has it darnel?

Another parable set he before them, saying, The kingdom of the heavens is like a grain of mustard seed which a man took and sowed in his field;

Then, having dismissed the crowds, he went into the house; and his disciples came to him, saying, Expound to us the parable of the darnel of the field.

and let not him that is in the field turn back to take his garment.

For as they were in the days which were before the flood, eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day on which Noe entered into the ark,

and they knew not till the flood came and took all away; thus also shall be the coming of the Son of man.

And having taken counsel, they bought with them the field of the potter for a burying-ground for strangers.

and they gave them for the field of the potter, according as the Lord commanded me.

And these are they who have been sown on the good ground, such as hear the word and receive it, and bear fruit; one thirty, and one sixty, and one a hundred fold.

And those that were feeding them fled and reported it in the city and in the country. And they went out to see what it was that had taken place.

and him that is in the field not return back to take his garment.

And they compel to go with them a certain passer-by, Simon, a Cyrenian, coming from the field, the father of Alexander and Rufus, that he might carry his cross.

And they went out, and fled from the sepulchre. And trembling and excessive amazement possessed them, and they said nothing to any one, for they were afraid.

But they that fed them, seeing what had happened, fled, and told it to the city and to the country.

But if God thus clothe the grass, which to-day is in the field and to-morrow is cast into the oven, how much rather you, O ye of little faith?

And his elder son was in the field; and as, coming up, he drew nigh to the house, he heard music and dancing.

But which of you is there who, having a bondman ploughing or shepherding, when he comes in out of the field, will say, Come and lie down immediately to table?

they ate, they drank, they married, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed all of them;

In that day, he who shall be on the housetop, and his stuff in the house, let him not go down to take it away; and he that is in the field, let him likewise not return back.

Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be seized and the other let go.

And as they led him away, they laid hold on a certain Simon, a Cyrenian, coming from the field, and put the cross upon him to bear it behind Jesus.

Verily, verily, I say to you, He that enters not in by the door to the fold of the sheep, but mounts up elsewhere, he is a thief and a robber;

Pilate says to him, What is truth? And having said this he went out again to the Jews, and says to them, I find no fault whatever in him.

And Pilate went out again and says to them, Lo, I bring him out to you, that ye may know that I find in him no fault whatever.

When therefore the chief priests and the officers saw him they cried out saying, Crucify, crucify him. Pilate says to them, Take him ye and crucify him, for I find no fault in him.

(This man then indeed got a field with the reward of iniquity, and, having fallen down headlong, burst in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out.

And it was known to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that that field was called in their own dialect Aceldama; that is, field of blood.)

And Moses fled at this saying, and became a sojourner in the land of Madiam, where he begat two sons.

they, being aware of it, fled to the cities of Lycaonia, Lystra and Derbe, and the surrounding country,

And the jailor being awakened out of his sleep, and seeing the doors of the prison opened, having drawn a sword was going to kill himself, thinking the prisoners had fled.

And the man in whom the wicked spirit was leaped upon them, and having mastered both, prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.

He however, having shaken off the beast into the fire, felt no harm.

Thou wilt say to me then, Why does he yet find fault? for who resists his purpose?

Already indeed then it is altogether a fault in you that ye have suits between yourselves. Why do ye not rather suffer wrong? why are ye not rather defrauded?

that by two unchangeable things, in which it was impossible that God should lie, we might have a strong encouragement, who have fled for refuge to lay hold on the hope set before us,

For finding fault, he says to them, Behold, days come, saith the Lord, and I will consummate a new covenant as regards the house of Israel, and as regards the house of Juda;

For while speaking great highflown words of vanity, they allure with the lusts of the flesh, by dissoluteness, those who have just fled those who walk in error,

And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has there a place prepared of God, that they should nourish her there a thousand two hundred and sixty days.

and voice of harp-singers and musicians and flute-players and trumpeters shall not be heard any more at all in thee, and no artificer of any art shall be found any more at all in thee, and voice of millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee,

And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled, and place was not found for them.