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saying, "Get up, take the child and his mother, and go to the land of Israel, for those who were seeking the child's life are dead."
But he answered, "It is written, 'Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"
"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor' and 'hate your enemy.'
But I say to you, love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you,
For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Even the tax collectors do the same, don't they?
"Whenever you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, because they love to pray while standing in synagogues and on street corners so that people can see them. Truly I say to you, they have their reward.
"No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Isn't there more to life than food and more to the body than clothing?
And which of you by worrying can add even one hour to his life?
But the gate is narrow and the way is difficult that leads to life, and there are few who find it.
As he was saying these things, a ruler came, bowed low before him, and said, "My daughter has just died, but come and lay your hand on her and she will live."
Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life because of me will find it.
"Here is my servant whom I have chosen, the one I love, in whom I take great delight. I will put my Spirit on him, and he will proclaim justice to the nations.
Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they go in and live there, so the last state of that person is worse than the first. It will be that way for this evil generation as well!"
For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
For what does it benefit a person if he gains the whole world but forfeits his life? Or what can a person give in exchange for his life?
If your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life crippled or lame than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire.
And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter into life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into fiery hell.
Now someone came up to him and said, "Teacher, what good thing must I do to gain eternal life?"
He said to him, "Why do you ask me about what is good? There is only one who is good. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments."
honor your father and mother, and love your neighbor as yourself."
And whoever has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.
just as the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
Jesus said to him, "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.'
The second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'
They love the place of honor at banquets and the best seats in the synagogues
and because lawlessness will increase so much, the love of many will grow cold.
And these will depart into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."
As he went along, he saw Levi, the son of Alphaeus, sitting at the tax booth. "Follow me," he said to him. And he got up and followed him.
As Jesus was having a meal in Levi's home, many tax collectors and sinners were eating with Jesus and his disciples, for there were many who followed him.
Then he said to them, "Is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath, or evil, to save a life or destroy it?" But they were silent.
He asked him urgently, "My little daughter is near death. Come and lay your hands on her so that she may be healed and live."
The Pharisees and the experts in the law asked him, "Why do your disciples not live according to the tradition of the elders, but eat with unwashed hands?"
Now they had forgotten to take bread, except for one loaf they had with them in the boat.
For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and for the gospel will save it.
For what benefit is it for a person to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his life?
If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off! It is better for you to enter into life crippled than to have two hands and go into hell, to the unquenchable fire.
If your foot causes you to sin, cut it off! It is better to enter life lame than to have two feet and be thrown into hell.
Now as Jesus was starting out on his way, someone ran up to him, fell on his knees, and said, "Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?"
As Jesus looked at him, he felt love for him and said, "You lack one thing. Go, sell whatever you have and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."
who will not receive in this age a hundred times as much -- homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, fields, all with persecutions -- and in the age to come, eternal life.
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.'
The second is: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these."
And to love him with all your heart, with all your mind, and with all your strength and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices."
For they all gave out of their wealth. But she, out of her poverty, put in what she had to live on, everything she had."
in holiness and righteousness before him for as long as we live.
the son of Matthat, the son of Levi, the son of Melchi, the son of Jannai, the son of Joseph,
the son of Joshua, the son of Eliezer, the son of Jorim, the son of Matthat, the son of Levi,
Jesus answered him, "It is written, 'Man does not live by bread alone.'"
After this, Jesus went out and saw a tax collector named Levi sitting at the tax booth. "Follow me," he said to him.
Then Levi gave a great banquet in his house for Jesus, and there was a large crowd of tax collectors and others sitting at the table with them.
Then Jesus said to them, "I ask you, is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath or to do evil, to save a life or to destroy it?"
"Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied. "Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.
"Woe to you who are well satisfied with food now, for you will be hungry. "Woe to you who laugh now, for you will mourn and weep.
"But I say to you who are listening: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,
"If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them.
But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind to ungrateful and evil people.
What did you go out to see? A man dressed in fancy clothes? Look, those who wear fancy clothes and live in luxury are in kings' courts!
When they could not pay, he canceled the debts of both. Now which of them will love him more?"
As for the seed that fell among thorns, these are the ones who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by the worries and riches and pleasures of life, and their fruit does not mature.
For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.
Now an expert in religious law stood up to test Jesus, saying, "Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?"
The expert answered, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself."
Jesus said to him, "You have answered correctly; do this, and you will live."
Then it goes and brings seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they go in and live there, so the last state of that person is worse than the first."
"But woe to you Pharisees! You give a tenth of your mint, rue, and every herb, yet you neglect justice and love for God! But you should have done these things without neglecting the others.
Woe to you Pharisees! You love the best seats in the synagogues and elaborate greetings in the marketplaces!
Then he said to them, "Watch out and guard yourself from all types of greed, because one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions."
But God said to him, 'You fool! This very night your life will be demanded back from you, but who will get what you have prepared for yourself?'
Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat, or about your body, what you will wear.
For there is more to life than food, and more to the body than clothing.
And which of you by worrying can add an hour to his life?
Or those eighteen who were killed when the tower in Siloam fell on them, do you think they were worse offenders than all the others who live in Jerusalem?
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother, and wife and children, and brothers and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.
No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money."
Whoever tries to keep his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will preserve it.
Now a certain ruler asked him, "Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?"
who will not receive many times more in this age -- and in the age to come, eternal life."
Now he is not God of the dead, but of the living, for all live before him."
"Beware of the experts in the law. They like walking around in long robes, and they love elaborate greetings in the marketplaces and the best seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets.
For they all offered their gifts out of their wealth. But she, out of her poverty, put in everything she had to live on."
"But be on your guard so that your hearts are not weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of this life, and that day close down upon you suddenly like a trap.
For it will overtake all who live on the face of the whole earth.
so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life."
For this is the way God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.
The one who believes in the Son has eternal life. The one who rejects the Son will not see life, but God's wrath remains on him.
But whoever drinks some of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again, but the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up to eternal life."
The one who reaps receives pay and gathers fruit for eternal life, so that the one who sows and the one who reaps can rejoice together.
Jesus told him, "Go home; your son will live." The man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him, and set off for home.
While he was on his way down, his slaves met him and told him that his son was going to live.
Then the father realized that it was the very time Jesus had said to him, "Your son will live," and he himself believed along with his entire household.
For just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, so also the Son gives life to whomever he wishes.
"I tell you the solemn truth, the one who hears my message and believes the one who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned, but has crossed over from death to life.
I tell you the solemn truth, a time is coming -- and is now here -- when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live.
For just as the Father has life in himself, thus he has granted the Son to have life in himself,
and will come out -- the ones who have done what is good to the resurrection resulting in life, and the ones who have done what is evil to the resurrection resulting in condemnation.
You study the scriptures thoroughly because you think in them you possess eternal life, and it is these same scriptures that testify about me,
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- Commitment, to Jesus Christ
- Union With Christ, Significance Of
- Christ Would Be Killed
- The Present Age
- Commitment, to the world
- Christ Would Rise
- Jesus Death
- The Father's Activity Regarding Christ
- Mindset
- Entering Life
- Relationship Of Father And Son
- Eternity
- Eternal life, experience of
- Atonement, in NT
- The Effect Of Christ's Death
- Self Esteem
- Self Image
- Not Loving God
- Christians
- Short Time Till The End
- Lord's Supper
- Sacraments
- Communion
- Christ Is Risen
- Unselfishness
- Loving One Another
- Doctrine
- Giving Money To The Church
- Disobedience
- Holiness Of The Saints
- Spiritual Warfare, Enemies In
- Christ Knowing About People
- Love to Christ
- Agape Love
- Growth In Grace
- The World
- Endurance
- Hard Work And Perseverance
- Perserverance
- Patient
- Persevering
- Jesus As Food
- Life In Christ
- Life Is In Christ
- Orthodoxy, In Nt
- Grace
- God's Grace
- Faith, As A Body Of Beliefs
- Saved By Faith
- Accepting Christ
- Faith, Nature Of
- Becoming A Christian
- God's Love In Christ
- Gods Love
- Life Through Christ
- Knowing About God's Kingdom
- Universalism
- The Father
- Fellowship With Christ
- Us In God
- Regeneration
- Abiding In Christ
- Jesus Christ, Love Of
- Victory, Over Spiritual Forces
- Benefits Of Faith In Christ
- Loving Others
- Love To Others
- Love Fellow Christians!
- Christianity
- Christ
- Keeping Christ's Commands
- Life With Christ
- Commitment, to God's people
- The World Without God
- Knowing God
- God Raising Christ
- Encouraging
- Growth
- Ministers, Should Be
- Ministry, In The Church
- Grace, And Christian Life
- Sanctification
- Grace Be To You
- Salvation, Nature Of
- Faith Kjv
- Having Faith
- Encouraging Others
- Paul, Teaching Of
- Keeping Faith
- Hope And Faith
- Faith Hope And Love
- Dead To Sin
- Freedom
- Living Not For The Material
- Living For The Material
- Self Discipline
- Principalities
- Overcomers
- Overcoming Through Christ
- Overcoming
- Knowing God's Will
- Sincereity
- Encouraging One Another
- The Hope Of The Gospel
- Sexual Purity
- Consider Your Call To Salvation
- Love Exists Between People
- Thankfulness To Others
- Tenderheartedness
- Maintaining Faith
- Revelation