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Then, as they had been divinely warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they went back to their own country by a different road.
but on hearing that Archelaus reigned over Judaea in place of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there and, by a divine injunction in a dream, withdrew to the region of Galilee.
As they went out, a dumb man was brought to him, who was possessed by a daemon,
and you will be haled before governors and kings for my sake ??it will be a testimony to them and to the Gentiles.
Well then, just as the weeds are gathered and burnt in the fire, so will it be at the end of the world;
So will it be at the end of the world. The angels will go out and separate the evil from among the just
He was anxious to kill him but he was afraid of the people, for they held John to be a prophet.
And a woman of Canaan came out of these parts and wailed, "Have pity on me, Lord, O Son of David! My daughter is cruelly possessed by a daemon."
they tried to get hold of him, but they were afraid of the crowds, as the crowds held him to be a prophet.
While he was still speaking, up came Judas, one of the twelve, accompanied by a large mob with swords and cudgels who had come from the high priests and the elders of the people.
Salt is excellent: but if salt is tasteless, how are you to restore its flavour? Let there be 'salt between you'; be at peace with one another."
At that very moment, while he was still speaking, Judas [Iscariot] one of the twelve came up accompanied by a mob with swords and cudgels who had come from the high priests and scribes and elders.
Mary said, "I am here to serve the Lord. Let it be as you have said." Then the angel went away.
By an inspiration of the Spirit he came to the temple, and when the parents of the child Jesus carried him in to perform the customary regulations of the law for him,
to be a light of revelation for the Gentiles and a glory to thy people Israel."
but Symeon blessed them, and to his mother Mary he said, "This child is destined for the downfall as well as for the rise of many a one in Israel; destined to be a Sign for man's attack ??35 to bring out the secret aims of many a heart. And your own soul will be pierced by a spear."
"Why did you look for me?" he said, "Did you not know I had to be at my Father's house?"
As he stepped out on land he was met by a man from the town who had daemons in him; for a long while he had worn no clothing, and he stayed not in a house but among the tombs.
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, aye and his own life, he cannot be a disciple of mine;
whoever does not carry his own cross and come after me, he cannot be a disciple of mine.
So with everyone of you who will not part with all his goods he cannot be a disciple of mine.
"It is written," he told them, "my house shall be a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of robbers."
but I have prayed that your own faith may not fail. And you in turn must be a strength to your brothers."
He was followed by a large multitude of the people and also of women who beat their breasts and lamented him;
followed by a large crowd on account of the Signs which they had seen him perform on sick folk.
but you do not understand him. I know him. Were I to say, 'I do not know him,' I would be a liar like yourselves; but I do know him and I hold to his word.
Again he asked him, for the second time, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" "Why, Lord," he said, "you know I love you." "Then be a shepherd to my sheep," said Jesus.
After his sufferings he had shown them that he was alive by a number of proofs, revealing himself to them for forty days and discussing the affairs of God's Realm.
In days gone by Theudas started up, claiming to be a person of importance; a number of men, about four hundred of them, rallied to him, but he was slain, and all his followers were dispersed and wiped out.
Now for some time previous a man called Simon had been practising magic arts in the town, to the utter astonishment of the Samaritan nation; he made himself out to be a great person,
They said, "Cornelius, a captain, a good man who reverences God and enjoys a good reputation among the whole Jewish nation, was instructed by a holy angel to send for you to his house and to listen to what you had to say."
For these are the Lord's orders to us: I have set you to be a light for the Gentiles, to bring salvation to the end of the earth."
Now it happened as we went to the place of prayer that a slave-girl met us, possessed by a spirit of ventriloquism, and a source of great profit to her owners by her power of fortune-telling.
inasmuch as he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world justly by a man whom he has destined for this. And he has given proof of this to all by raising him from the dead."
For you are to be a witness for him before all men, a witness of what you have seen and heard.
The commander replied, "I had to pay a large sum for this citizenship." "But I was born a citizen," said Paul.
and I cherish the same hope in God as they accept, namely that there is to be a resurrection of the just and the unjust.
Embarking in an Andramyttian ship which was bound for the Asiatic seaports, we set sail, accompanied by a Macedonian from Thessalonica called Aristarchus.
When the natives saw the creature hanging from his hand, they said to each other, "This man must be a murderer! He has escaped the sea, but Justice will not let him live."
PAUL, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God
For if we have grown into him by a death like his, we shall grow into him by a resurrection like his,
Let your love be a real thing, with a loathing for evil and a bent for what is good.
let your hope be a joy to you; be stedfast in trouble, attend to prayer,
be at peace with all men, if possible, so far as that depends on you.
the right course is to abstain from flesh or wine or indeed anything that your brother feels to be a stumbling-block.
PAUL, called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, with brother Sosthenes,
if a man's work is burnt up, he will be a loser ??and though he will be saved himself, he will be snatched from the very flames.
Which is it to be? Am I to come to you with a rod of discipline or with love and a spirit of gentleness?
Clean out the old dough that you may be a fresh lump. For you are free from the old leaven; Christ our paschal lamb has been sacrificed.
I would like all men to be as I am. However, everyone is endowed by God in his own way; he has a gift for the one life or the other.
Well, what I think is this: that, considering the imminent distress in these days, it would be an excellent plan for you to remain just as you are.
A woman is bound to her husband during his lifetime; but if he dies, she is free to marry anyone she pleases ??only, it must be a Christian.
So the very reason I wrote was that I might not come only to be pained by those who ought to give me joy; I relied on you all, I felt sure that my joy would be a joy for everyone of you.
It is all the doing of the God who has reconciled me to himself through Christ and has permitted me to be a minister of his reconciliation.
I will be a Father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord almighty.
So let them have proof of how you can love, and of my reasons for being proud of you; it will be a proof read by the churches.
Here am I all ready to pay you my third visit. And I will not be a burden to you; I want yourselves and not your money. Children have not to put money by for their parents; that is what parents do for their children.
and I pray to God that you may not go wrong ??not to prove I am a success, that is not the point, but that you should come right, even if I seemed to be a failure.
no man put it into my hands, no man taught me what it meant, I had it by a revelation of Jesus Christ.
(for He who equipped Peter to be an apostle of the circumcised equipped me as well for the uncircumcised),
If the Inheritance is due to law, it ceases to be due to promise. Now it was by a promise that God bestowed it on Abraham.
how the divine secret was disclosed to me by a revelation (if you read what I have already written briefly about this,
and lead lives of love, just as Christ loved you and gave himself up for you to be a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
Brothers, you recollect our hard labour and toil, how we worked at our trade night and day, when we preached the gospel to you, so as not to be a burden to any of you.
hold them in special esteem and affection, for the sake of their work. Be at peace among yourselves.
we did not take free meals from anyone; no, toiling hard at our trade, we worked night and day, so as not to be a burden to any of you.
he must not be a new convert, in case he gets conceited and incurs the doom passed on the devil;
Lay this before the brotherhood, and you will be an excellent minister of Christ Jesus, brought up on the truths of the faith and on the lessons of the good doctrine you have already followed.
Let all servants who are under the yoke of slavery remember that their masters are entitled to perfect respect ??otherwise it will be a scandal to the Name of God and to our doctrine.
And the Lord's servant must not be a man of strife; he must be kind to everybody, a skilled teacher, a man who will not resent injuries;
serving in hope of the life eternal which God, who never lies, promised ages ago ??3 he gave effect to his word in due time by a proclamation with which I have been entrusted by command of God our Saviour: ??4 to Titus my lawful son in a faith we hold in common; grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Saviour.
It has been said by one of themselves, by a prophet of their own, that ??"Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons."
to be mistress of themselves, chaste, domestic, kind, and submissive to their husbands ??otherwise it will be a scandal to the gospel.
not to embezzle, but to prove themselves truly faithful at all points, so as to be an ornament to the doctrine of God our Saviour in all respects.
but in these days at the end he has spoken to us by a Son ??a Son whom he appointed heir of the universe, as it was by him that he created the world.
For to what angel did God ever say, 'Thou art my son, to-day have I become thy father'? Or again, 'I will be a father to him, and he shall be a son to me'?
For as men swear by a greater than themselves, and as an oath means to them a guarantee that ends any dispute,
Were he on earth, he would not be a priest at all, for there are priests already to offer the gifts prescribed by Law
This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel when that day comes, saith the Lord; I will set my laws within their mind, inscribing them upon their hearts; I will be a God to them, and they shall be a People to me;
For by a single offering he has made the sanctified perfect for all time.
Discipline always seems for the time to be a thing of pain, not of joy; but those who are trained by it reap the fruit of it afterwards in the peace of an upright life.
see to it that no one misses the grace of God, that no root of bitterness grows up to be a trouble by contaminating all the rest of you;
Obey your leaders, submit to them; for they are alive to the interests of your souls, as men who will have to account for their trust. Let their work be a joy to them and not a grief ??which would be a loss to yourselves.
only, let your endurance be a finished product, so that you may be finished and complete, with never a defect.
It was his own will that we should be born by the Word of the truth, to be a kind of firstfruits among his creatures.
So too with Rahab the harlot. Was she not justified by what she did, when she entertained the scouts and got them away by a different road?
Look at ships too; for all their size and speed under stiff winds, they are turned by a tiny rudder wherever the mind of the steersman chooses.
So the tongue is a small member of the body, but it can boast of great exploits. What a forest is set ablaze by a little spark of fire!
Above all, my brothers, never swear an oath, either by heaven or by earth or by anything else; let your "yes" be a plain "yes," your "no" a plain "no," lest you incur judgment.
If anyone preaches, he must preach as one who utters the words of God; if anyone renders some service, it must be as one who is supplied by God with power, so that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. The glory and the dominion are his for ever and ever: Amen.
These people are waterless fountains and mists driven by a squall, for whom the nether gloom of darkness is reserved.
the stars of the sky dropped to earth as a fig tree shaken by a gale sheds her unripe figs,
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- West
- Hope And Healing
- Equipping, physical
- Servanthood, In Life Of Believers
- Solar Eclipse
- Sunshine
- Smallness
- Purifying Oneself
- Building Relationships
- Serving
- Serving God
- Noon
- Enemies Of God
- Love And Strength
- Sun
- Gideon
- Ten People
- Fearing Other People
- Chains
- Purple Clothes
- Wearing Jewellery
- Conception
- From The Womb
- Alcohol Consumption
- Having A Baby
- Asceticism, People Practicing
- Hair
- Concubines
- Kingship, Human
- Heirs
- Kindness
- Suffering, Encouragements In
- Reassurance
- Custom
- Like Good People
- Getting Rich
- Good People
- Finishing
- Waiting For God's Timing
- Limitations Of Youth
- Family Strength
- Family First
- Self Will
- Outward Appearance
- Structure
- Saul
- Kings
- Kissing
- Leaders, Political
- Rank
- Prophecy, Methods Of Ot
- Being Different
- Being Unique
- Insults
- Silence
- Speech, Power And Significance Of
- Superiority
- Heart, Divine
- Spirituality
- Saul And David
- Armor
- Earthquakes
- Cursing The Ungodly
- Vowing To Fast
- Last Words
- Best Friends
- Friendship And Trust
- Humility
- Ministry, Qualifications For
- Inferiority
- Anger Management
- Loyalty
- Defecation
- Voices
- Readiness
- Unnamed People Angry With Others
- Servant Leadership
- Discipline, divine
- Knowing God, Effects Of
- Lordship, Human And Divine
- Sons Of God
- Parents Being Wrong
- Houses
- Family And Friends
- Benevolence
- Envoy
- Servanthood, In Society
- Spring
- Encouragement, examples of
- Shame Will Come
- Watchman
- Last Things
- Heavy Burdens
- Stewardship
- One Hundred
- Killing Will Happen
- Sand
- Family Problems
- Toes
- Good Rebounding
- Serving People
- Preservation
- Grass
- Light Of God's People
- Light
- Clouds
- The Wicked Will Perish
- Love, And The World
- Risk
- Spiritual Vitality
- Being Yourself
- Sin Brings Impoverishment
- Supplication
- Lifting Hands
- Fun
- Cedar
- Trees
- Cedar Wood
- Receptiveness
- Yokes
- Being Devoted to God
- Rehabilitation
- Man Of God
- Sound
- Youth
- God Answering Prayers
- Hour
- Ridicule, Nature Of
- Awakening
- Futility
- Black
- Wind
- Holy Spirit, Types Of
- Storms
- Talents
- Busyness
- Spirit Beings
- Strong Delusion
- Lying And Deceit
- Lungs
- Whirlwinds
- Taken To Heaven
- Horses
- Wheels
- Not Dying
- Hurricanes
- Dry Places
- Poverty, Causes Of
- Poverty, Attitudes Towards
- Godly Woman
- Pot
- Hospitality
- Travellers
- Monotony
- Weights And Measures, Dry
- Gates
- Grain
- Marketing
- Jezebel
- Dirt
- Herald
- Conversion, God's demands for
- Later Covenants With God
- Surrender
- Reaping
- Religion
- Sleeping Peacefully
- Christ Reigning Forever
- Election, responsibilities of
- Abundance, Material
- Instruments
- Insects
- Night
- Guards
- Deception
- Hatred
- Illness
- Movement
- Being A Good Father
- Holiness, Purpose Of
- Division
- Tributes
- Servants Of The Lord
- Rebuilding
- Humiliation
- Destruction Of Jerusalem
- Eliminating Shame
- Persecution, Nature Of
- Self Confidence
- Self Esteem
- Confidence And Self Esteem
- Light, Natural
- God Appearing In Fire
- Shadows
- Deposing
- Month 12
- People Providing Food
- Rest, Eternal
- Being Scared
- Reproving People
- Hardship
- False Confidence
- Hope, Nature Of
- Desire For Death
- Staying Strong And Not Giving Up
- Answered Promises
- Stomachs
- Past
- Wicked Described As
- Light As Chaff
- Chaos
- Submission
- Reconciliation with God
- Reconciliation
- Transition
- Worms
- Watchfulness, Divine
- The Past
- Living Long
- Weather, As God's Judgment
- Avoid Adultery
- Harvest
- Riches, Dangers Of
- Emotions
- Health And Healing
- Child Of God
- Baby
- Work Ethic
- Hot Weather
- Avoiding Deceit
- Psalm Interjections
- Trusting God In Difficult Times
- Shelter
- Names And Titles For The Church
- What Heaven Will Be Like
- Heaven, Redeemed Community
- Resurrection, Of Believers
- Satisfaction
- Changing Yourself
- Vindication
- Love For God
- Myself
- Being Humble
- God Being Our Defence
- Binding As Animals
- Astronomy
- God, Unity Of
- Creation Of The Physical Heavens
- Creation
- The Power Of Words
- Breath
- Faith and strength
- Strength And Faith
- Trust, Importance Of
- Smoke
- Smoking
- Greed
- Protection And Safety
- Blessings And Prosperity
- Tongue
- Anxiety
- Going To Heaven
- Race
- Wings
- Evangelism
- Sisterhood
- Defence, divine
- Christ Judging
- Righteousness Of Christ
- Defence, human
- Rebellion
- Apostasy
- Property, Houses
- Gays
- Shields
- Corruption
- Straight Paths
- Jesus Christ, Eternity Of
- God Is Unchangeable
- Children, attitudes towards
- Happiness
- Motherhood
- Seek Peace
- Peace
- Family Love
- Protecting Your Family
- Jerusalem
- Optimism
- Rest, Spiritual
- The Effects Of Faith
- Zion
- Olive Trees
- Growing
- Staying Strong
- Sacrifice
- Uplifting
- Evil, believers' responses to
- Speech, Positive Aspects Of
- Rebuking
- Nets
- Fruits Of Sin
- Internal Adornment
- Investing
- Jewelry
- Sharing Material Things
- Wisdom, Human Importance
- Freed From Fear
- Loving Your Wife
- Deer
- Breasts
- Teenager
- Self Indulgence
- Beauty And Self Worth
- Losing Friends
- Excellence
- Energy
- Wise
- Unceasing
- Servants, Working Conditions Of
- Wages
- Trouble
- Inheritance
- Families
- Proverbs
- Despising People
- Bad Language
- Aggression
- Arguing
- Speaking, Evil
- Speaking, Wisdom In
- Cursing
- Conflict Resolution
- Strictness
- Abusive Relationships
- Wrath
- Inner Beauty
- Cancer
- Counseling
- Disappointment
- Decision Making
- Guidance And Strength
- Listening
- Friends
- Crowns
- Attitudes, to other people
- Self Control
- Being Patient
- Patients
- Fools
- Siblings
- Friendship And Love
- Losing A Friend
- Friendship Kjv
- Sons
- Hope Kjv
- Loving Children
- Training
- Lovers
- Money Blessings
- Heart, Fallen And Redeemed
- Love, Abuse Of
- Pride, Evil Of
- Cheaters
- Excess
- Thrift
- Pleasure Seekers
- Worry And Stress
- Anxiety And Stress
- Trying
- People
- The Insecurity Of The Wicked
- In The Heart Of The Sea
- Persistence
- Patient
- Out Of The North
- Fools, Characteristics Of
- Drunkards
- Weight
- Moms
- Dads
- Being A Leader
- Stability
- Raising Children
- Saving Money
- The Right Time
- Multitudes
- Success And Hard Work
- Effort
- Surprises
- Being Lost
- Withheld Knowledge
- Not Knowing The Future
- Hard Times
- Birds
- Getting Through Hard Times
- Struggles
- Planting Seeds
- Similar Items
- God Turning Bad Things Into Good
- Cleansing
- Invitations
- Scars
- Burning People
- Day of the LORD
- Branding
- Names And Titles For Christ
- Names And Titles For The Holy Spirit
- Fire Of Judgement
- God, Glory Of
- Heat
- Weather In The Last Days
- Roots
- No Burials
- God's Hands Stretched Out
- Exile In Prospect
- People Passing Away
- Northern Kingdom Of Israel
- Syria
- Damascus
- Cutting Hair
- Hills
- Zion, As A Symbol
- Coming Out Of Darkness
- Briers
- Light, Spiritual
- Short Time For Action
- Christ, Character Of
- Sea
- Hope, As Confidence
- Christ, Names For
- Survivors Favoured
- Worldliness
- God, Purpose Of
- Guidance, God's Promises Of
- Everything Happening For A Reason
- Life Purpose
- Relentless
- Empty Cities
- Chaff
- Weak Women
- Terror Of God
- Shame Has Come
- Judgement
- Ghosts
- Suddenly
- A Short Time
- Short Time Till The End
- Good Things From Far Away
- Change And Growth
- A Righteous People
- Spiritual Treasures
- Knowing
- Overcoming Hard Times
- Reeds
- Measurement
- Covenant, the new
- Enlightenment
- Missionaries, Call Of
- Calling, Of Individuals
- Preaching Gospel To Foreigners
- The Light Of Christ
- Blindness
- Like Men
- Saving Oneself
- Clouds, Figurative Use
- Mist
- Free
- Pride, Examples Of
- Mission, Of Jesus Christ
- God's Salvation Made Known
- The End Of The World
- Grace, In Ot
- Last Days
- The Tongue
- Closure
- Examples of Leadership
- Signs Attending Christ
- House Of God
- Overcoming Adversity
- Salvation, Nature Of
- Justification Under The Gospel
- Newness
- The Accursed
- Hell, As An Experience
- Sinners
- Kingdom Of God
- Elect
- Foolishness Of Men
- Shame Of Idolatry
- Rivers
- Rich, The
- Causes of failure in
- Motivation
- Eating And Drinking
- Leadership Qualities
- Made A Horror
- False Accusations, Examples Of
- Hissing
- Famine Coming From God
- God Saves The Needy
- God, Fatherhood Of
- Joy, And Human Experience
- Plucking Out
- Killed With The Sword
- God Making Drunk
- Challenges
- God Like A Lion
- Babylon
- Destruction Of The World
- God Opposing
- Appearances of
- Sparkling
- Ministers, Way They Should Teach
- Watchfulness, Of Leaders
- Vocation
- Dumbness
- Dumb
- Attacks On Jerusalem Foretold
- Prophesy!
- Hindering God's Work
- Visions And Dreams In Scripture
- Preparation
- Destruction
- Destruction Of Cities
- People Opposed
- God Will Forgive
- Do Not Hinder
- Judging Others Actions
- Claims
- Fishing
- Sailing
- The Fact Of That Day
- Near The Time Generally
- Prophecy
- Plans For A New Temple
- End Of The World
- Virgin
- Violence
- Live
- Foreknowledge
- Toughness
- Spirit, Emotional Aspects Of
- Renunciation
- Different Things
- Staying Strong During Hard Times
- Specific Cases Of Strengthening
- Self Respect
- Restored In Jesus Christ
- Perfection, Human
- End Times
- Eternal life, nature of
- Fruits Of Righteousness
- Soul Winners
- Heaven, Glimpsed By Humans
- Living For God
- Love, Nature Of
- Fairness
- Being Loved
- Faults
- Persecution, Forms Of
- Passing Away
- Being Reproved
- Possessions
- Reuniting
- Jonah
- Providing
- Relaxing
- Do Not Be Proud
- Drinking, abstention from
- Temptation, Avoiding Causing
- Passion
- God's Things Concealed
- Imminence
- Judgement Day
- Salt
- Past, The
- Standing
- Honor
- Honour The Honourable
- Respecting Parents
- Loving Your Parents
- Sorcery
- Jesus Birth
- Letters
- Things Passing Away
- Self Denial
- Self Discipline
- Causing Others To Stumble
- Losing Someone
- Not Swearing Oaths
- Ethics
- Satan, As Tempter
- Conversation
- Settling Accounts
- Hypocrites
- Praying For Others
- Hypocrisy
- Praying
- Perspective
- Piety
- Kingdom Of God, Coming Of
- Service To God
- Slavery, Spiritual
- Two People
- Hate
- Serving The Church
- Commands, in NT
- Priesthood, In Nt
- Priests, Tasks In Nt Times
- Witness To The Gospel
- Demons, Kinds of
- Spirits
- Those Demonised
- Christlikeness
- Accused Of Being Demonised
- Love And Family
- Crowds
- John The Baptist
- Demonic Influence
- The Beauty Of Nature
- Scripture
- Last Judgment
- Individual Prophets
- Faith And Healing
- Having Faith
- Weather
- Taxes
- Birth, Spiritual
- Like Children
- Acting
- Mindset
- Dealing With Young People
- Following Jesus Christ
- Commitment, to Jesus Christ
- Discipleship, nature of
- Heaven, Inheritance Of
- Self Sacrifice
- People Made Perfect
- Giving To The Poor
- Instructions About Following
- Giving Money To The Church
- Leaders
- Atonement
- Atonement, in NT
- Redemption, In Nt
- Values
- Leadership
- Ministry
- Ministering
- Man's Teaching
- Jesus The Prophet
- Christ Like People
- The Resurrection
- Love Marriage
- Legalism
- Signs Of The Times
- End Of Days
- Rebirth
- The Rapture
- Disorder Among People
- Chief priests
- Life After Death
- Jesus Death
- Boats
- Crowds Around Jesus
- Enemies, of believers
- Goals
- Peace, In Christian Living
- Witnessing, Approaches To
- Eternal life
- Persecution
- Sibling Love
- Unselfishness
- Beware Of Your Speech
- Honesty
- Caesar
- Telling The Truth
- Luck
- Promises
- Knowing About God's Kingdom
- Fulfilling The Law
- Fervour
- Teachers
- Worthiness
- Welcome
- The Father
- Agape Love
- Money Management
- Importance
- Be Humble!
- Benefits Of Heaven
- People's Inability To Serve God
- Christ's Disciples Will Suffer
- Goodbyes
- Fasting And Prayer
- Eagerness
- Opportunity
- Faith in hard times
- Patience In Hard Times
- Hugs
- Opposition, To Sin And Evil
- Relationship Of Father And Son
- Working Together
- Life By God's Word
- Keeping Christ's Commands
- Communication
- The Devil
- The World
- The World Without God
- Loving Everyone
- Belonging
- Orthodoxy, In Nt
- Shepherds, As Church Leader
- Gospel, Historical Foundation Of
- Great Individuals
- Moses, Significance Of
- Encouragement
- Encouraging
- Discrimination
- Encouraging Others
- Believers
- Baptism
- Evangelism, nature of
- Preaching
- Completion
- Prizes
- Ministers, Should Be
- The Grace Of God
- Finishing Strong
- Improvement
- Hope, In God
- Evangelists, ministry of
- Losing a loved one
- Loss Of A Loved One
- Apostles, Function In Early Church
- Paul As An Apostle
- Paul, Apostle To Gentiles
- Maintaining Faith
- Hope And Faith
- Encouraging One Another
- Believing In Yourself
- Faith In God
- Law
- Paul, Teaching Of
- New Birth, Described As
- Sacrifices
- Self Righteousness, And The Gospel
- Faith
- Faith Kjv
- Boasting
- Grace
- God's Grace
- Assurance, nature of
- Reconciliation, Of The World To God
- Keeping Faith
- Legacy
- Sin Produces Death
- Condemnation
- Being Born Again
- Union With Christ, Significance Of
- Union With Christ, Nature Of
- Weakness
- Character Of Wicked
- Living For The Material
- Adoption, descriptions of
- Holiness Of The Saints
- Christians Being Called Brothers
- Preaching, Importance Of
- Christ
- Acceptance, From God
- Growth
- Mercy, Response To God's
- Sanctification, Nature And Basis
- Right Sacrifices
- Call To Action
- The Grace Given To Men
- Self Image
- Efficiency
- Showing Hypocrisy
- The Hope Of The Gospel
- Afflictions
- Positive Thinking
- Perserverance
- Persevering
- Peacemakers
- Peaceableness
- Eating Meat
- Building Up The Church
- Christian Liberty
- Good Kissing
- Church, Titles Of
- Church Of God
- Christ Is Lord
- False Wisdom
- Evangelizing
- Language
- Knowing God
- Correcting A Brother
- Covetousness
- The Body
- Being Tempted
- Calling, Of Christians
- Consider Your Call To Salvation
- Stress And Hard Times
- Participation, In Sin
- Exercise
- Taking Care Of Your Body
- Conscience
- Conduct, Proper
- Thankfulness To Others
- Grateful Heart
- Women's Roles
- Teaching
- Teaching In The Church
- Doctrine
- Maturity
- Signs And Wonders Of The Gospel
- Living Not For The Material
- Man
- Paul's Boasting
- Forgiving Yourself
- Pastors
- Ministers, Should Not Be
- Receiving God's Word
- Abundance, Spiritual
- Ambassadors
- Resentment, Against People
- Exams
- Loving One Another
- Brothers Love
- In Men's Presence
- Steadfastness
- Commitment, to God's people
- Ministry, In The Church
- Love Fellow Christians!
- Rebuke
- The Gentleness Of God's People
- Knowing Christ Personally
- Let Your Speech Be Good
- Potential
- Faith, As A Body Of Beliefs
- Sportsmanship
- Behavior
- Destruction Of The Wicked
- Grasping
- Grace, And Christian Life
- Punishment
- Elders
- Sound Doctrine
- Healing Cancer
- End times prophecy
- Endurance
- Peter
- Grace Be To You