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And again I say to you, It is of easier labor for a camel to pass through the hole of a needle, than for a rich one to come into the kingdom of God.

And there came a leper to him, beseeching him, and kneeling down to him, and saying unto him, If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.

It is easier labor for a camel to come through the hole of a needle, than for a rich one to come into the kingdom of God.

And there was also many a leper in Israel in the time of the Prophet Elisha, and yet not one of them was cleansed, but Naaman the Syrian was."

And it came about that while he was in one of the towns, there was a leper there: and when he saw Jesus he went down on his face in prayer to him, saying, Lord, if it is your pleasure, you have power to make me clean.

'Consider the lilies, how do they grow? they labour not, nor do they spin, and I say to you, not even Solomon in all his glory was arrayed as one of these;

For when you go with your adversary to a ruler, on the way labor to be released from him, lest he take you to the judge, and the judge deliver you to the officer, and the officer cast you into prison;

"Then the steward said within himself, "'What am I to do? For my master is taking away the stewardship from me. I am not strong enough for field labour: to beg, I should be ashamed.

When a woman is in labor she has pain because her time has come. But when she has given birth to a child, she no longer remembers the suffering because of the joy that a person has been born into the world.

but ye yourselves know that these hands have by labour furnished necessaries for my own wants, and for those who were with me.

Salute Tryphena and Tryphosa, who labour in the Lord. Salute the beloved Persis, which laboured much in the Lord.

Even to this present hour, we both hunger and thirst, and are naked, and are buffeted, and have no certain abode, And labour, working with our own hands:

Am I not free? am I not an apostle? have I not seen Jesus Christ our Lord? are not you become christians by my labour?

Or is it only Barnabas and I who have no right to stop doing manual labor [in order to support our ministry]?

Do ye not know that they who labour at sacred things eat of the offerings offered in the temple; they that attend at the altar partake with the altar?

But, if Timothy should come, see that, without fear, he be with you, for, in the work of the Lord, doth he labour, even as, I:

that you also be subject to such people, and to all those who work together and labor.

They have refreshed my spirit as well as yours. So fully acknowledge such men and deeply appreciate them.

We do not exceed our due limits, and take credit for other men's labours; but we entertain the hope that, as your faith grows, we shall gain promotion among you--still keeping within our own sphere--promotion to a larger field of labour,

I have been often on my travels, I have been in danger from rivers and robbers, in danger from Jews and Gentiles, through dangers of town and of desert, through dangers on the sea, through dangers among false brothers ??27 through labour and hardship, through many a sleepless night, through hunger and thirst, starving many a time, cold and ill-clad, and all the rest of it.

For it is written:

Rejoice, childless woman,
who does not give birth.
Burst into song and shout,
you who are not in labor,
for the children of the desolate are many,
more numerous than those
of the woman who has a husband.

agreeably to that expectation and persuasion I have, that I shall not labour in vain; but as I always have, so I shall still glorify Christ in my body, whether it be by life or by death: for if I live, I live to Christ;

Therefore, my dearly-loved friends, as I have always found you obedient, labour earnestly with fear and trembling--not merely as though I were present with you, but much more now since I am absent from you--labour earnestly, I say, to make sure of your own salvation.

Ye know the proof of him, how that as a son with the father, so with me bestowed he his labour upon the gospel.

Yet I supposed it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus, my brother, and companion in labour, and fellowsoldier, but your messenger, and he that ministered to my wants.

Yea, and I beseech thee faithful yokefellow, help the women which laboured with me in the gospel, and with Clement also, and with others, my labour fellows, whose names are in the book of life.

For I bear him witness, that he hath much labor for you, and for them in Laodicea, and for them in Hierapolis.

So, when we could not stand it any longer [Note: Paul's concern for the spiritual well-being of the Thessalonian Christians became unbearable], we [i.e., I, See verse 5] thought it best to be left behind, alone, at Athens [Note: Paul was willing to labor alone at Athens, so he could send his fellow-workers to minister to others. See Acts 17],

While they are saying, “Peace and safety [all is well and secure!]” then [in a moment unforeseen] destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains on a woman with child, and they will absolutely not escape [for there will be no way to escape the judgment of the Lord].

we command these persons, and exhort them by the Lord Jesus Christ, to stay at home, and earn their bread by labour.

Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, to exhort you, that ye should continually labour in the faith, which was once given unto the saints.

She was pregnant and cried out in labor and agony as she was about to give birth.

because in one hour such great wealth has been laid waste!" And every shipmaster and {every seafarer} and sailors and all those who labor on the sea stood {far off}