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For I knew thy rebellion and thy hard neck: behold, in my yet living with you this day, ye were rebelling against Jehovah; and much more after my death.

Thus said all the assembly of Jehovah, What transgression this which ye transgressed against the God of Israel to turn back this day from after Jehovah, in your building to you an altar for your rebellion this day against Jehovah?

The God of gods, Jehovah, the God of gods, Jehovah he will know, and Israel he will know; if in rebellion and if in transgression against Jehovah, thou shalt not save us this day;

And my father, see, also see, the wing of thy upper garment in my hand: for in my cutting off the wing of thine upper garment and I killed thee not, know and see that there is not in my hand evil and rebellion: and I sinned not against thee; and thou didst hunt my soul to take it

That it shall be sought in the book of the records of thy fathers: and thou wilt find in the book of the records, and thou wilt know that this city a city perverse and endamaging kings and provinces, and working rebellion in the midst of it from days forever: for this, this city was laid waste.

And a decree being set from me, and they sought and found that this city from days forever lifting itself up against kings, and perverseness and rebellion being made in it

He will add rebellion to his sin; he will clap between us, and he will multiply his words to God.

Go up against the land of double rebellion, against her, and against the inhabitants of Pekod, laying waste and destroying after them, says Jehovah; and do according to all which I commanded thee.