Thematic Bible
Thematic Bible
Agriculture or husbandry » Operations in » Hedging
And he will dig it up, and he will free it from stones, and he will plant it with a vine of purple grapes, and build a tower in its midst, and he will also hew out a wine-vat in it: and he will wait for grapes to be made, and it will make wild grapes.
Verse Concepts
And now I will make known to you now what I do to my vineyard, taking away its hedge, and it was for consuming, breaking down its wall, and it was for a treading down.
Verse Concepts
Fence » Hedge
Hear another parable: A certain man was master of a house, who planted a vineyard, and put a hedge around it, and digged in it a winepress, and let it out to farmers, and went abroad:
Verse Concepts
Thy devoted ones as the locust, and thy satraps as the locust of locusts encamping in the walls in a cold day; the sun arose and they fled away, and where his place he knew not
Verse Concepts
And now I will make known to you now what I do to my vineyard, taking away its hedge, and it was for consuming, breaking down its wall, and it was for a treading down.
Verse Concepts
He digging a ditch shall fall into it; he breaking down a wall, a serpent shall bite him.
Verse Concepts
The way of the slothful as the cutting of the thorn: and the path of the upright was raised up.
Verse Concepts
Therefore, behold me hedging in thy way with thorns, and I walled a wall and she shall not find her beaten paths.
Verse Concepts
Hedges » Illustrative » (broken down,) of the taking away of protection
And now I will make known to you now what I do to my vineyard, taking away its hedge, and it was for consuming, breaking down its wall, and it was for a treading down.
Verse Concepts
Wherefore didst thou break down her walls, and all passing by the way plucked her?
Verse Concepts
Ingratitude to God » Illustrated
I will sing now to my beloved a song of my love for his vineyard. There was a vineyard to my beloved in the horn of the son of oil: And he will dig it up, and he will free it from stones, and he will plant it with a vine of purple grapes, and build a tower in its midst, and he will also hew out a wine-vat in it: and he will wait for grapes to be made, and it will make wild grapes. And now, ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and men of Judah, judge ye now, between me and between my vineyard read more.
What to do more to my vineyard, and did I not in it? wherefore I waited for grapes to be made, and it will make wild grapes. And now I will make known to you now what I do to my vineyard, taking away its hedge, and it was for consuming, breaking down its wall, and it was for a treading down. And I will make it a desolation; it shall not be pruned and it shall not be dressed, and there came up sharp points and thorns: and upon the clouds I will command from raining rain upon it For the vineyard of Jehovah of armies is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah the plant of his pleasures: and he will wait for judgment, and behold bloodshed; for justice, and behold a cry.
What to do more to my vineyard, and did I not in it? wherefore I waited for grapes to be made, and it will make wild grapes. And now I will make known to you now what I do to my vineyard, taking away its hedge, and it was for consuming, breaking down its wall, and it was for a treading down. And I will make it a desolation; it shall not be pruned and it shall not be dressed, and there came up sharp points and thorns: and upon the clouds I will command from raining rain upon it For the vineyard of Jehovah of armies is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah the plant of his pleasures: and he will wait for judgment, and behold bloodshed; for justice, and behold a cry.
And the word of Jehovah will be to me, saying, Son of man, cause Jerusalem to know her abomination, And say, Thus said the Lord Jehovah to Jerusalem; Thy birth and thy nativity from the land of the Canaanite; thy father the Amorite, and thy mother a Hittite. read more.
And thy nativity, in the day thou wert born thy navel was not cut, and thou wert not washed in water for my looking upon; and salting, thou welt not salted, and swathing, thou wert not swathed. No eye spared upon thee to do one of these to thee, to pity upon thee; and thou wilt be east to the face of the field in loathing of thy soul in the day of bringing thee forth. And I shall pass by thee and see thee being trodden under foot in thy bloods, and saying to thee in thy bloods, Live; and saying to thee in thy bloods, Live. I gave thee ten thousand as the sprout of the field, and thou shalt be multiplied and enlarged, and come into ornament of ornaments: the breasts were set, and thy hair sprang up, and thou wert naked and nakedness. And I shall pass by thee and see thee, and behold, thy time the time of loves; and I shall spread my wing over thee and cover thy nakedness: and I shall swear to thee, and come into covenant with thee, says the Lord Jehovah, and thou shalt be to me. And I will wash thee in water, and I will wash thy bloods from off thee, and I will cover thee with oil. And I will clothe thee with variegations, and shoe thee with tahash, and I will bind thee round with fine linen, and cover thee with silk. And I shall deck thee with ornaments, and I shall give bracelets upon thy hands and a chain upon thy throat And I will give a ring upon thy nose, and earrings for thine ears, and a crown of glory upon thy head. And thou shalt be decked with gold and silver, and thy clothing fine linen and silk, and variegation; fine flour and honey and oil thou didst eat; and thou wilt be fair, very exceedingly, and thou wilt prosper into a kingdom. And a name went forth to thee among the nations in thy beauty: for it was perfected by my decoration which I put upon thee, says the Lord Jehovah And thou wilt trust in thy beauty, and commit fornication upon thy name, and thou wilt pour out thy fornications upon every one passing by; to him it will be.
And thy nativity, in the day thou wert born thy navel was not cut, and thou wert not washed in water for my looking upon; and salting, thou welt not salted, and swathing, thou wert not swathed. No eye spared upon thee to do one of these to thee, to pity upon thee; and thou wilt be east to the face of the field in loathing of thy soul in the day of bringing thee forth. And I shall pass by thee and see thee being trodden under foot in thy bloods, and saying to thee in thy bloods, Live; and saying to thee in thy bloods, Live. I gave thee ten thousand as the sprout of the field, and thou shalt be multiplied and enlarged, and come into ornament of ornaments: the breasts were set, and thy hair sprang up, and thou wert naked and nakedness. And I shall pass by thee and see thee, and behold, thy time the time of loves; and I shall spread my wing over thee and cover thy nakedness: and I shall swear to thee, and come into covenant with thee, says the Lord Jehovah, and thou shalt be to me. And I will wash thee in water, and I will wash thy bloods from off thee, and I will cover thee with oil. And I will clothe thee with variegations, and shoe thee with tahash, and I will bind thee round with fine linen, and cover thee with silk. And I shall deck thee with ornaments, and I shall give bracelets upon thy hands and a chain upon thy throat And I will give a ring upon thy nose, and earrings for thine ears, and a crown of glory upon thy head. And thou shalt be decked with gold and silver, and thy clothing fine linen and silk, and variegation; fine flour and honey and oil thou didst eat; and thou wilt be fair, very exceedingly, and thou wilt prosper into a kingdom. And a name went forth to thee among the nations in thy beauty: for it was perfected by my decoration which I put upon thee, says the Lord Jehovah And thou wilt trust in thy beauty, and commit fornication upon thy name, and thou wilt pour out thy fornications upon every one passing by; to him it will be.
Isaiah » Prophecies, reproofs, and exhortations of » Delineates the ingratitude of the jews in the parable of the vineyard, and reproves it
I will sing now to my beloved a song of my love for his vineyard. There was a vineyard to my beloved in the horn of the son of oil: And he will dig it up, and he will free it from stones, and he will plant it with a vine of purple grapes, and build a tower in its midst, and he will also hew out a wine-vat in it: and he will wait for grapes to be made, and it will make wild grapes. And now, ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and men of Judah, judge ye now, between me and between my vineyard read more.
What to do more to my vineyard, and did I not in it? wherefore I waited for grapes to be made, and it will make wild grapes. And now I will make known to you now what I do to my vineyard, taking away its hedge, and it was for consuming, breaking down its wall, and it was for a treading down. And I will make it a desolation; it shall not be pruned and it shall not be dressed, and there came up sharp points and thorns: and upon the clouds I will command from raining rain upon it For the vineyard of Jehovah of armies is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah the plant of his pleasures: and he will wait for judgment, and behold bloodshed; for justice, and behold a cry. Wo to those touching house upon house, they will bring near field upon field, till no more place, and ye dwelt yourselves alone in the midst of the earth. In the ears of Jehovah of armies, If not many houses shall be for desolation, great and good from none dwelling. For ten measures of a vineyard shall make one bath, and the seed of an omer shall make an ephah.
What to do more to my vineyard, and did I not in it? wherefore I waited for grapes to be made, and it will make wild grapes. And now I will make known to you now what I do to my vineyard, taking away its hedge, and it was for consuming, breaking down its wall, and it was for a treading down. And I will make it a desolation; it shall not be pruned and it shall not be dressed, and there came up sharp points and thorns: and upon the clouds I will command from raining rain upon it For the vineyard of Jehovah of armies is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah the plant of his pleasures: and he will wait for judgment, and behold bloodshed; for justice, and behold a cry. Wo to those touching house upon house, they will bring near field upon field, till no more place, and ye dwelt yourselves alone in the midst of the earth. In the ears of Jehovah of armies, If not many houses shall be for desolation, great and good from none dwelling. For ten measures of a vineyard shall make one bath, and the seed of an omer shall make an ephah.
Parables » Of the vineyard
I will sing now to my beloved a song of my love for his vineyard. There was a vineyard to my beloved in the horn of the son of oil: And he will dig it up, and he will free it from stones, and he will plant it with a vine of purple grapes, and build a tower in its midst, and he will also hew out a wine-vat in it: and he will wait for grapes to be made, and it will make wild grapes. And now, ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and men of Judah, judge ye now, between me and between my vineyard read more.
What to do more to my vineyard, and did I not in it? wherefore I waited for grapes to be made, and it will make wild grapes. And now I will make known to you now what I do to my vineyard, taking away its hedge, and it was for consuming, breaking down its wall, and it was for a treading down. And I will make it a desolation; it shall not be pruned and it shall not be dressed, and there came up sharp points and thorns: and upon the clouds I will command from raining rain upon it For the vineyard of Jehovah of armies is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah the plant of his pleasures: and he will wait for judgment, and behold bloodshed; for justice, and behold a cry.
What to do more to my vineyard, and did I not in it? wherefore I waited for grapes to be made, and it will make wild grapes. And now I will make known to you now what I do to my vineyard, taking away its hedge, and it was for consuming, breaking down its wall, and it was for a treading down. And I will make it a desolation; it shall not be pruned and it shall not be dressed, and there came up sharp points and thorns: and upon the clouds I will command from raining rain upon it For the vineyard of Jehovah of armies is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah the plant of his pleasures: and he will wait for judgment, and behold bloodshed; for justice, and behold a cry.
In that day, A vineyard being red, sing to her. I Jehovah watched her; for the moments I will water her; lest he will review upon her, night and day I will watch her.
Prophets » Frequently spake in parables and riddles
And Jehovah will send Nathan to David. And he will come in to him and say to him, Two men were in one city.; one rich and one poor. To the rich was sheep and oxen exceeding many: And to the poor, not anything except one little ewe lamb which he found, and he will save it alive: and it will grow with him and with his sons together; it will eat from his morsel and will drink from his cup, and will lie in his bosom, and be to him as a daughter. read more.
And a traveler will come to the rich man, and he will spare to take from his sheep and from his oxen to do for the wayfarer coming to him; and he will take the poor man's ewe lamb and do for the man coming to him. And David's anger will kindle against the man greatly, and he will say to Nathan, Jehovah lives, for the man doing this is the son of death. And the ewe lamb he shall requite four-fold, because he did this word, and because he spared not
And a traveler will come to the rich man, and he will spare to take from his sheep and from his oxen to do for the wayfarer coming to him; and he will take the poor man's ewe lamb and do for the man coming to him. And David's anger will kindle against the man greatly, and he will say to Nathan, Jehovah lives, for the man doing this is the son of death. And the ewe lamb he shall requite four-fold, because he did this word, and because he spared not
Son of man, propose an enigma and use a parable to the house of Israel; And say, Thus said the Lord Jehovah: The great eagle great of wings, long of the wing-feather, full of feathers, which to him variegation, came to Lebanon, and he will take the foliage of the cedar. He plucked off the head of the suckers, and he will bring it to the land of Canaan, and he set it in a city of merchants. read more.
And he will take from the seed of the land, and he will give it in a field of seed; he took it to many waters, he set it a willow. And it will spring up, and it will be for a spreading vine low of stature, for its branches turning towards him, and its roots will be under him: and it will be for a vine, and it will make branches, and it will send forth foliage. And there will be one great eagle, great of wings, and many feathers: and behold, this vine turned her roots to him, and sent forth her branches to him, to water it from the ascendings of its planting. In a good field by many waters it was planted, to make branches to bear fruit, to be for a great vine. Say, Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Shall it prosper? shall he not pluck up its roots, and cut off its fruit, and dry up all the fresh foliage of its springing up? It shall be dried up, and not in its great strength, and by much people to lift it up from its roots. And behold, being planted, shall it prosper? as the east wind strikes upon it? drying up, shall it not be dried up? it shall be dried up upon the risings of its springing up.
And he will take from the seed of the land, and he will give it in a field of seed; he took it to many waters, he set it a willow. And it will spring up, and it will be for a spreading vine low of stature, for its branches turning towards him, and its roots will be under him: and it will be for a vine, and it will make branches, and it will send forth foliage. And there will be one great eagle, great of wings, and many feathers: and behold, this vine turned her roots to him, and sent forth her branches to him, to water it from the ascendings of its planting. In a good field by many waters it was planted, to make branches to bear fruit, to be for a great vine. Say, Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Shall it prosper? shall he not pluck up its roots, and cut off its fruit, and dry up all the fresh foliage of its springing up? It shall be dried up, and not in its great strength, and by much people to lift it up from its roots. And behold, being planted, shall it prosper? as the east wind strikes upon it? drying up, shall it not be dried up? it shall be dried up upon the risings of its springing up.
I will sing now to my beloved a song of my love for his vineyard. There was a vineyard to my beloved in the horn of the son of oil: And he will dig it up, and he will free it from stones, and he will plant it with a vine of purple grapes, and build a tower in its midst, and he will also hew out a wine-vat in it: and he will wait for grapes to be made, and it will make wild grapes. And now, ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and men of Judah, judge ye now, between me and between my vineyard read more.
What to do more to my vineyard, and did I not in it? wherefore I waited for grapes to be made, and it will make wild grapes. And now I will make known to you now what I do to my vineyard, taking away its hedge, and it was for consuming, breaking down its wall, and it was for a treading down. And I will make it a desolation; it shall not be pruned and it shall not be dressed, and there came up sharp points and thorns: and upon the clouds I will command from raining rain upon it For the vineyard of Jehovah of armies is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah the plant of his pleasures: and he will wait for judgment, and behold bloodshed; for justice, and behold a cry.
What to do more to my vineyard, and did I not in it? wherefore I waited for grapes to be made, and it will make wild grapes. And now I will make known to you now what I do to my vineyard, taking away its hedge, and it was for consuming, breaking down its wall, and it was for a treading down. And I will make it a desolation; it shall not be pruned and it shall not be dressed, and there came up sharp points and thorns: and upon the clouds I will command from raining rain upon it For the vineyard of Jehovah of armies is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah the plant of his pleasures: and he will wait for judgment, and behold bloodshed; for justice, and behold a cry.
Punishment » According to deeds » See the parable of the vineyard
I will sing now to my beloved a song of my love for his vineyard. There was a vineyard to my beloved in the horn of the son of oil: And he will dig it up, and he will free it from stones, and he will plant it with a vine of purple grapes, and build a tower in its midst, and he will also hew out a wine-vat in it: and he will wait for grapes to be made, and it will make wild grapes. And now, ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and men of Judah, judge ye now, between me and between my vineyard read more.
What to do more to my vineyard, and did I not in it? wherefore I waited for grapes to be made, and it will make wild grapes. And now I will make known to you now what I do to my vineyard, taking away its hedge, and it was for consuming, breaking down its wall, and it was for a treading down. And I will make it a desolation; it shall not be pruned and it shall not be dressed, and there came up sharp points and thorns: and upon the clouds I will command from raining rain upon it For the vineyard of Jehovah of armies is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah the plant of his pleasures: and he will wait for judgment, and behold bloodshed; for justice, and behold a cry.
What to do more to my vineyard, and did I not in it? wherefore I waited for grapes to be made, and it will make wild grapes. And now I will make known to you now what I do to my vineyard, taking away its hedge, and it was for consuming, breaking down its wall, and it was for a treading down. And I will make it a desolation; it shall not be pruned and it shall not be dressed, and there came up sharp points and thorns: and upon the clouds I will command from raining rain upon it For the vineyard of Jehovah of armies is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah the plant of his pleasures: and he will wait for judgment, and behold bloodshed; for justice, and behold a cry.
national Sins » Aggravated by privileges
Thus said Jehovah: For three transgressions of Judah, and for four, I will not turn it back from him, for their rejecting the instructions of Jehovah, and they watched not his laws, and their lies caused them to err which their fathers went after them.
Verse Concepts
What to do more to my vineyard, and did I not in it? wherefore I waited for grapes to be made, and it will make wild grapes. And now I will make known to you now what I do to my vineyard, taking away its hedge, and it was for consuming, breaking down its wall, and it was for a treading down. And I will make it a desolation; it shall not be pruned and it shall not be dressed, and there came up sharp points and thorns: and upon the clouds I will command from raining rain upon it read more.
For the vineyard of Jehovah of armies is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah the plant of his pleasures: and he will wait for judgment, and behold bloodshed; for justice, and behold a cry.
For the vineyard of Jehovah of armies is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah the plant of his pleasures: and he will wait for judgment, and behold bloodshed; for justice, and behold a cry.
And I shall give to them my laws, and my judgments I caused them to know, which a man shall do them and he lived in them. And also my Sabbaths I gave to them to be for a sign between me and between them, to know that I am Jehovah consecrating them. And the house of Israel will rebel against me fit the desert: in my laws they went not, and my judgments they rejected, which a man shall do them and he lived in them: and my Sabbaths they profaned greatly and saying, To pour out my wrath upon them in the desert to finish them.'
Hear this word which Jehovah spake against you, ye sons of Israel, against all the family which I brought up from the land of Egypt, saying, You only did I know from all the families of the earth: for this I will review over you all your iniquities.
Vineyard » Parables of
Hear another parable: A certain man was master of a house, who planted a vineyard, and put a hedge around it, and digged in it a winepress, and let it out to farmers, and went abroad: And when the time of the fruits drew near, he sent his servants to the farmers, to receive his parts. And the farmers having taken his servants, truly one they stripped, and one they killed, and one they stoned. read more.
Again he sent other servants, more than the first, and they did to them likewise. And afterwards he sent to them his son, saying, They will be changed by my son. And the farmers, seeing the son, said among themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and possess his inheritance. And having taken, they cast out of the vineyard, and killed. When, therefore, the lord of the vineyard should come, what will he do to those farmers? They say to him, He will miserably destroy these wicked, and let out the vineyard to other farmers, who will give back to him the fruits in their seasons.
Again he sent other servants, more than the first, and they did to them likewise. And afterwards he sent to them his son, saying, They will be changed by my son. And the farmers, seeing the son, said among themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and possess his inheritance. And having taken, they cast out of the vineyard, and killed. When, therefore, the lord of the vineyard should come, what will he do to those farmers? They say to him, He will miserably destroy these wicked, and let out the vineyard to other farmers, who will give back to him the fruits in their seasons.
Many shepherds destroyed my vineyard, they trod down my portion, they gave the portion of my desire for a desert of desolation.
Verse Concepts
For the kingdom of the heavens is like to a man, master of a house, who went out as soon as morning to hire workmen for his vineyard. And having agreed for a drachma a day, he sent them to his vineyard. And having gone out about the third hour, he saw others standing idle in the market-place, read more.
And he says to them, Retire ye also into the vineyard, and whatever should be just I will give you: and they departed. Again, having gone out about the sixth and ninth hour, he did likewise. And about the eleventh hour, having gone out, he found others standing idle, and he says to them, Why stand ye here idle the whole day? They say to him, That none has hired us. He says to them, Retire also to the vineyard; and whatever be just, ye shall receive. And it being evening, the lord of the vineyard says to his steward, Call the workmen, and give back to them the wages, beginning from the last even to the first. And they of the eleventh hour having come, thereupon received a drachma. And the first, having come, thought that they will receive more; and they also received thereupon a drachma. And having received, they murmured against the master of the house, Saying, That these last worked one hour, and thou hast made them equal to us, having borne the burden and heat of the day. And he, having answered, said to one of them, Friend, I injure thee not; didst not thou agree with me for a drachma? Take thine and retire: and I will to give to this last, as also to thee. Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with my things? Or is thine eye evil because I am good So shall the last be first, and the first last; for many are called, but few chosen.
And he says to them, Retire ye also into the vineyard, and whatever should be just I will give you: and they departed. Again, having gone out about the sixth and ninth hour, he did likewise. And about the eleventh hour, having gone out, he found others standing idle, and he says to them, Why stand ye here idle the whole day? They say to him, That none has hired us. He says to them, Retire also to the vineyard; and whatever be just, ye shall receive. And it being evening, the lord of the vineyard says to his steward, Call the workmen, and give back to them the wages, beginning from the last even to the first. And they of the eleventh hour having come, thereupon received a drachma. And the first, having come, thought that they will receive more; and they also received thereupon a drachma. And having received, they murmured against the master of the house, Saying, That these last worked one hour, and thou hast made them equal to us, having borne the burden and heat of the day. And he, having answered, said to one of them, Friend, I injure thee not; didst not thou agree with me for a drachma? Take thine and retire: and I will to give to this last, as also to thee. Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with my things? Or is thine eye evil because I am good So shall the last be first, and the first last; for many are called, but few chosen.
And he spake this parable: A certain had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came seeking fruit on it, and found not. And he said to the vine-dresser, Behold, three years I am come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and find not: cut it off; wherefore also does it leave the earth unemployed? And he having answered says to him, Lord, let it go also this year, till I shall dig round it, and cast dung: read more.
Whereas also it might bear fruit: and if not, afterwards thou shalt cut it off.
Whereas also it might bear fruit: and if not, afterwards thou shalt cut it off.
I will sing now to my beloved a song of my love for his vineyard. There was a vineyard to my beloved in the horn of the son of oil: And he will dig it up, and he will free it from stones, and he will plant it with a vine of purple grapes, and build a tower in its midst, and he will also hew out a wine-vat in it: and he will wait for grapes to be made, and it will make wild grapes. And now, ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and men of Judah, judge ye now, between me and between my vineyard read more.
What to do more to my vineyard, and did I not in it? wherefore I waited for grapes to be made, and it will make wild grapes. And now I will make known to you now what I do to my vineyard, taking away its hedge, and it was for consuming, breaking down its wall, and it was for a treading down. And I will make it a desolation; it shall not be pruned and it shall not be dressed, and there came up sharp points and thorns: and upon the clouds I will command from raining rain upon it For the vineyard of Jehovah of armies is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah the plant of his pleasures: and he will wait for judgment, and behold bloodshed; for justice, and behold a cry.
What to do more to my vineyard, and did I not in it? wherefore I waited for grapes to be made, and it will make wild grapes. And now I will make known to you now what I do to my vineyard, taking away its hedge, and it was for consuming, breaking down its wall, and it was for a treading down. And I will make it a desolation; it shall not be pruned and it shall not be dressed, and there came up sharp points and thorns: and upon the clouds I will command from raining rain upon it For the vineyard of Jehovah of armies is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah the plant of his pleasures: and he will wait for judgment, and behold bloodshed; for justice, and behold a cry.
But what seems to you A man had two children; and having come to the first, he said, Child, retire to-day, work in my vineyard. And he, having answered, said, I will not; but afterward, having felt regret, he departed. And having come to the second, he said likewise. And he, having answered, said, I, Lord: and he departed not. read more.
Which of the two did the father's will? They say to him, The first. Jesus says to them, Truly I say to you, that publicans and harlots go into the kingdom of God before you.
Which of the two did the father's will? They say to him, The first. Jesus says to them, Truly I say to you, that publicans and harlots go into the kingdom of God before you.
In that day, A vineyard being red, sing to her. I Jehovah watched her; for the moments I will water her; lest he will review upon her, night and day I will watch her.
Vineyards » Frequently walled or fenced with hedges
And he will dig it up, and he will free it from stones, and he will plant it with a vine of purple grapes, and build a tower in its midst, and he will also hew out a wine-vat in it: and he will wait for grapes to be made, and it will make wild grapes.
Verse Concepts
And now I will make known to you now what I do to my vineyard, taking away its hedge, and it was for consuming, breaking down its wall, and it was for a treading down.
Verse Concepts
And the messenger of Jehovah will stand in the hollow of the vineyards, an enclosure hence, and an enclosure thence.
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And behold, it came up all of it with thorns; brambles covered its face, and the wall of its stones was overthrown.
Verse Concepts
Walls » Illustrative » Of ordinances as a protection to the church
And now I will make known to you now what I do to my vineyard, taking away its hedge, and it was for consuming, breaking down its wall, and it was for a treading down.
Verse Concepts
My beloved is like to the roe or to the fawn of the hinds: behold him standing behind our wall looking forth from the windows, glancing from the lattices.
Verse Concepts