Thematic Bible
Thematic Bible
Egypt » Prophecies respecting » Failure of internal resources
The water of the sea shall be drawn out, the Nile shall sink away, and be drunk up. The rivers also shall be drawn out, the wells shall decrease and dry away. Reed and rush shall fail, the grass by the waterside or upon the river bank, yea and whatsoever is sown by the waters, shall be withered, destroyed, and brought to naught. read more.
The fishers shall mourn, all such as cast angles in the water shall complain, and they that spread their nets in the water shall be faint hearted. Such as labour upon flax and silk, shall come to poverty, and they also that weave fine works. For their open works shall be even destroyed, and all they that make pounds and slues for fish shall come to naught.
The fishers shall mourn, all such as cast angles in the water shall complain, and they that spread their nets in the water shall be faint hearted. Such as labour upon flax and silk, shall come to poverty, and they also that weave fine works. For their open works shall be even destroyed, and all they that make pounds and slues for fish shall come to naught.
Fish » Ponds for » In egypt
For their open works shall be even destroyed, and all they that make pounds and slues for fish shall come to naught.
Verse Concepts
Fishes » Inhabit » Ponds
Thy neck is as it were a tower of ivory; thine eyes are like the water pools in Heshbon, by the port of Bathrabbim. Thy nose is like the tower of Lebanon, which looketh toward Damascus.
Verse Concepts
For their open works shall be even destroyed, and all they that make pounds and slues for fish shall come to naught.
Verse Concepts
Nile » Called the river
The water of the sea shall be drawn out, the Nile shall sink away, and be drunk up. The rivers also shall be drawn out, the wells shall decrease and dry away. Reed and rush shall fail, the grass by the waterside or upon the river bank, yea and whatsoever is sown by the waters, shall be withered, destroyed, and brought to naught. read more.
The fishers shall mourn, all such as cast angles in the water shall complain, and they that spread their nets in the water shall be faint hearted. Such as labour upon flax and silk, shall come to poverty, and they also that weave fine works. For their open works shall be even destroyed, and all they that make pounds and slues for fish shall come to naught.
The fishers shall mourn, all such as cast angles in the water shall complain, and they that spread their nets in the water shall be faint hearted. Such as labour upon flax and silk, shall come to poverty, and they also that weave fine works. For their open works shall be even destroyed, and all they that make pounds and slues for fish shall come to naught.
Shall not the land tremble; and all they that dwell therein, mourn for this? Shall not their destruction come upon them like a water stream; and flow over them, as the flood of Egypt?
Verse Concepts
I will put a hook in thy jaws, and hang all the fish in thy waters upon thy scales; after that I will draw thee out of thy waters, yea, and all the fish of the waters that hang upon thy scales.
Verse Concepts
The LORD also shall cleave the tongues of the Egyptian's sea, and with a mighty wind shall he lift up his hand over the Nile, and shall smite his seven streams and make men go over dry shod.
Verse Concepts
Pools and ponds » Artificial, designed for » Preserving fish
For their open works shall be even destroyed, and all they that make pounds and slues for fish shall come to naught.
Verse Concepts
Pools and ponds » Made by man
For their open works shall be even destroyed, and all they that make pounds and slues for fish shall come to naught.
Verse Concepts
Water » Collected in » Ponds
And the LORD spake unto Moses, "Say unto Aaron, 'Take thy staff and stretch out thine hand over the waters of Egypt, over their streams, rivers, ponds and all pools of water, that they may be blood, and that there may be blood in all the land of Egypt: both in vessels of wood and also of stone.'"
Verse Concepts
For their open works shall be even destroyed, and all they that make pounds and slues for fish shall come to naught.
Verse Concepts