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Now, when they had retired, lo! a messenger of the Lord, appeareth by dream unto Joseph, saying, Arise, take unto thee the child and its mother, and flee into Egypt, and be there, until I tell thee, - for Herod is about to seek the child, to destroy it.

and said to him, All these things, will I give thee, - if thou wilt fall down and worship me.

And the rain descended, and the streams came, and the winds blew, and rushed against that house, and it fell not; for it had been founded upon the rock.

And the rain descended, and the streams came, and the winds blew, and dashed against that house, and it fell; and, the fall thereof, was, great.

And a certain scribe, coming near, said unto him, - Teacher; I will follow thee, whithersoever Thou goest.

And, when they persecute you in this city, flee into another, - for, verily, I say unto you, in nowise shall ye finish the cities of Israel, till, he Son of Man, come.

And said unto them, What man, from among yourselves, shall there be, - Who shall have one sheep, and, if this should fall, on the sabbath, into a pit, will not lay hold of it, and raise it?

and, as he sowed, some, indeed, fell by the pathway, and, the birds, came, and devoured it;

And, some, fell on the rocky places, where it had not much earth, - and, straightway, it sprang up, because if had no depth of earth;

But, some, fell upon the good ground, and did yield fruit, - this, indeed a hundred fold, and, that, sixty, and, the other, thirty.

And his disciples say unto him - Whence, to us, in a wilderness, loaves in such numbers as to fill a multitude, so great?

And they all did eat and were filled, - and, the remainder of the broken pieces, took they up, seven hampers, full.

And, hearing it, the disciples fell upon their face, and were caused to fear exceedingly.

But that servant, going out, found one of his fellow-servants, who owed him, a hundred denaries, and, laying hold of him, he began seizing him by the throat, saying, Pay! if anything thou owest.

His fellow servant, therefore, falling down, began beseeching him, saying, Have patience with me! And I will pay thee.

His fellow-servants, therefore, seeing, the things that were done, were grieved exceedingly, - and went and made quite plain to their master all the things which had been done.

Was it not binding, upon thee also, to have mercy upon thy fellow-servant, as, I also, on thee, had mercy?

And, he that falleth on this stone, will be sorely bruised; but, on whomsoever it may fall, it will utterly destroy him.

Alas for you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; because ye make yourselves like sepulchres whitewashed, which, outside, indeed, appear, beautiful, but, within, are full, of dead men's bones and all uncleanness, -

Then, they who are in Judaea, let them flee into the mountains;

And begin to be striking his fellow-servants, and eating and drinking with the drunken,

And lo! the veil of the Temple, was rent, from top to bottom, into two; and, the earth, was shaken, and, the rocks, were rent;

And it came to pass, as he sowed, some, indeed, fell by the pathway, and the birds came, and devoured it;

And, some, fell on the rocky places, evenwhere it had not much earth, - and, straightway, it sprang forth, by reason of its not having depth of earth;

And, some, fell among the thorns, and the thorns came up and choked it, and, fruit, it yielded not;

And, other, fell into the good ground, and was yielding fruit, coming up and growing, - and was bearing, thirtyfold and sixtyfold and a hundredfold,

of itself, the earth beareth fruit, - first, a blade, afterwards, an ear, after that, full corn in the ear;

And, the woman, overcome with fear, and trembling, knowing what had happened to her, came, and fell down before him, and told him all the truth.

And he suffered no one to follow with him, save Peter and James and John the brother of James.

And he went forth from thence, and cometh into his own city, - and his disciples follow him.

And they fell back, in companies, by hundreds and by fifties.

And they took up broken pieces, twelve baskets, full measure, and from the fishes.

but, straightway, a woman hearing about him, whose daughter had an impure spirit, she came and fell down at his feet.

And his disciples answered him - Whence shall any one be able, here, to fill, these, with bread, in a desert?

And he sendeth word to the multitude, to fall back upon the ground. And, taking the seven loaves, giving thanks, he brake, and was giving unto his disciples, that they might be setting before them; and they set before the multitude.

when, the five loaves, I brake unto the five thousand, how many baskets, full of broken pieces, ye took up? They say unto him - Twelve, -

When the seven, unto the four thousand, how many hampers, full measure, of broken pieces, ye took up? And they say unto him - Seven. And he was saying unto them -

But, when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, standing where it ought not, he that readeth, let him, think, then, they who are in Judaea, let them flee into the mountains;

And he sendeth forth two of his disciples, and saith unto them - Go your way into the city, and there will meet you a man, a jar of water, bearing, - follow him;

And, going forward a little, he fell upon the ground, and was praying that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him;

And, the veil of the Temple, was rent into two, from top to bottom.

who, when he was in Galilee, used to follow him, and minister unto him, - and many other women, who had come up with him unto Jerusalem.

that, as touching the matters which thou hadst been taught by word of mouth, thou mightest obtain full knowledge, of the certainty.

according to the custom of his priesthood, it fell to his lot to offer incense, entering into the Temple of the Lord;

and Zachariah was troubled when he beheld, and, fear, fell upon him.

He was saying, therefore, unto the multitudes who were going forth to be immersed by him - Broods of vipers! who suggested to you, to flee from the coming wrath?

And it came to pass, while he was in one of the cities, that lo! there was a man full of leprosy; and, seeing Jesus, he fell on his face, and entreated him, saying - Lord! if thou be willing, thou canst cleanse me.

Alas! for you, ye who are filled full now, for ye shall hunger. Alas! ye that laugh now, for ye shall mourn and weep.

He spake, moreover, a parable also, unto them: Can, the blind, guide, the blind? will not, both, fall into, a ditch?

But, he that hath heard and not done, is like unto a man having built a house upon the earth, without a foundation, - against which the stream burst, and, straightway, it fell in; and it came to pass, that, the crash of that house, was, great.

The sower went forth to sow his seed, - and, as he sowed, some, indeed, fell beside the pathway, and was trodden down; and, the birds of heaven, devoured it.

And, other, fell down upon the rock; and, growing, was withered, because it had not moisture.

And, other, fell and thorns; and, growing together, the thorns, choked it.

And, other, fell into good ground; and, growing, brought forth fruit, a hundredfold. These things, saying, he went on to cry aloud - He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.

Now, as they were sailing, he fell asleep. And there came down a hurricane of wind upon the lake, and they began to be filled, and to be in peril.

But, seeing Jesus, he cried out aloud, and fell down before him, and, with a loud voice, said - What have I in common with thee, O Jesus, Son of Godthe Most High? I beg of thee - Do not torment me! -

coming near behind, touched the fringe of his mantle; and, instantly, was stayed the flow of her blood.

And, as they were journeying on the road, one said unto him - I will follow thee, whithersoever thou shalt depart.

And, yet another, said - I will follow thee, Lord; But, first, suffer me to bid adieu to them that are in my house.

And taking up the question , Jesus said - A certain man, was going down from Jerusalem unto Jericho, and, with robbers, fell in, - who, stripping him, and inflicting, wounds, upon him, departed, leaving him, half dead.

Which of these three, seemeth unto thee to have become, neighbour, unto him who fell among the robbers?

Or, those eighteen, upon whom fell the tower in Siloam, and slew them, suppose ye that, they, had become, debtors, beyond all the men who were dwelling in Jerusalem?

and, unto them, said - Which of you, shall have a son or an ox that, into a pit, shall fall, and will not straightway pull him up, on the day of rest?

But, whensoever thou hast been invited, pass on and fall back into the last place, that, whensoever he that hath invited thee shall come, he may say unto thee - Friend! come close up, higher. Then, shalt thou have honour before all who are reclining together with thee.

But it is, easier, for heaven and earth to pass away, than that, of the law, one little point, should fail.

And, a certain beggar, by name Lazarus, used to be cast near his gate, full of sores,

and to long to be fed from the crumbs that fell from the table of the rich man: nay! even, the dogs, used to come and lick his sores.

And, instantly, he recovered sight, and began to follow him, glorifying God. And, all the people, beholding, gave praise unto God.

Every one who falleth on that stone, will be sorely bruised, but, on whomsoever it shall fall, it will utterly destroy him.

Then they who are in Judaea, let them flee into the mountains, and they who are in her midst, let them go forth, - and they who are in the fields, let them not enter into her;

And they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be carried away captive into all the nations, and, Jerusalem, shall be trodden down by the nations, until the seasons of the nations shall be fulfilled and shall be.

And, he, said unto them - Lo! when ye have entered into the city, there will meet you a man, bearing, an earthen-jar of water: follow him into the house into which he is entering.

Then, will they begin to say - unto the mountains, Fall upon us! and unto the hills, Cover us!