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"nor do men light a lamp, and put it under the bushel, but on the lamp-stand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.

"When you fast, do not look downcast like the hypocrites; for they disfigure their faces so that it may be apparent to men that they are fasting. In solemn truth I tell you, they already have received their reward.

"so that he may not appear to men to be fasting, but to his Father who is in secret; and his Father who sees in secret will reward him.

"There were once to men," said Jesus, "in debt to one money-lender. One owed him fifty pounds; the other five.

Now Peter and those who were with him were heavy with sleep; but when they were fully awake they saw his glory, and the two men were standing beside him.

"I tell you that in one night there shall be two men in one bed; one shall be taken and the other left.

While they were still perplexed over this, it happened that the two men stood near them in dazzling raiment.

One of the two men who heard what John said and followed Jesus, was Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter.

While they were gazing into the sky as he was going up, suddenly there were two men in white garments standing by them,

and they prayed, saying. "Thou, O Lord, who knowest the hearts of all men, show clearly which of these two men thou hast chosen to fill the place

And as Lydda was near Joppa, the disciples, when they heard that Peter was there, sent two men to him with the entreaty, "Delay not to come to us."

For prior to the Law, sin actually existed in the world, but sin was not set down to man's account when there was no law.

and the very commandment which should have meant life, this I found to mean death.

But it seems to me that God has exhibited us apostles, last of all, like men doomed to death; for we are made a spectacle to the whole world, both to men and to angels.

I am speaking to men of sense; do you yourselves judge what I say.

For he who speaks in a "tongue" speaks not to man but to God, for no one understands him, but in the Spirit he utters secret truths.

The gospel was preached for this cause to those who were dead also, that they might be judged according to men in flesh, but live according to God in spirit.

For these are murmurers, always complaining. They always go where their passions lead, and their mouth speaks great swelling words, while they pay court to men for the sake of the advantage they can get.