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For that is his coverlet only: even the raiment for his skin wherein he sleepeth: or else he will cry unto me and I will hear him, for I am merciful.

But the flesh of the ox and his skin and his dung, shalt thou burn with fire, without the host. For it is a sin offering.

And Moses came down from mount Sinai, and the two tables of witness in his hand, and yet he wist not that the skin of his face shone with beams of his communing with him.

And when Aaron and all the children of Israel looked upon Moses and saw that the skin of his face shone with beams, they were afraid to come nigh him.

And the children of Israel saw the face of Moses, that the skin of his face shone with beams: but Moses put a covering upon his face, until he went in to commune with him.

But the skin of the ox and all his flesh with his head, his legs, his inwards with his dung,

And the priest that offered a man's burnt offering, shall have the skin of the burnt offering which he hath offered.

And whatsoever any of the dead carcasses of them fall upon, shall be unclean: whatsoever vessel of wood it be, or raiment, or skin, or bag or whatsoever thing it be that any work is wrought with all. And they shall be plunged in the water and be unclean until the even, and then they shall be clean again.

"When there appeareth a rising in any man's flesh - either a scab or a glistering white - as though the plague of leprosy were in the skin of his flesh, then let him be brought unto Aaron the priest or unto one of his sons, the priests.

And let the priest look on the sore that is in the skin of his flesh. If the hair in the sore be turned unto white, and the sore also seem to be lower than the skin of his flesh, then it is surely a leprosy, and let the priest look on him and make him unclean.

If there be but a white pleck in the skin of his flesh, and seem not to be lower than the other skin nor the hair thereof is turned unto white: then let the priest shut him up seven days.

And let the priest look upon him the seventh day: if the sore seem to him to abide still and to go no further in the skin, then let the priest shut him up yet seven days more.

And let the priest look on him again the seventh day. Then if the sore be waxed blackish, and is not grown abroad in the skin, let the priest make him clean, for it is but a scurf. And let him wash his clothes, and then he is clean.

But and if the scab grow in the skin after that he is seen of the priest again.

If the priest see that the scab be grown abroad in the skin, let him make him unclean: for it is surely a leprosy.

and let the priest see him. If the rising appear white in the skin, and have also made the hair white, and there be raw flesh in the sore also:

then it is an old leprosy in the skin of his flesh. And the priest shall make him unclean, and shall not shut him up for he is unclean.

If a leprosy break out in the skin and cover all the skin from the head to the foot, over all wheresoever the priest looketh,

If, when the priest seeth him, it appear lower than the other skin and the hair thereof be changed unto white, let the priest judge him unclean: for it is a very leprosy, that is broken out in the place of the boil.

But and if, when the priest looketh on it, there be no white hairs therein neither the scab lower than the other skin and be somewhat blackish, then the priest shall shut him apart seven days.

"When the skin of any man's flesh is burnt with fire that it be raw and there appear, in the burning, a glistering white that is somewhat reddish or altogether white,

let the priest look upon it. If the hair in that brightness be changed to white and it also appear lower than the other skin, then it is a leprosy that is broken out in the place of the burning. And the priest shall judge him unclean, for it is a leprosy.

But and if, when the priest looketh on it, he see that there is no white hair in the brightness, and that it is no lower than the other skin, and that it is also blackish, then let the priest shut him up seven days.

And if, when the priest looketh on him the seventh day, it be grown abroad in the skin, let him judge him unclean: for it is a leprosy.

But and if that brightness abide still in one place and go no further in the skin and be blackish, then it is but a rising in the place of the burning, and the priest shall make him clean: for it is but the print of the burning only.

And if it appear lower than the other skin, and there be therein golden hairs and thin, let the priest judge him unclean, for it is a breaking out of leprosy upon the head or beard.

If, when the priest looketh on the breaking out, he see that it is no lower than the other skin and that there are black hairs therein, let him shut him up seven days.

And let the priest look on the disease the seventh day: and if the breaking out be gone no further, neither be any golden hairs therein neither the scab be lower than the other skin,

And let the priest look on the breaking out the seventh day again: If the breaking out be gone no further in the skin nor more lower than the other skin, then let the priest judge him clean, and let him wash his clothes and then he is clean.

If the breaking out grow in the skin after that he is once judged clean,

let the priest see him. If it be grown abroad indeed in the skin, let the priest seek no further for any golden hairs, for he is unclean.

"If there be found in the skin of the flesh of man or woman a glistering white,

let the priest see it. If there appear in their flesh a glistering white somewhat blackish, then it is but freckles grown up in the skin: and he is clean.

And let the priest see it: and if the rising of the sore be reddish white in his bald head or forehead after the manner of a leprosy in the skin of the flesh,

yea and whether it be in the warp or woof of the linen or of the woolen: either in a skin or any thing made of skin,

if the disease be pale or somewhat reddish in the cloth or skin: whether it be in the warp or the woof or any thing that is made of skin, then it is a very leprosy, and must be showed unto the priest.

and let him look on the plague the seventh day. If it be increased in the cloth: whether it be in the warp or woof or in a skin or in anything that is made of skin, then the plague is a fretting leprosy, and it is unclean:

And that cloth shall be burnt, either warp or woof, whether it be woolen or linen or anything that is made of skin wherein the plague is, for it is a fretting leprosy, and shall be burnt in the fire.

"If the priest see that the plague hath fretten no further in the cloth: either in the warp or woof or in whatsoever thing of skin it be,

But and if the priest see that it is somewhat blackish after that it is washed, let him rent it out of the cloth, or out of the skin or out of the warp or woof.

But and if it appear any more in the cloth either in the warp or in the woof or in anything made of skin, then it is a waxing plague. And see that ye burn that with fire, wherein the plague is.

Moreover, the cloth, either warp or woof or whatsoever thing of skin it be which thou hast washed and the plague be departed from it, shall be washed once again: and then it is clean.

And he shall cause the cow to be burnt in his sight: both skin, flesh and blood, with the dung also.

And they said unto him, "It was a hairy man and girded with a girdle of a skin about his loins." And he said unto them, "It is Elijah the Tishbite."

Satan answered the LORD, and said, "Skin for skin? Yea, a man will give all that ever he hath, for his life.

Thou hast covered me with skin and flesh, and joined me together with bones and sinews.

I have sewed a sackcloth upon my skin, and lie with my strength in the dust.

He shall eat the strength of his own skin; the firstborn of death shall eat his members.

My bone hangeth to my skin, and my flesh is away; there is left me only the skin about my teeth.

that I shall be clothed again with this skin, and see God in my flesh.

My skin upon me is turned to black, and my bones are burnt with heat;

Canst thou fill the net with his skin, or the fish panner with his head?

{Beth} My flesh and my skin hath he made old, my bones hath he bruised.

{Khet} But now their faces are very black: Insomuch, that thou shouldest not know them in the streets. Their skin cleaveth to their bones; It is withered, and become like a dry stock.

I will give you sinews, and make flesh grow upon you, and cover you over with skin: and so give you breath, that ye may live and know that I am the LORD.'"

Now when I had looked, behold, they had sinews, and flesh grew upon them: and above they were covered with skin, but there was no breath in them.

ye eat the flesh of my people, and flay of their skin; ye break their bones, ye chop them in pieces as it were into a cauldron, and as flesh into a pot.

This John had his garment of camel's hair, and a girdle of a skin about his loins; his meat was locusts and wild honey.

John was clothed with camel's hair, and with a girdle of a beast's skin about his loins. And he did eat locusts and wild honey,