Thematic Bible: False indictments for

Thematic Bible

Then, the High-priest rent asunder his garments, saying - He hath spoken profanely! What further need have we, of witnesses? Lo! now, ye have heard the profanity!

We, heard him saying, I, will pull down this shrine, the one made by hand, and, in three days, another, not made by hand, will I raise.

And they all said - Thou, then, art the Son of God? And, he, unto them said - Ye, say it , - because, I, am. And, they, said - What, further, need have we, of witness? We ourselves, have heard it from his mouth.

The Jews answered him - We, have, a law, and, according to the law, he ought to die, because, Son of God, himself, he made.

And the Scribes and the Pharisees began to reason, saying - Who is this that speaketh profanities? Who can forgive, sins, save, God alone?

And they set up false witnesses, who said - This man, ceaseth not speaking things against this holy place and the law;

Then came in the two reckless men, and sat before him, and the men bare witness against him, even against Naboth, before the people, saying, Naboth hath reviled God and king! So they carried him forth, outside the city, and stoned him with stones, that he died.