Thematic Bible: Bull
Thematic Bible
Bull » Blood of, in sacrifice
For if the blood of bulls and he-goats, and the ashes of a heifer besprinkling the polluted, consecrates to the purity of the flesh:
Verse Concepts
For the blood of bulls and he-goats cannot take away sins.
Verse Concepts
Bull » Wild, caught in nets
Thy sons fainted; they lay down upon the head of all the streets as an antelope in a net: being full of the wrath of Jehovah the rebuke of thy God.
Verse Concepts
Oxen » Includes the » Bull
Camels giving suck, and their young, thirty; forty heifers and ten bulls; twenty she-asses and ten foals.
Verse Concepts
His ox passed over and will not be cast away: his heifer will escape and will not be barren.
Verse Concepts