Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

And, even if the Good News that we bring is veiled, it is veiled only in the case of those who are on the path to Ruin-- Men whose minds have been blinded by the God of this Age, unbelievers as they are, so that the light from the Good News of the glory of the Christ, who is the very incarnation of God, should not shine for them.

And, even if the Good News that we bring is veiled, it is veiled only in the case of those who are on the path to Ruin-- Men whose minds have been blinded by the God of this Age, unbelievers as they are, so that the light from the Good News of the glory of the Christ, who is the very incarnation of God, should not shine for them.

The rest grew callous; as Scripture says--'God has given them a deadness of mind--eyes that are not to see and ears that are not to hear--and it is so to this very day.'

And Jesus went all through Galilee, teaching in their Synagogues, proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom, and curing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness among the people;

If others share in this right over you, do not we even more? Still we did not avail ourselves of this right. No, we endure anything rather than impede the progress of the Good News of the Christ.

And, even if the Good News that we bring is veiled, it is veiled only in the case of those who are on the path to Ruin--

And on my behalf also, that, when I begin to speak, words may be given me, so that I may fearlessly make known the inmost truth of the Good News,

And, even if the Good News that we bring is veiled, it is veiled only in the case of those who are on the path to Ruin-- Men whose minds have been blinded by the God of this Age, unbelievers as they are, so that the light from the Good News of the glory of the Christ, who is the very incarnation of God, should not shine for them.

And, even if the Good News that we bring is veiled, it is veiled only in the case of those who are on the path to Ruin--

"Whoever loves me," Jesus answered, " will lay my Message to heart; and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him. He who does not love me will not lay my Message to heart; and the Message to which you are listening is not my own, but that of the Father who sent me. I have told you all this while still with you, read more.
But the Helper--the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my Name--he will teach you all things, and will recall to your minds all that I have said to you. Peace be with you! My own peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, or dismayed. You heard me say that I was going away and would return to you. Had you loved me, you would have been glad that I was going to the Father, because the Father is greater than I. And this I have told you now before it happens, that, when it does happen, you may still believe in me. I shall not talk with you much more, for the Spirit that is ruling the world is coming. He has nothing in common with me;

And, even if the Good News that we bring is veiled, it is veiled only in the case of those who are on the path to Ruin-- Men whose minds have been blinded by the God of this Age, unbelievers as they are, so that the light from the Good News of the glory of the Christ, who is the very incarnation of God, should not shine for them.

Yet I am only telling you the truth; it is for your good that I should go away. For otherwise the Helper will never come to you, but, if I leave you, I will send him to you. And he, when he comes, will bring conviction to the world as to Sin, and as to Righteousness, and as to Judgment; As to Sin, for men do not believe in me; read more.
As to Righteousness, for I am going to the Father, and you will see me no longer; As to Judgment, for the Spirit that is ruling this world has been condemned.

Yet there is a philosophy that we teach to those whose faith is matured, but it is not the philosophy of to-day, nor that of the leaders of to-day-men whose downfall is at hand. No, it is a divine philosophy that we teach, one concerned with the hidden purpose of God-that long-hidden philosophy which God, before time began, destined for our glory. This philosophy is not known to any of the leaders of to-day; for, had they known it, they would not have crucified our glorified Lord.

"It was not for my sake that the voice came," said Jesus, "but for yours. Now this world is on its trial. Now the Spirit that is ruling this world shall be driven out; And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, shall draw all men to myself."

And, even if the Good News that we bring is veiled, it is veiled only in the case of those who are on the path to Ruin-- Men whose minds have been blinded by the God of this Age, unbelievers as they are, so that the light from the Good News of the glory of the Christ, who is the very incarnation of God, should not shine for them.

And, even if the Good News that we bring is veiled, it is veiled only in the case of those who are on the path to Ruin-- Men whose minds have been blinded by the God of this Age, unbelievers as they are, so that the light from the Good News of the glory of the Christ, who is the very incarnation of God, should not shine for them.

And, even if the Good News that we bring is veiled, it is veiled only in the case of those who are on the path to Ruin-- Men whose minds have been blinded by the God of this Age, unbelievers as they are, so that the light from the Good News of the glory of the Christ, who is the very incarnation of God, should not shine for them.

And, even if the Good News that we bring is veiled, it is veiled only in the case of those who are on the path to Ruin-- Men whose minds have been blinded by the God of this Age, unbelievers as they are, so that the light from the Good News of the glory of the Christ, who is the very incarnation of God, should not shine for them.