Thematic Bible
Thematic Bible
Backsliding » Sin of, to be confessed
Confession of sin » Examples of national
Conscience » Guilty
Remember, if we sin willfully after we have gained a full knowledge of the Truth, there can be no further sacrifice for sin; there is only a fearful anticipation of judgment, and a burning indignation which will destroy all opponents.
Now King Herod heard of Jesus; for his name had become well known. People were saying--"John the Baptizer must have risen from the dead, and that is why these miraculous powers are active in him."
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Then Judas, who betrayed him, seeing that Jesus was condemned, repented of what he had done, and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the Chief Priests and Councillors. "I did wrong in betraying a good man to his death," he said. "What has that to do with us?" they replied. "You must see to that yourself." Judas flung down the pieces of silver in the Temple, and left; and went away and hanged himself.
how much more will the blood of the Christ, who, through his eternal Spirit, offered himself up to God, as a victim without blemish, purify our consciences from a lifeless formality, and fit us for the service of the Living God!
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At that time Prince Herod heard of the fame of Jesus, And said to his attendants: " This must be John the Baptist; he must be risen from the dead, and that is why these miraculous powers are active in him."
But when Herod heard of him, he said--"The man whom I beheaded--John--he must be risen!"
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When the people heard this, they were conscience-smitten, and said to Peter and the rest of the Apostles: "Brothers, what can we do?"
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who will make use of the hypocrisy of lying teachers. These men's consciences are seared,
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Everything is pure to the pure-minded, but to those whose minds are polluted and who are unbelievers nothing is pure. Their minds and consciences are alike polluted.
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