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In the tribe of Issachar, Igal the son of Joseph.

the sixth, Ithream by Eglah, David's wife. These were born to David in Hebron.

Igal the son of Nathan of Zobah; Bani the Gadite;

The fifth Shephatiah by Abital. The sixth Ithream by Eglah his wife.

The son of Shecaniah was Shemaiah. And the sons of Shemaiah were Hattush, Igal, Bariah, Neariah, Shaphat and Hesa, six.

Let my sentence come forth from thy presence; and let thine eyes look upon the thing that is equal.

Like as in a lame man his legs are not equal, even so is a parable in the fool's mouth.

Look through Jerusalem, behold and see. Seek through her streets also within, if ye can find one man, that doth equal and right, or that laboureth to be faithful: and I shall spare him, sayeth the LORD.

If a man be godly, and do the thing that is equal and right,

But you will say, 'The way of the Lord is not equal.' Here I pray you, ye house of Israel. Is not my way equal?

And yet sayeth the house of Israel, 'Tush, the way of the LORD is not equal.' Are my ways unright, O ye house of Israel? Are not your ways rather unequal?

Yet ye say, 'The way of the LORD is not equal.' O ye house of Israel, I will judge every one of you after his ways!'"

"Thus sayeth the LORD God: O ye princes, ye have now oppressed and destroyed enough. Now leave off, handle now according to the thing that is equal and lawful: and thrust out my people no more, sayeth the LORD God.