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Hear me, O LORD, and that soon, for my spirit waxeth faint; hide not thy face from me, lest I be like unto them that go down into the grave.

for that shall bring grace unto thy head, and shall be a chain about thy neck.

She shall make thee a gracious head, and garnish thee with the crown of glory."

My son, give heed unto my wisdom, and bow thine ear to my prudence:

These six things doth the LORD hate, and the seventh he utterly abhorreth:

Or can one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be hurt?

And behold, there met him a woman with open tokens of a harlot. Only her heart was hid.

Take heed unto knowledge, O ye ignorant; be wise in heart, O ye fools.

"The LORD himself had me in possession in the beginning of his ways, before he began his works afore time.

To take heed unto the chastening of nurture, is the way of life; but he that refuseth to be reformed, deceiveth himself.

Whoso hordeth up his corn, shall be cursed among the people; but blessing shall light upon his head that selleth it.

If thou smitest a scornful person, the ignorant shall take better heed; and if thou reprovest one that hath understanding, he will be the wiser.

When the scornful is punished, the ignorant take the better heed; and when a wise man is warned, he will receive the more understanding.

A man of experience discerneth all things well, but whoso hireth a fool, hireth such one as will take no heed.

Coals kindle heat, and wood the fire; even so doth a brawling fellow stir up variance.

A wise man seeing the plague will hide himself; as for fools they go on still, and suffer harm.

When the ungodly are come up, men are fain to hide themselves; but when they perish, the righteous increase.

The righteous abhorreth the ungodly; but as for those that be in the right way, the wicked hate them.

I communed with mine own heart, saying, "Lo, I am come to a great estate, and have gotten more wisdom, than all they that have been before me in Jerusalem." Yea, my heart had great experience of wisdom and knowledge,

I bought servants and maidens, and had a great household. As for cattle and sheep, I had more substance of them than all they that were before me in Jerusalem.

And look whatsoever mine eyes desired, I let them have it: and wherein soever my heart delighted, or had any pleasure, I withheld it not from it. Thus my heart rejoiced in all that I did, and this I took for the portion of all my travail.

But when I considered all the works that my hands had wrought, and all the labours that I had taken therein: Lo, all was vanity and vexation of mind, and nothing of any value under the Sun.

For a wise man beareth his eyes about in his head, but the fool goeth in the darkness. I perceived also that they both had one end.

Yea, I was weary of all my labour, which I had taken under the Sun, because I should be fain to leave them unto another man, that cometh after me.

For I have oft seen the ungodly brought to their graves, and fallen down from the high and glorious place; insomuch that they were forgotten in the city where they were had in so high and great reputation. This is also a vain thing.

Yet is there a vanity upon earth: there be just men, unto whom it happeneth, as though they had the works of the ungodly; Again, there be ungodly, with whom it goeth as though they had the works of the righteous. This me think also a vain thing.

For all these things purposed I in my mind to seek out. The righteous and wise, yea and their servants also are in the hand of God: and there is no man that knoweth either love or hate, but all things are before them.

So I turned me unto other things under the Sun, and I saw that in running it helpeth not to be swift; in battle it helpeth not to be strong; to feeding it helpeth not to be wise; to riches, it helpeth not to be suttle; to be had in favour, it helpeth not to be cunning: but that all lieth in time and fortune.

And in the city there was found a poor man - but he was wise - which with his wisdom delivered the city: yet was there no body, that had any respect for such a simple man.

Dead flies corrupt sweet ointment and make it to stink. Even so, oft times, he that hath been had in estimation for wisdom and honour is abhorred because of a little foolishness.

The same preacher was not wise alone, but taught the people knowledge also: he gave good heed, sought out the ground and set forth many parables.

Marvel not at me that I am so black: For why? The sun hath shined upon me. My mother's children had evil will at me, they made me the keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept.

His left hand lieth under my head, and his righthand shall embrace me.

O how fair art thou, my love, how fair art thou? Thou hast doves' eyes, beside that which lieth hid within. Thy hairy locks are like the wool of a flock of goats that be shorn on Mount Gilead.

As I was asleep, and my heart waking, I heard the voice of my beloved, when he knocked. Open to me, said he, O my sister, my love, my darling, my dove: for my head is full of dew, and my locks of my hair are full of the night drops.

Nevertheless when I had opened unto my beloved, he was departed and gone his way. Now like as afore time when he spake, my heart could not longer refrain: Even so now I sought him, but I could not find him: I cried upon him, nevertheless he gave me no answer.

His head is the most fine gold, the locks of his hair are bushed, and brown as the evening;

That head that standeth upon thee is like Carmel; the hair of thy head is like the king's purple folden up in plates.

His left hand lieth under my head, and his right hand shall embrace me.

Solomon had a vineyard at Baalhamon; this vineyard delivered he unto the keepers, that every one for the fruit thereof should give him a thousand pieces of silver.

Wherefore should ye be plagued any more? For ye are ever falling away. The whole head is sick, and the heart is very heavy.

From the sole of the foot unto the head, there is no whole part in all your body: but all are wounds, botches, sores and stripes, which can neither be helped, bound up, mollified, nor eased with any ointment.

And except the LORD of Hosts had left us a few alive, we should have been as Sodom, and like unto Gomorrah.

I hate your new holidays and fastings, even from my very heart. I cannot away with such vanity and holding in of the people. They lay upon me as a burden, and I am weary of bearing them!

But thou hast forsaken thy people the house of Jacob, because they go far beyond the east countries in Sorcerers - who they have as the Philistines had - and in calkers of men's births, whereof they have too many.

And therefore get thee soon into some rock, and hide thee in the ground for the fear of the LORD, and for the glory of his majesty:

Then, then shall man cast away his gods of silver and gold - which he nevertheless had made to honour them - unto moles and bats

Yea, one shall take a friend of his own kindred by the bosom, and say, "Thou hast clothing, thou shalt be our head, for thou mayest keep us from this fall and peril."

The changing of their countenance betrayeth them; yea, they declare their own sins themselves, as Sodom, and hide them not. Woe be unto their souls, for they shall be heavily rewarded.

And Jerusalem shall be a tabernacle for a shadow because of heat in the daytime, and place and refuge where a man may keep him from weather and rain.

What more could have been done for it, that I have not done? Wherefore than hath it given thorns, where I looked to have had grapes of it?

From above flickered the Seraphims, whereof every one had six wings: With twain each covered his face, with twain his feet, and with twain did he fly.

Then flew one of the Seraphims unto me, having a hot coal in his hand, which he had taken from the altar with the tongs,

Then said God unto Isaiah, "Go meet Ahaz, thou and thy son Shearjashub, at the head of the over pole, in the foot path by the fuller's ground,

and say unto him, 'Take heed to thyself and be still, but fear not, neither be fainthearted for these two tails: that is, for these two smoking firebrands, the wrath and furiousness of Rezin the Syrian and Remaliah's son.

For the head city of the Syrians is Damascus, but the head of Damascus is Rezin. And after five and threescore years, shall Ephraim be no more a people.

And the chief city of Ephraim is Samaria, but the head of Samaria is Remaliah's son. And if ye believe not, there shall no promise be kept with you.'"

At the same time shall the LORD shave the hair of the head and the feet and the beard clean off, with the razor that he shall hire beyond the water: namely, with the king of the Assyrians.

After that went I unto the Prophetess, that now had conceived and born a son. Then said the LORD to me, "Give him this name: Mahershalahashbaz.

Therefore the LORD shall root out of Israel both head and tail, branch and twig in one day.

By the head, is understood the senator and honorable man, and by the tail, the Prophet that preacheth lies.

The hatred of Ephraim and the enmity of Judah shall be clean rooted out. Ephraim shall bear no evil will to Judah, and Judah shall not hate Ephraim:

There is a noise of a multitude in the mountains, like as of a great people, a rushing as though the kingdoms of all nations had come together. And the LORD of Hosts mustereth his army to battle.

The people shall take them, and carry them home to their own land. And the house of Israel shall have them in possession for servants and maidens in the land of the LORD. They shall take those prisoners, whose captives they had been afore: and rule those that had oppressed them.

Gather your counsel, come together in judgment; cover us with your shadow in the midday, as the night doth: hide the chased, and betray not them that are fled.

Wherefore my belly rumbled as it had been a lute for Moab's sake, and mine inward members for the brick wall's sake.

which sendeth her message over the sea in ships of reeds upon the water. Get ye hence, ye speedy messengers, to a nation that is scattered abroad and robbed of that they had: a fearful nation from their beginning hitherto; a nation trodden down by little and little, whose land the floods have spoiled.

For thus hath the LORD said unto me: "I will take my rest, and look upon the matter in my habitation, like a fair heat after the rain, and like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest."

In that time shall there be a present brought to the LORD of Hosts: even a people that is scattered abroad, and robbed of that they had - that same people which hat been fearful from their beginning hitherto; a nation trodden down by little and little, whose land the floods have spoiled. To the place of the name of the LORD of Hosts: even to the mount Zion.

Neither shall the head or tail, the branch or reed be able to do any work in Egypt.

And when he had waited diligently, he saw two horsemen: the one riding upon an Ass, the other upon a camel.

He that smote the kingdoms together holdeth out his hand over the sea: even the LORD himself hat given a commandment against that mighty Canaan, to root it out.

"Take thy lute," say men to her, "and go about the city, thou unknown wench: make pastime with sweet melody, whereby thou mayest be had in remembrance."

For thou art the poor man's help, and strength for the needful in his necessity. Thou art a defense against evil weather and a shadow against the heat, when the blast of the raging men is like a storm that casteth down a wall.

Like as the heat in a dry place wasteth all things, so shalt thou suppress the noise of the aliens. The heat is abated with the shadow of the cloud; even so shall God assuage the noise of the cruel tyrants.

We have been with child, and suffered pain as though we had brought forth wind. For there is no salvation in the earth, neither do the inhabiters of the world submit them selves.

For behold, the LORD will go out of his habitation, and visit the wickedness of them that dwell upon earth. The earth also shall disclose her own blood, and shall no more hide those that are slain in her.

Every man recompenseth with the measure that he receiveth: He museth upon his sore wind, as upon the days of extreme heat.

Woe be to the crown of pride, even to the drunken people of Ephraim, whose great pomp is as a flower that fadeth away upon the head of the valley of such as be in wealth, and are overladen with wine.

"This shall bring rest, if one refresh the weary, yea this shall bring rest." But they had no will to hear.

Woe be unto them that seek so deep, to hide their imagination before the LORD, which rehearse their counsels in the darkness, and say, "Who seeth us, or who knoweth us?"

The eyes of the seeing shall not be dim, and the ears of them that hear, shall take diligent heed.

The sinners at Zion are afraid, and a sudden fearfulness is come upon the hypocrites. "What is he among us," say they, "that will dwell by that consuming fire? Which of us may abide that everlasting heat?"

There shall Zion be seen, the head city of our solemn feasts. There shall thine eyes see Jerusalem, that glorious habitation; the tabernacle that never shall remove, whose nails shall never be taken out; world without end, whose cords everyone shall never corrupt.