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And they departed from Abronah, and lay at Eziongeber.

And Aaron the priest went up into mount Hor at the commandment of the LORD and died there, even in the fortieth year after the children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt, and in the first day of the fifth month.

see that ye drive out all the inhabiters of the land before you, and destroy their imaginations and all their images of metal, and pluck down all their altars built on hills:

And possess the land and dwell therein, for I have given you the land to enjoy it.

But and if ye will not drive out the inhabiters of the land before you, then those which ye let remain of them, shall be thorns in your eyes and darts in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell.

Moreover it will come to pass, that I shall do unto you as I thought to do unto them.'"

and shall fetch a compass from the south up to Akrabbim, and reach to Zin. And it shall go out on the south side of Kadesh Barnea, and go out also at Hazaraddar, and go along to Azmon.

And shall fetch a compass from Azmon unto the river of Egypt, and shall go out at the sea.

And from mount Hor, ye shall compass and go unto Hamath, and the end of the coast shall be at Zeded,

and the coast shall reach out to Ziphron and go out at Hazarenan. And this shall be your north quarter.

And the coast shall go down from Shepham to Riblah on the east side of Ain. And then descend and go out at the side of the sea of Chinnereth eastward.

And then go down along by Jordan, and leave at the salt sea. And this shall be your land with all the coasts thereof round about.'"

that is, to wit, two tribes and a half have received their inheritance on the other side of Jordan by Jericho eastward, toward the sun-rising."

"And among the cities which ye shall give unto the Levites, there shall be six cities of franchise which ye shall give to that intent that he which committeth a slaughter, may fly thither. And to them ye shall add forty two cities more:

so that all the cities which ye shall give the Levites shall be forty eight, with their suburbs.

And of the cities which ye shall give out of the possessions of the children of Israel, ye shall give many out of their possessions that have much and few out of their possessions that have little: so that every tribe shall give of his cities unto the Levites, according to the inheritance which he inheriteth."

"'If any man smite another with a weapon of iron that he die, then he is a murderer, and shall die for it.

If he smite him with a hand weapon of wood that he die therewith, then he shall die: for he is a murderer and shall be slain therefore.

"'If he thrust him of hate, or hurl at him with laying of wait that he die,

But and if he pushed him by chance and not of hate, or cast at him with any manner of thing and not of laying of wait,

or cast any manner of stone at him that he die therewith, and saw him not, and he cast it upon him and he died, but was not his enemy, neither sought him any harm;

And the congregation shall deliver the slayer out of the hand of the judge of blood, and shall restore him again unto the franchised city whither he was fled. And he shall bide there unto the death of the high priest which was anointed with holy oil.

Whosoever slayeth, shall be slain at the mouth of witnesses. For one witness shall not answer against one person to put him to death.

"'And see that ye pollute not the land which ye are in, for blood defileth the land. And the land can none otherwise be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of it that shed it.

And Moses commanded the children of Israel at the mouth of the LORD, saying, "The tribe of the children of Joseph have said well.

And it fortuned, the first day of the eleventh month in the fortieth year, that Moses spake unto the children of Israel according unto all that the LORD had given him in commandment unto them,

after that he had smote Sihon the king of the Amorites which dwelt in Heshbon, and Og king of Bashan which dwelt at Ashtaroth in Edrei.

See that ye know no man in judgment: but hear the small as well as the great and be afraid of no man, for the judgment is God's. And the cause that is too hard for you, bring unto me and I will hear it.'

Behold, the LORD thy God hath set the land before thee. Go up and conquer it, as the LORD God of thy fathers sayeth unto thee: fear not, neither be discouraged.'

And then ye came unto me every one and said, 'Let us send men before us, to search us out the land and to bring us word again, both what way we shall go up by, and unto what cities we shall come.'

And they departed and went up into the high country and came unto the river Eshcol, and searched it out,

and took of the fruit of the land in their hands and brought it down unto us and brought us word again, and said, 'It is a good land which the LORD our God doth give us.'

and murmured in your tents and said, 'Because the LORD hateth us, therefore he hath brought us out of the land of Egypt, to deliver us into the hands of the Amorites and to destroy us.

which goeth the way before you to search you out a place to pitch your tents in; in fire by night - that ye might see what way to go - and in a cloud by day.

save Caleb the son of Jephunneh; he shall see it, and to him I will give the land which he hath walked in and to his children, because he hath continually followed the LORD.'

But Joshua the son of Nun which standeth before thee, he shall go in thither. Bold him therefore, for he shall divide it unto Israel.

Moreover, your children, which ye said should be a prey; and your sons, which know neither good nor bad this day; they shall go in thither and unto them I will give it, and they shall enjoy it.

Then the Amorites, which dwelt in those hills, came out against you and chased you as bees do, and hewed you in Seir, even unto Hormah.

Ye shall buy meat of them, for money, to eat; and ye shall buy water of them, for money, to drink.

In like manner the Horites dwelt in Seir, before time: which the children of Esau cast out, and destroyed them before them, and dwelt there in their stead: as Israel did in the land of his possession which the LORD gave them.

The space in which we came from Kadesh Barnea until we were come over the river Zered was thirty eight years: until all the generation of the men of war were wasted out of the host, as the LORD sware unto them.

For indeed the hand of the LORD was against them, to destroy them out of the host, till they were consumed.

and shalt come nigh unto the children of Ammon: see that thou vex them not, nor yet provoke them. For I will not give thee of the land of the children of Ammon to possess; because I have given it unto the children of Lot to possess.'

a people that was great, many and tall, as the Anakims. But the LORD destroyed them before the Ammonites, and they cast them out and they dwelt there in their stead:

as he did for the children of Esau which dwell in Seir; even as he destroyed the Horites before them, and they cast them out and dwell in their stead unto this day.

And the Avims which dwelt in Hazerim even unto Gaza, the Caphthorims which came out of Caphthor destroyed them and dwelt in their rooms.

Then I sent messengers out of the wilderness of Kedemoth unto Sihon king of Heshbon, with words of peace, saying,

Sell me meat, for money, for to eat; and give me drink, for money, for to drink: I will go through by foot only -

But Sihon, the king of Heshbon, would not let us pass by him; for the LORD thy God had hardened his spirit and made his heart tough because he would deliver him into thy hands as it is come to pass this day.

Then both Sihon and all his people came out against us unto battle at Jahaz.

Then we turned and went up the way to Bashan. And Og the king of Bashan came out against us: both he and all his people to battle at Edrei.

And the LORD said unto me, "Fear him not, for I have delivered him and all his people and his land into thy hand and thou shalt deal with him as thou dealtest with Sihon king of the Amorites which dwelt at Heshbon.'

And thus we took, the same season, the land out of the hand of two kings of the Amorites on the other side Jordan, from the river of Arnon unto mount Hermon

- which Hermon the Sidonians call Sirion, but the Amorites call it Senir -

For only Og king of Bashan remained of the remnant of the Giants: behold, his iron bed is yet at Rabbah, among the children of Ammon: nine cubits long and four cubits broad, of the cubits of a man.

And I commanded you the same time, ye Reuben and Gad, saying, 'The LORD your God hath given you this land to enjoy it: see that ye go harnessed before your brethren the children of Israel, all that are men of war among you.

Fear them not, for the LORD your God, he it is that fighteth for you.'

Get thee up into the top of Pisgah and lift up thine eyes west, north, south and east, and behold it with thine eyes for thou shalt not go over this Jordan.

Your eyes have seen what the LORD did unto Baal-Peor: for all the men that followed Baal-Peor, the LORD your God hath destroyed from among you.

Behold, I have taught you ordinances and laws, such as the LORD my God commanded me, that ye should do even so in the land whither ye go to possess it.

Keep them therefore and do them, for that is your wisdom and understanding in the sight of the nations: which, when they have heard all these ordinances, shall say, 'O what a wise and understanding people is this great nation.'

For what nation is so great that hath gods so nigh unto him as the LORD our God is nigh unto us, in all things, when we call unto him?

Yea, and what nation is so great that hath ordinances and laws so righteous, as all this law which I set before you this day?

And the LORD spake unto you out of the fire and ye heard the voice of the words; But saw no image, save heard a voice only.

And the LORD commanded me, the same season, to teach you ordinances and laws, for to do them in the land whither ye go to possess it.

Take heed unto yourselves diligently as pertaining unto your souls, for ye saw no manner of image the day when the LORD spake unto you in Horeb out of the fire;

lest ye mar yourselves and make you graven images after whatsoever likeness it be: whether after the likeness of man or woman

For the LORD took you and brought you out of the iron furnace of Egypt, to be unto him a people of inheritance, as it is come to pass this day.

Take heed unto yourselves therefore, that ye forget not the covenant of the LORD your God which he made with you, and that ye make you no graven image of whatsoever it be that the LORD thy God hath forbidden thee.

If after thou hast gotten children and children's children and hast dwelt long in the land, ye shall mar yourselves and make graven images after the likeness of whatsoever it be, and shall work wickedness in the sight of the LORD thy God, to provoke him.

I call heaven and earth to record unto you this day, that ye shall shortly perish from off the land whither ye go over Jordan to possess it: Ye shall not prolong your days therein, but shall shortly be destroyed.

For ask, I pray thee, of the days that are past which were before thee, since the day that God created man upon the earth and from the one side of heaven unto the other, whether anything hath been like unto this great thing or whether any such thing hath been heard as it is -

that a nation hath heard the voice of God speaking out of fire as thou hast heard, and yet lived?

Either, whether God assayed to go and take him a people from among nations, through temptations and signs and wonders and through war and with a mighty hand and a stretched-out arm and with mighty terrible sights, according unto all that the LORD your God did unto you in Egypt before your eyes.

Out of heaven he made thee hear his voice to nurture thee, and upon earth he showed thee his great fire, and thou heardest his words out of the fire.

And because he loved thy fathers, therefore he chose their seed after them and brought thee out with his presence and with his mighty power of Egypt:

to thrust out nations greater and mightier than thou before thee, to bring thee in, and to give thee their land to inheritance: as it is come to pass this day.

Understand, therefore, this day: and turn it to thine heart, that the LORD he is God in heaven above and upon the earth beneath, there is no more.

Keep therefore his ordinances, and his commandments which I command thee this day, that it may go well with thee and with thy children after thee and that thou mayest prolong thy days upon the earth which the LORD thy God giveth thee forever."

and these are the witness, ordinances and statutes which Moses told the children of Israel after they came out of Egypt,

on the other side Jordan in the valley beside Bethpeor in the land of Sihon king of the Amorites which dwelt at Heshbon, whom Moses and the children of Israel smote after they were come out of Egypt,

'I am the LORD thy God which brought thee out of the land of Egypt the house of bondage.

'Keep the Sabbath day that thou sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee.

And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and how that the LORD God brought thee out thence with a mighty hand and a stretched out arm. For which cause the LORD thy God commandeth thee to keep the Sabbath day.

These words the LORD spake unto all your multitude in the mount out of the fire, cloud and darkness, with a loud voice, and added no more thereto, and wrote them in two tables of stone and delivered them unto me.

But as soon as ye heard the voice out of the darkness and saw the hill burn with fire, ye came unto me all the heads of your tribes and your elders:

and ye said, 'Behold, the LORD our God hath showed us his glory and his greatness, and we have heard his voice out of the fire, and we have seen this day that God may talk with a man and he yet live.

For what is any flesh that he should hear the voice of the living God speaking out of the fire as we have done and should yet live:

Go thou and hear all that the LORD our God sayeth, and tell thou unto us all that the LORD our God sayeth unto thee, and we will hear it and do it.'

Oh that they had such a heart with them to fear me and keep all my commandments always, that it might go well with them and with their children forever.

but walk in all the ways which the LORD your God hath commanded you, that ye may live and that it may go well with you and that ye may prolong your days in the land which ye shall possess.

These are the commandments, ordinances and laws which the LORD your God commanded to teach you, that ye might do them in the land whither ye go to possess it:

Hear therefore, Israel, and take heed that thou do thereafter, that it may go well with thee and that ye may increase mightily: even as the LORD God of thy fathers hath promised thee, a land that floweth with milk and honey.