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And as for the thing that ye go about, it shall not come to pass, whereas ye say, 'We will be as the Heathen, and do as other people in the land: wood and stone will we worship.'

"'As truly as I live, sayeth the LORD God, I myself will rule you with a mighty hand, with a stretched out arm, and with indignation poured out over you;

Like as I punished your forefathers in the wilderness, so will I punish you also, sayeth the LORD God.

The forsakers also and the transgressors will I take from among you, and bring them out of the land of your habitations: As for the land of Israel, they shall not come in it: that they may know how that I am the LORD.

For the king of Babylon shall stand in the turning of the way, at the head of the two trees: to ask counsel at the soothsayers, casting the lots with his arrows; to ask counsel at the Idols, and to look in the liver.

Nevertheless, as for the soothsaying, they shall hold it but for vanity; even as though a jest were told them. Yea and they themselves remember their wickedness, so that by right they must be taken and won.

Therefore sayeth the LORD God: Forsomuch as ye yourselves show your offense, and have opened your wickedness, so that in all your works men may see your sins: Yea in so much, I say, that ye yourselves have made mention thereof, ye shall be taken by violence.

because thou hast looked thee out vanities, and prophesied lies, that it may come upon thy neck like as upon the other ungodly which be slain: whose day came, when their wickedness was full.

Therefore, thus sayeth the LORD God: Forsomuch as ye all are turned into dross, behold: I will bring you together unto Jerusalem,

like as silver, and brass, iron, tin, and lead, are put together in the furnace and the fire blown there under to melt them: Even so will I gather you, put you in together, and melt you in my wrath and indignation.

Like as the silver is melted in the fire, so shall ye also be melted therein: that ye may know, how that I the LORD have poured my wrath upon you."

thy Prophets that are in thee are sworn together to devour souls, like as a roaring Lion that liveth by his prey. They receive riches and good, and make many widows in thee.

As for thy Prophets, they daub with untempered clay, they see vanities, and prophesy lies unto thee, saying, 'The LORD God sayeth so,' where as the LORD hath not spoken.

As for Oholah, she began to go a whoring, when I had taken her to me. She was set on fire upon her lovers the Assyrians,

immediately, as soon as she saw them, she burnt in love upon them, and sent messengers for them into the land of the Chaldeans.

her whoredom and shame was discovered and seen: then my heart forsook her, like as my heart was gone from her sister also.

Thus sayeth the LORD God: Thou shalt drink of thy sister's cup, how deep and far soever it be to the bottom. Thou shalt be laughed to scorn, and had as greatly in derision, as is possible.

Therefore thus sayeth the LORD God: Forsomuch as thou hast forgotten me, and cast me aside, so bear now thy own filthiness and whoredom."

And they went into her, as unto a common harlot: Even so went they also to Oholah and Oholibah those filthy women.

O ye all that love virtue and righteousness, judge them! Punish them as adulterers and murderers ought to be judged and punished. For they are breakers of wedlock, and the blood is in their hands.

So I spake unto the people betimes in the morning; and at even my wife died. Then upon the next morrow, I did as I was commanded.

Like as I have done, so shall ye do also: Ye shall not hide your faces, ye shall eat no mourner's bread;

Thus Ezekiel is your show token. For look, as he hath done, so, when this cometh, ye shall do also: that ye may learn to know that I am the LORD God.'"

and say unto the Ammonites, 'Hear the word of the LORD God. Thus sayeth the LORD God: Forsomuch as thou speakest over my Sanctuary, 'Aha,' I trow it be now suspended; and over the land of Israel, I trow it be now desolate; yea, and over the house of Judah, I trow they be now led away prisoners.

As for Rabbah, I will make of it a stall for camels, and of Ammon a sheepfold: and ye shall know that I am the LORD.

For thus sayeth the LORD God: Insomuch as thou hast clapped with thine hands, and stamped with thy feet; yea, rejoiced in thine heart over the land of Israel with despite;

"'Thus sayeth the LORD God: Forsomuch as Moab and Seir do say, 'As for the house of Judah, it is but like as all other Gentiles be,'

Therefore, behold, I will make the cities of Moab weaponless, and take away their strength, their cities, and chief coasts of their land which are the pleasures of the country: As namely. Bethjeshimoth, Baalmeon, and Kiriathaim.

Thus sayeth the LORD God: Forsomuch as the Philistines have done this - namely taken vengeance with despiteful stomachs, and of an old evil will set themselves to destroy -

Yea therefore sayeth the LORD God: Behold O Tyre, I will upon thee, I will bring a great multitude of people against thee, like as when the sea ariseth with his waves:

Yea, as the drying place, where the fishers hang up their nets by the seaside. Even I have spoken it, sayeth the LORD God. The Gentiles shall spoil her:

The dust of his horses shall cover thee, they shall be so many: thy walls shall shake at the noise of the horsemen, chariots and wheels when he cometh to thy ports, as men do into an open city.

For thus sayeth the LORD God: when I make thee a desolate city, as other cities be, that no man dwell in, and when I bring the deep upon thee, that great waters may cover thee:

and heavy lamentation; yea, their children also shall weep for thee. Alas, what city hath so been destroyed in the sea, as Tyre is?

Therefore thus sayeth the LORD God: Forsomuch as thou hast lift up thine heart, as though thou were God:

as they that be slain. Let see, if thou wilt say then, before them that slay thee, 'I am God' - whereas thou art but a man and not God, in the hands of them that slayeth thee.

Die shalt thou, even as the uncircumcised in the hands of the enemies: for I myself have spoken it, sayeth the LORD God.'"

As for Pathros, I will make it desolate, and kindle a fire in Zoan.

"Behold, thou son of man, I will brake the arm of Pharaoh king of Egypt: and lo, it shall not be bound up to be healed, neither shall any plaster be laid upon it, for to ease it, or to make it so strong as to hold a sword.

As for the Egyptians, I will scatter them among the Heathen, and straw them in the lands about.

"'Therefore, thus sayeth the LORD God: Forsomuch as he hath lift up himself so high, and stretched his top into the clouds, and seeing his heart is proud in his highness:

so that from henceforth, no tree in the water shall attain to his highness, nor reach his top unto the clouds, neither shall any tree of the water stand so high, as he hath done. For unto death shall they all be delivered under the earth, and go down to the grave, like other men.

"Thou son of man, take up a lamentation upon Pharaoh the king of Egypt, and say unto him, 'Thou art reputed as a Lion of the Heathen, and as a whalefish in the sea. Thou castest thy waters about thee, thou troublest the waters with thy feet, and stampest in their floods.

Should not they then lie also among the worthies, and uncircumcised Giants which with their weapons are gone down to hell? Whose swords are laid under their heads, whose wickedness is upon their bones, because that as worthies they have brought fear in to the land of the living.

Tell them, 'As truly as I live, sayeth the LORD God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but much rather that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn you, turn you from your ungodly ways, O ye of the house of Israel. Oh, wherefore will ye die?'

Yea the sins that he hath done, shall never be thought upon: For insomuch as he doth now the thing that is lawful and right, he shall live.

Say thou these words unto them, 'Thus sayeth the LORD God: As truly as I live, all ye that dwell in this wilderness, shall be slain with the sword. Whatsoever is upon the field, will I give unto the beasts to be devoured: those that be in strongholds and dens, shall die of the pestilence.

These come unto thee, after the manner of a great people: yea, my people sit down before thee, and hear thy words, but they do not thereafter: for in their mouths they show themselves, as though they were fervent, but their heart goeth after their own covetous lucre.

And as a ballad that hath a sweet tune, and is pleasant to sing, so shalt thou be unto them: thy words shall they hear, but they will not do thereafter.

Thus sayeth the LORD God: As truly as I live, forsomuch as my sheep are robbed, and devoured of all the wild beasts of the field, having no shepherd: and seeing that my shepherds take no regard of my sheep, but feed themselves only, and not my sheep:

Like as a shepherd among the flock seeketh after the sheep that are scattered abroad, even so will I seek after my sheep, and gather them together out of all places, where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day.

"'And as for you, O my sheep, sayeth the LORD God: I will put a difference among the sheep, among the wethers and the goats.

forsomuch as ye have shot the weak sheep upon the sides and shoulders, and run upon them with your horns, so long till ye have utterly scattered them abroad.

Forsomuch as thou bearest an old enemy against the children of Israel, and with a cruel hand hast made them afraid, what time as they were troubled and punished for their sin:

Therefore, as truly as I live, sayeth the LORD God, I will prepare thee unto blood. Yea, blood shall follow upon thee: seeing thou layest wait for blood, therefore shall blood persecute thee.

Therefore thus sayeth the LORD God: As truly as I live, I will handle thee according to thy wrath and jealousy, like as thou hast dealt cruelly with them - that I may be known among them, how I have punished thee.

And like as thou, O mount Seir, wast glad because the heritage of the house of Israel was destroyed: even so will I do unto thee also, that thou and whole Edom shall be destroyed - and know that I am the LORD.'"

Prophesy therefore upon the land of Israel, speak unto the mountains and hills, to valleys and dales; thus sayeth the LORD God: Behold, this have I devised in my jealousy and terrible wrath. Forsomuch as ye have suffered reproof of the Heathen,

And as for you, O mountains of Israel, ye shall shoot out your branches, and bring forth your fruit to my people of Israel: for it is hard by, that it will come.

Again, thus sayeth the LORD God: Forsomuch as they say unto you, 'Thou art an eater-up of men, and a waster of thy people,'

Moreover, thus sayeth the LORD God: What time as I shall cleanse you from all your offenses, then will I make the cities to be occupied again, and will repair the places that be decayed.

Thus sayeth the LORD God: I will yet once be found again of the house of Israel, and do this for them: I shall increase them as a flock of men.

Like as the holy flock and the flock of Jerusalem are in the high solemn feasts: so shall also the wild wasted cities be filled with flocks of men. And they shall know, that I am the LORD."

So I prophesied, as he had commanded me: and as I was prophesying, there came a noise and a great motion, so that the bones ran every one to another.

So I prophesied, as he had commanded me: then came the breath into them and they received life, and stood up upon their feet: a marvelous great sortie.

Thou shalt come up like a stormy weather to cover the land, and as it were a dark cloud: thou with all thine hosts, and a great multitude of people with thee.

Yea, thou shalt come upon my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land. This shall come to pass in the latter days: I will bring thee up into my land, that the Heathen may know me, when I get me honour upon thee; O Gog, before their eyes.

As for thy bow, I will smite it out of thy left hand, and cast thine arrows out of thy righthand.

even into the land of Israel brought he me in the visions of God: and set me down upon a marvelous high mountain, whereupon there was a building, as it had been of a city, toward the north.

his windows and porches with his date trees, had even like measure as the door toward the east: there were seven steps to go up upon, and their porch before them.

His chambers, pillars, and porches had even the same measure, as they first had: and with his porches he had windows round about. The height was fifty cubits, the breadth twenty five cubits:

And on the outside as men go forth to the north door, there stood two tables.

So he measured the fore court, which had in length a hundred cubits, and as much in breadth by the four corners. Now the altar stood before the house:

The byposts of the temple were four squared, and the fashion of the Sanctuary was even as it appeared unto me afore in the vision.

And upon the doors of the temple there were made Cherubims and date trees, like as upon the walls: and a great thick balk of wood was before on the outside of the porch.

Upon both the sides of the walls of the porch there were made deep windows and date trees, having beams and balks, like as the house had.

Before the same building upon this side there were chambers also which had a way unto them, like as the chambers on the north side of the same length and wideness. Their entrance, fashion and doors were all of the same manner.

Yea, even like as the other chamber doors were, so were those also of the south side. And before the way toward the singers' steps on the east side, there stood a door to go in at.

So he measured all the four sides where there went a wall round about five hundred measuring rods long, and as broad also which separated the holy from the unholy.

His sight to look upon was like the first, that I saw, when I went in, what time as the city should have been destroyed: and like the vision that I saw by the water of Chebar. Then fell I upon my face,

The next day, take a goat buck without blemish for a sin offering, to reconcile the altar withal: like as it was reconciled with the bullock.

Then brought he me to the door, upon the North side of the house. And as I looked about me, behold, the glory of the LORD filled the house: and I fell down upon my face.

But no dead carrion shall the priest eat, nor such as is devoured of wild beasts, fouls or cattle."

When ye divide the land by the lot, ye shall put aside one part for the LORD, to be holy from other lands: namely twenty five thousand measuring rods long, and ten thousand broad. This shall be holy, as wide as it is round about.

As for the Sanctuary, it shall stand for itself: and to the Levites that serve in the house, there shall be given twenty habitations, of the twenty five thousand length and ten thousand breadth.

Upon both the sides of the Sanctuary's part, and by the city, there shall be given unto the prince, whatsoever lieth over against the city, as far as reacheth westward and eastward: which shall be as long as one part, from the west unto the east.

This shall be his own land in Israel, that my princes be no more chargeable unto my people. And such as remaineth yet over in the land, shall be given unto the house of Israel according to their tribes.

And thus shalt thou do also the seventh day of the month, for such as have sinned of ignorance, or being deceived, to reconcile the house withal.

Upon the fifteenth day of the seventh month, he shall keep the seven days holy one after another, even as the other seven days: with the sin offering, burnt offering, meat offering, and with the oil."

and an Ephah for a meat offering, with the ram. As for the lambs, he may give as many meat offerings to them, as he will, and a Hin of oil to an Ephah.

But when the people of the land come before the LORD in the high solemn feast, as many as come in by the North door to do worship, shall go out again at the South door. And they that come in at the South door shall go forth again at the North door. There shall none go out at the door where he came in, but shall go forth right over on the other side,

Upon the solemn and high feast days, this shall be the meat offering: an Ephah to a bullock and an Ephah to a ram, and to the lambs: as many as he will, but ever a Hin of oil to an Ephah.

Now when the prince bringeth a burnt offering or a health offering with a free will unto the LORD, the East door shall be opened unto him, that he may do with his burnt and health offerings, as he doth upon the Sabbath, and when he goeth forth, the door shall be shut after him again.

By this river shall the fishers stand from Engedi unto Eneglaim, and there spread out their nets: for there shall be great heaps of fish, like as in the main sea.

As for his clay and pits, they shall not be whole. For why? It shall be occupied for salt.

Part it indifferently unto one as unto another: of the which land I swore unto your fathers, that it should fall to your inheritance.

This is the border of the land upon the north side, from the main sea, as men go to Zeded:

and divide it to be a heritage for you, and for the strangers that dwell among you, and begotten children. For ye shall take them among the children of Israel, like as though they were of your own household and country, and they shall have heritage with you among the children of Israel.

Upon the borders of Judah from the east part unto the west, ye shall set aside one portion of twenty five thousand measuring rods long and broad - like as another portion from the east side unto the west - wherein the Sanctuary shall stand.

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