Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

No man shall take in pledge a handmill, or an upper millstone, - for he would be taking life, in pledge. Verse ConceptsCreditBorrowing, SuretyGuaranteeMillstonesCreditorsLaws About Pledges

When thou shalt acquire a servant who is a Hebrew, six years, shall he serve, - but in the seventh shall he go out freely - for nought. If, by himself, he came in, by himself, shall he go out, - if he was married, then shall his wife go out with him. If his lord gave him a wife, and she have borne him sons or daughters, the wife and her children shall be her lords, and, he shall go out by himself. read more.
But, if the servant shall plainly say, I love my lord, and my wife and my sons, - I will not go out free, then shall his lord bring him near unto God, and shall bring him near unto the door, or unto the door-post, - and his lord shall pierce his ear with an awl, so shall he serve him all his life.

If, silver, thou wilt lend unto my people - unto the humbled one by thee, thou shalt not be to him like one that lendeth on interest, - thou shalt not lay upon him interest. If thou, do take in pledge, the mantle of thy neighbour, by the going in of the sun, shalt thou restore it to him; for that is his only covering, that, is his mantle, for his skin, - wherein shall he sleep? and it shall come to pass when he maketh outcry unto me, then will I hear because, gracious, I am.

And when ye sell anything to thy neighbour, or buy aught at thy neighbour's hand, do not overreach one another. By the number of years after the jubilee, shalt thou buy of thy neighbour, - by the number of the years of increase, shall he sell unto thee; according to the multitude of the years, shalt thou increase the price thereof, and, according to the fewness of the years, shalt thou diminish the price thereof, - because the sum of the increase, it is that he selleth thee. read more.
So then ye shall not overreach one another; but thou shalt stand in awe of thy God, - for, I - Yahweh, am your God.

And, when thy brother waxeth poor, and his hand becometh feeble with thee, then shalt thou strengthen him, as a sojourner and a settler, so shall he live with thee. Do not accept from him interest or profit, but stand thou in awe of thy God, - so shall thy brother live with thee. Thy silver, shalt thou not give him on interest, - neither, for profit, shalt thou give him thy food.

And, this, shall be the manner of the release, Every creditor who lendeth aught to his neighbour, his hand shall release it, - he shall not exact it of his neighbour or his brother, because there hath been proclaimed a release unto Yahweh. Of a foreigner, thou mayest exact it, - but, what thou hast with thy brother, thy hand shall release;

Thou shalt not lend on interest to thy brother, interest of silver, interest of food, - interest of any thing that can be lent on interest: to a foreigner, thou mayest lend on interest, but to thy brother, shalt thou not lend on interest, - that Yahweh thy God may bless thee, in everything where-unto thou puttest thy hand, upon the land which thou art entering to possess.

When thou lendest thy neighbour a loan of anything, thou shalt not enter into his house to secure his pledge: outside, shalt thou stand, and the man to whom thou art lending, shall bring forth unto thee his pledge outside, And, if he be a poor man, thou shalt not sleep in his pledge: read more.
thou shalt, restore, to him the pledge at the going in of the sun, so shall he sleep in his own mantle, and bless thee, - and, unto thee, shall it be righteous-ness before Yahweh thy God.

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And, if ye lend to them from whom ye are hoping to receive, what sort of thanks are there for you? Even sinners, unto sinners, do lend, that they may receive back, as much. Verse ConceptsHope, Nature OfGiving Without Expecting ReturnGiving Backexpectationslent

Surely then hast been wont to put thy brother in pledge, for nothing, and, the garments of the ill-clad, hast thou stripped off: Verse ConceptsCreditBorrowing, SuretyGuaranteeFalse AccusationsPeople Stripping Peoplelent

Be not of them who strike hands, of them who are sureties for debts: Verse ConceptsCreditBeing In DebtShaking HandsDebtResponsibility

No man shall take in pledge a handmill, or an upper millstone, - for he would be taking life, in pledge. Verse ConceptsCreditBorrowing, SuretyGuaranteeMillstonesCreditorsLaws About Pledges

And, on pledged garments, they recline, beside every altar, - and, exacted wine, do they drink, in the house of their God. Verse ConceptsCreditGuaranteeDrinking WineAccused Of DrunkennessFine As PenaltyInterlopers In The Temple

If, silver, thou wilt lend unto my people - unto the humbled one by thee, thou shalt not be to him like one that lendeth on interest, - thou shalt not lay upon him interest. If thou, do take in pledge, the mantle of thy neighbour, by the going in of the sun, shalt thou restore it to him; for that is his only covering, that, is his mantle, for his skin, - wherein shall he sleep? and it shall come to pass when he maketh outcry unto me, then will I hear because, gracious, I am.

When thou lendest thy neighbour a loan of anything, thou shalt not enter into his house to secure his pledge: outside, shalt thou stand, and the man to whom thou art lending, shall bring forth unto thee his pledge outside, And, if he be a poor man, thou shalt not sleep in his pledge: read more.
thou shalt, restore, to him the pledge at the going in of the sun, so shall he sleep in his own mantle, and bless thee, - and, unto thee, shall it be righteous-ness before Yahweh thy God.

He that becometh surety for a stranger, goeth to utter ruin, but, he that hateth striking hands, is secure. Verse ConceptsCreditBorrowing, SuretyBeing In DebtPledgesSafetySecurityDebtLosing A FriendLosing FriendsProtecting Your FamilyProtection From Danger

And there were some who were saying, Our fields and our vineyards and our houses, are we pledging, - -that we may obtain corn in the dearth. And there were others who were saying, We have borrowed silver, for the king's tribute, - upon our lands and our vineyards.

And, if he be a poor man, thou shalt not sleep in his pledge: thou shalt, restore, to him the pledge at the going in of the sun, so shall he sleep in his own mantle, and bless thee, - and, unto thee, shall it be righteous-ness before Yahweh thy God.