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And God shall make a firmament, and he shall separate between the waters which are from the lower part of the firmament and between the waters which are from the upper part of the firmament: and it shall be so.

Verse ConceptsBefore The FloodThings UnderWaters DividingThings On HighWhat Else God CreatedAtmospheredivisionspacecrusadesThe Vastness Of Nature

The name of the one, Pison: it is that surrounding all the land Havilah, where there is gold.

Verse ConceptsThings Surrounding

For God is knowing in the day of your eating from it, and your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as God, knowing good and evil.

Verse ConceptsAwarenessSin, Causes OfWorldly Ambition ExamplesSatan, Work OfEyes OpenedArrogantly Like GodEating Forbidden FoodKnowing Right And WrongMen As GodsNASB

And Lamech will say his wives, Adah and Zillah, Hear my voice, ye wives of Lamech, and give ear to my word: for I killed a man to my wound, and a son to my cutting.

Verse ConceptsAbel and CainPay Attention To People!

And it shall be when man begins to multiply upon the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them,

Verse ConceptsPeople MultiplyingPeople BeginningBuilding Relationships

Giants were in the earth in these days, and also after that, when the sons of God shall come in to the daughters of man and they shall bring forth to them which are men of old, men of name.

Verse ConceptsGiantsAntediluviansBefore The FloodWarriorsMarital SexAngels As Sons Of GodMarital Sex BetweenAngels Interacting With PeoplePeople Have HonourInterracial MarriageSame Sex Marriageheroes

From clean beasts, and from cattle which are not clean, and from birds and all which creeps upon the earth.

Verse ConceptsTwo AnimalsClean And Unclean

In the year of six hundred years of Noah's life, in the second month, in the seventeenth day of the month, in the same day all the fountains of the great deep were divided and the sluices of the heavens were opened.

Verse ConceptsBefore The FloodGeologyThe DelugeCalendarsSudden DestructionMonth 2The Act Of OpeningOpening HeavenWindows Of HeavenThe Sea Stirred UpFloods

And the waters prevailed exceedingly exceedingly upon the earth: and all the high mountains which are underneath all the heavens shall be covered.

Verse ConceptsCovering The Earth

And the waters were going and diminishing until the tenth month: in the tenth, in the one of the month, the heads of the mountains were seen.

Verse ConceptsMonth 10VisibilityWaters SubsidingMonths

And he shall send forth the dove from with him to see if the waters were diminished from the face of the earth.

Verse ConceptsBirds, Types Of BirdsPeople Sending CreaturesSeeing SituationsWaters Subsiding

And the dove found not rest to the hollow of her foot, and she will turn back to him to the ark, for the waters are over the face of all the earth; and he will send forth his hand and will take her and will cause her to come to him to the ark.

Verse ConceptsFeetStretching OutNot Being StillFeet In ActionNot StillNoah's Flood

And the dove will come in to him at the time of evening, and lo, an olive leaf plucked off, in her mouth. And Noah will know that the waters were diminished from over the earth.

Verse ConceptsOlivesBreaking SticksKnowing FactsWaters SubsidingOlive TreesFloodsRainbow

And it shall be in the one and six hundredth year, in the beginning, in one of the month, the waters were diminished from over the earth: and Noah will turn away the covering of the ark, and he will see and behold the face of the earth was dry.

Verse ConceptsBefore The FloodMonth 2The Act Of OpeningOpening Walls

And the fear of you, and the dread of you, shall be upon every living thing of the earth, and upon every bird of the heavens, upon every thing which shall creep along the earth and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand they were given.

Verse ConceptsAnimalsAnimal LifeFearResponsibility, For God's WorldBirds, Features OfMan's DominionMan's FunctionFear And AnimalsGifts Of GodOther Gifts Of GodRelation Of Animals To ManThe RainbowRainbow

And surely, your blood of your lives I will search out, from the hand of every living thing I will search it out, and from the hand of man; from the hand of a man's brother I will search out the life of man.

Verse ConceptsGuardiansCapital PunishmentResponsibility For Blood ShedDeath Penalty For KillingRelation Of Animals To ManAnimals Having A SoulThe RainbowPetsaccounting

And I, behold I establish my covenant with you and with your seed after you.

Verse ConceptsThe RainbowRainbow

By these were the isles of the nations divided in their lands; a man according to his tongue, according to their tribe, in their nations

Verse ConceptsClansLanguages ConfusedCoastlandsLanguages SeparatedIdentity

And the Arvadite, and the Zemarite, and the Hamathite: and afterward the families of the Catiaanites were dispersed.

Verse ConceptsScattering The Peoples

These the families of Noah after their generations, in their nations and by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood.

Verse ConceptsNationalismNoah's Flood

And Haran will die at the face of Terah his father in the land of his birth, in Ur of the Chaldees.

Verse Conceptsnatural DeathDeath Of A Father

And Terah will take Abram his son, and Lot the son of Haran, his son's son, and Sarai his daughter-in-law, his son Abram's wife, and they shall come forth with them from Ur of the Chaldees, to move to the land of Canaan and they will come to Haran, and will dwell there.

Verse ConceptsAbrahamGrandchildrenAbraham, Calling And LifeLiving In The LandLand Promised To Israel

And to Lot also going with Abram, were sheep and oxen and tents.

Verse ConceptsTentsOwning LivestockPossessing Sheep

And the land supported them not to dwell together, for their acquisition was a multitude, and they were not able to dwell together.

Verse ConceptsAbraham, Calling And LifeLiving TogetherPeople Providing

And Abram will say to Lot, Now there shall not be strife between me and between thee, and between my shepherds and between thy shepherds, for we are men brethren.

Verse ConceptsAbraham, Testing And VictoryLove Between RelativesConflictFamily ConflictResolving Conflict

Made war with Bera, king of Sodom, and with Birsha, king of Gomorrah, Shinab, king of Admah, and Shemeber, king of Zeboim, and the king of Bela, this is Zoar.

Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and the thirteenth year they revolted.

Verse ConceptsTen To Fourteen Years

And in the fourteenth year came Chedorlaomer, and the kings that were with him, and they shall smite the Rephaims in Ashtaroth Karnaim, and the Zuzims in Ham, and the Emims in Shaveh Kiriathaim.

Verse ConceptsGiants

And there shall come forth the king of Sodom and the king of Gomorrah, and the king of Admah, and the king of Zeboim, and the king of Bela (this is Zoar), and they shall set in array with them the war in the valley of Siddim,

Verse ConceptsValleys

And the king of Sodom shall come forth to his meeting (after his return from the destroying of Chedorlaomer and the kings which were with him) at the valley of Shaveh; this is the king's valley.

Verse ConceptsCarnageMeeting People

And he will say to him, I am Jehovah who brought thee from Ur of the Chaldees to give thee this land to inherit it.

Verse ConceptsAbrahamProperty, LandWorldlinessThe Promised LandI Am The LordBringing People Out Of Other Places

And ye circumcised the flesh of your uncircumcision; and it was for a sign of the covenant between me and between you.

Verse ConceptsForeskinsCircumcision

And the son of eight days shall be circumcised, every male of your generations being born in the house, and he bought with silver, from every son of the stranger which is not of thy seed.

Verse ConceptsGenerationsBuying and sellingMoney, Uses OfLess Than A Year OldBorn In One's HouseCircumcisionGroups Of Slaves

He shall be circumcised with circumcising, he being born in thy house, and bought with thy silver: and my covenant was in your flesh for an eternal covenant

Verse ConceptsServanthood, In SocietyProselytesThe Eternal CovenantBorn In One's HouseCircumcisionGod's Covenant With The PatriarchsGroups Of Slaves

And my covenant will I set up with Isaak whom Sarah shall bring forth to thee at this appointed time in another year.

Verse ConceptsGod's Covenant With The PatriarchsThe Time AppointedAbrahamic Covenantcovenantsarah

And all the men of his house, born in his house, and bought with silver of the son of the stranger, were circumcised with him.

Verse ConceptsGroups Of Slaves

And I will take a bit of food, and strengthen your heart, afterwards ye shall pass away; for, for this ye passed over to your servant And they will say, Thou shalt do according to what thou saidst

Verse ConceptsBread, As FoodServanthood, In Life Of BelieversPeople Refreshed

And they will say to him, Where is Sarah thy wife? and he will say, Behold, in the tent.

Verse ConceptsWhere Are People?sarah

Perhaps there is fifty just in the midst of the city: wilt thou also destroy and not forgive the place for the sake of the fifty just which are within it?

Verse ConceptsFiftiesDestruction Of CitiesNot SparingNumbers Of Righteous People

And he will say, Behold now, lords, turn aside now to the house of your servant, and pass the night, and wash your feet, and ye shall rise early. and go forth to your ways. And they will say, Nay; for in the street we will pass the night

Verse ConceptsFoot washingGuestsMorningServanthood, In SocietySalutationsHospitalityFeet WashingTravellersCity SquaresClean FeetThose Who Rose EarlyCare Of FeetStaying Temporarily

And they will call to Lot, and will say to him, Where the men which came to thee this night? bring them out to us and we shall know them.

Verse ConceptsSelf IndulgenceVulgarityHomosexualitySexual Union IntendedWhere Are People?sex

Behold now, to me two daughters who have not known man'; now I will bring them forth to you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes: only to these men ye shall not do any thing; for, for this they came in the shadow of my city.

Verse ConceptsdaughtersRooftopVirginTwo WomenLeaving People AloneNever Giving UpFather And Daughter RelationshipsProtecting Your FamilyFathers And Daughters

And the men which were at the door of the house, they struck with blindness, from small to great: and they will be wearied to find the door.

Verse ConceptsdisabilitiesGod BlindingNot Finding

And the men will say to Lot, Who to thee here yet? son-in-law, and thy sons, and thy daughters, and all which are to thee in the city, bring forth out of this place.

Verse ConceptsSons In LawRelatives Also InvolvedBringing People Out Of Other Places

And the first-born will say to the small, our father has become old, and not a man in the earth to come in to us according to the way of all the earth:

Verse ConceptsAbsence Of SexFirstborn DaughtersNo One AvailableUnpremeditatedFather And Daughter Relationships

Come, we will give to our father wine to drink, and we will lie down with him, and we shall preserve alive seed from our father.

Verse ConceptsCourteousnessgrandfathers

And it shall be on the morrow, and the first-born will say to the small, Behold, I lay down yesterday with my father: we will also give him wine to drink this night; and go thou, lie down with him, and we shall preserve alive seed from our father.

Verse ConceptsFirstborn Daughters

And now turn back to the man the woman; for he is a prophet, and he shall pray for thee, and do thou live: and if thou turn her not back, know that dying, thou shalt die, thou and all which are to thee.

Verse ConceptsMediatorAbraham, The Friend Of GodKept Alive By MenDeath As PunishmentReinstating PeoplePraying For SinnersNamed Prophets Of The LordHusband And WifeGiving Back

And to Sarah he said, Behold, I gave a thousand of silver to thy brother; behold, he is to thee for a garment of the eyes to all who are with thee, and with all: and she was set right

Verse ConceptsCoveringSilverA Thousand ThingsMan VindicatesSpecific Sums Of MoneyPeople Giving Other Things

And God will hear the voice of the child: and the messenger of God will call to Hagar from the heavens, and will say to her, What to thee Hagar? thou. shalt not fear, for God heard the voice of the child, from where he is.

Verse ConceptsAbrahamAngel of the LordHeaven And AngelsAngstGod HearingWhat Is The Matter?God Speaks From HeavenDo Not Fear For God Will Help

And Isaak will say to Abraham his father, and he will say, My father: and he will say, Behold, me, my son: And he will say, Behold the fire and the wood, and where the sheep for a burnt offering?

Verse ConceptsFireLambsBurning SacrificesFirewoodBehold Me!Sheep And GoatsWhere Are Things?

Hear us, lord; thou a prince of God in the midst of us: in the choice of our graves, bury thy dead; a man of us shall not withhold from thee his grave from burying thy dead.

Verse ConceptsPrincesAbraham, In SocietySepulchresConsentThe Cave Of MachpelahBurying places

And he will speak to them, saying, If it is your soul to bury my dead from my face, hear me, and entreat for me to Ephron, son of Zohar.

And Ephron's field will stand, which is in Machpelah, which is before the face of Mamra, the field and cave which are in it, and every tree which is in the field, which lsin all the bounds round about

Verse ConceptsCaves For Burying

And the servant will say to him, Perhaps the woman will not be willing to come after me to this land: shall I turning back, turn back your son to the land from whence thou camest?

Verse ConceptsReturning to the oldPeople Unwilling

And the man looking with attention at her, being silent to know whether Jehovah prospered his way or not

Verse ConceptsIndividuals Being SilentSilenceLooking Intently At PeopleSuccess Through God

And the man will come into the house and will loosen the camels, and give straw and fodder to the camels, and water to wash his feet, and the feet of the men which are with him.

Verse ConceptsBathing, For CleansingGuestsMangersStrawWaterFeet WashingThings StrippedEntering HousesFeeding AnimalsMan Providing WaterClean FeetCare Of Feet

And now if ye are doing kindness and truth with my lord, announce to me, and if not, announce to me; and I shall turn to the right hand or to the left.

Verse ConceptsChanging DirectionGiving InformationTurning To Right And Left

And Laban will answer, and Bethuel, and they will say, This word came from Jehovah; we shall not be able to speak to thee, evil or good.

Verse ConceptsGod In Relation To ManUnable To Harm

And they will eat and drink, he and the men which were with him; and they will pass the night; and they will rise up in the morning, and he will say, Send me forth to my lord.

Verse ConceptsLeisure, And PastimesEating And DrinkingPeople Sending People

And they will bless Rebekah and will say to her, Thou our sister; be thou into thousands of ten thousands, and thy seed shall inherit the gate of his enemies.

Verse ConceptsBenedictionsBlessedA Million And MoreCapturing GatesPeople OvercomingPeople Who Blessed OthersChildren Being A Blessing

And Jokshan begat Sheba, and Dedan. And the sons of Dedan were Asshurim, and Letushim and Leummim.

And to the sons of the concubines which were to Abraham, Abraham gave gifts, and he will send them away from Isaak his son (in his yet living) from the east to the east land.

Verse ConceptsGroups Sent Away

And Jehovah will say to her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two peoples shall be separated from thy belly: and a people shall be strong above a people, and the great shall serve the small.

Verse ConceptsBabies In The WombFavouritismJacob, The PatriarchSubjectionTwo GroupsFreshness Of YouthWombServing PeopleStrong NationsOvercoming Adversity

And it was when the days there were long to him, and Abimelech king of the Philistines shall bend forward through the window, and will see, and behold, Isaak playing with Rebekah his wife.

Verse ConceptsLooking Through WindowsAfter A Long TimeSportshugs

And the shepherds of Gerar will contend with Isaak's shepherds, saying; The waters are to us: and he will call the name of the well Esek; because they strove with him.

Verse ConceptsServants, BadDishonesty, Examples OfPeople Possessing Other ThingsPeople Naming ThingsStock Keeping

And Isaak will say to Jacob, Come near, now, and I shall feel thee, my son, if thou this my son Esau or not

Verse ConceptsDistinguishingIs It Really?Contact With People

And he knew him not, for his hands were as the hands of Esau, his brother of hair: and he will praise him.

Verse ConceptsHairy PeopleNot Recognising PeoplePeople Who Blessed Others

And Esau will see that the daughters of Canaan are evil in the eyes of Isaak his father.

Verse ConceptsSeeing SituationsTroubling Individualshumor

And Jacob will say to them, My brethren, whence are ye? and they will say, We are from Haran.

Verse ConceptsWhere From?

He yet speaking to them, and Rachel came with the sheep were to her father; for she fed them.

Verse ConceptsWhile Still SpeakingThose Who Kept Stock

And Laban will say, It shall not be done so in our place, to give the small before the first-born.

Verse ConceptsdaughtersCustom

And in the sheep being feeble, he will not put in: and those being feeble, were to Laban, and those being strong, to Jacob.

Verse ConceptsStrength Of AnimalsWeak Animals

And he will hear the words of Laban's sons, saying, Jacob took all which was to our father, and from what was to our father he made all this multitude.

Verse ConceptsEnvy, Example OfGetting RichTaking Possessions

And will say to them, I saw the face of your father that it is not towards me as yesterday the third day: and the God of my father was with me.

Verse ConceptsGod With Specific PeopleWorseChange

And God will take away the cattle of your father and will give them to me.

Verse ConceptsGifts Of GodOther Gifts Of GodTaking Animals

I the God of the house of God, where thou didst anoint there a pillar; where thou didst vow to me there a vow: now arise, go forth from this land, and turn back to the land of thy kindred.

Verse ConceptsOilMonumentsI Am GodAnointing Things

And Rachel will answer, and Leah, and they will say to him, Is yet to us a portion and inheritance in our father's house?

Verse ConceptsNot Sharing

Were we not reckoned strangers by him? for he sold us, and also eating, he ate up our silver.

Verse ConceptsReckoningReckoned As Foreigners

For all the riches which God took away from our father, that is to us and to our sons: and now all which God said to thee, do.

Verse ConceptsGetting RichTaking Possessions

And Laban went to shear his sheep; and Rachel will steal the family gods which were to her father.

Verse ConceptsCriminalsHousehold GodsSheepStealingSuffering, Causes OfSheep ShearingRobbing Gods

It is for the power of my hand mighty to do with you evil: and the God of your father yesterday spake to me, saying, Watch to thyself from speaking with Jacob from good to evil.

Verse ConceptsWarning IndividualsPeople Possibly Doing EvilPowerHurtParents Being Wronghurting

With whom thou shalt find thy gods, he shall not live: before our brethren, behold for thyself what is with me and take to thee: and Jacob knew not that Rachel stole them.

Verse ConceptsApproval To KillRobbing GodsIn Men's Presence

These twenty years I am with thee; thy sheep and thy she-goats were not barren, and the rams of thy flock, I ate not.

Verse ConceptsPregnancyRams20 To 30 YearsMiscarrying Animals