Thematic Bible
Thematic Bible
Shame » Who shall be ashamed
A righteous man abhoreth lies; but the ungodly shameth both others and himself.
Verse Concepts
The wise shall have honour in possession, but shame is the promotion that fools shall have.
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Thou art the comfort of Israel. All that forsake thee, shall be ashamed. And they that depart from thee shall be written in the earth. For they have lost the LORD that is the fountain of the water of life.
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"Behold, God will not cast away a virtuous man, neither will he help the ungodly. Thy mouth shall be full with laughing, and thy lips with gladness. They that hate thee, shall be confounded, and the dwellings of the ungodly shall come to naught."
But as for you, ye are they that have forsaken the LORD, and forgotten my holy hill. Ye have set up an altar to Fortune, and given rich drink offerings unto the planets. Therefore will I number you with the sword, that ye shall be destroyed all together. For when I called, no man gave me answer: when I spake, ye hearkened not unto me, but did wickedness before mine eyes, and chose the thing that pleased me not. Therefore thus sayeth the LORD God: Behold, my servants shall eat, but ye shall have hunger. Behold, my servants shall drink, but ye shall suffer thirst. Behold, my servants shall be merry, but ye shall be confounded.
Whoso reproveth a scornful person, getteth himself dishonour: and he that rebuketh the ungodly, staineth himself.
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Let me not be confounded, O LORD, for I have called upon thee: let the ungodly be put to confusion, and put to silence in the grave.
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And therefore let them convert, and be ashamed earnestly, that hope in Idols and say to fashioned images, "Ye are our gods."
Verse Concepts
Confusion hath devoured our fathers' labour from our youth up: yea, their sheep and bullocks, their sons and daughters. So do we also sleep in our confusion, and shame covereth us: for we and our fathers from our youth up unto this day have sinned against the LORD our God, and have not obeyed the voice of the LORD our God."