Thematic Bible
Thematic Bible
Dragon » A term applied » To pharaoh
Wake up, wake up, and be strong: O thou arm of the LORD: wake up, like as in times past, ever, and since the world began.
Verse Concepts
the Dragon » Illustrative » Of cruel and persecuting kings
Speak, and tell him, 'Thus sayeth the LORD God: Behold, O Pharaoh thou king of Egypt, I will upon thee, thou great dragon that liest in the waters; thou that sayest, 'The water is mine; I have made it myself.'
Verse Concepts
In that day, the LORD with his heavy, great, and long sword shall visit Leviathan that fugitive serpent: even Leviathan that crooked serpent, and shall slay the dragon in the sea.
Verse Concepts
Wake up, wake up, and be strong: O thou arm of the LORD: wake up, like as in times past, ever, and since the world began.
Verse Concepts
Jesus Christ » Names of » Arm of the lord
Wake up, wake up, and be strong: O thou arm of the LORD: wake up, like as in times past, ever, and since the world began. Art not thou he, that hast wounded that proud Egypt, and hewn the dragon in pieces? Art not thou even he, which hast dried up the deep of the sea, which hast made plain the sea ground, that the delivered might go through?
Names » Of Christ » Arm of the lord
Who believeth our sayings? And the arm of the LORD, to whom is it opened?
Verse Concepts
Wake up, wake up, and be strong: O thou arm of the LORD: wake up, like as in times past, ever, and since the world began.
Verse Concepts
Rahab » A symbolic name applied to egypt
I will think upon Rahab and Babylon, with them that know me. Behold ye the Philistines also, and they of Tyre, with they of the Ethiopians; lo, there was he born.
Verse Concepts
Wake up, wake up, and be strong: O thou arm of the LORD: wake up, like as in times past, ever, and since the world began.
Verse Concepts
Thou hast subdued Egypt, like one that is wounded; thou scatterest thine enemies abroad with thy mighty arm.
Verse Concepts
For the Egyptian's help shall be but vain and lost. Therefore I told you also that your pride should have an end.
Verse Concepts