Thematic Bible: Called the "chosen ones"

Thematic Bible

Now consider how you were when you were called, brothers. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were from prominent families. Verse ConceptsChosen OnesNoblesThoughtCelebritiesStrong PeopleFew In The KingdomConsider Your Call To SalvationLife In A Material WorldWise Men In The ChurchMighty in its influenceCallingEducationPerspectivevocationfreemasonryChristians Being Called Brothers

At one time you [Gentiles] were not a [chosen] people, but now you are God's [special] people. Once you had not received [His] mercy, but now you have received it. Verse ConceptsGentiles, In OtChristiansChosen OnesGrace, And Jesus ChristMind, Of GodPeople Of God, In NtReinstatementChurch, Titles OfNowRoyal PriesthoodReceiving God's MercyIdentityIdentity In Christ

Now consider how you were when you were called, brothers. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were from prominent families. Verse ConceptsChosen OnesNoblesThoughtCelebritiesStrong PeopleFew In The KingdomConsider Your Call To SalvationLife In A Material WorldWise Men In The ChurchMighty in its influenceCallingEducationPerspectivevocationfreemasonryChristians Being Called Brothers

At one time you [Gentiles] were not a [chosen] people, but now you are God's [special] people. Once you had not received [His] mercy, but now you have received it. Verse ConceptsGentiles, In OtChristiansChosen OnesGrace, And Jesus ChristMind, Of GodPeople Of God, In NtReinstatementChurch, Titles OfNowRoyal PriesthoodReceiving God's MercyIdentityIdentity In Christ