Thematic Bible
Thematic Bible
the Burnt offering » To be taken from » The flock or herd
Tell the Israelites: 'When you bring an offering to Jehovah, bring your offering of animals from the herd or the flock.
Verse Concepts
Sacrifices » Were offered » For individuals
Tell the Israelites: 'When you bring an offering to Jehovah, bring your offering of animals from the herd or the flock.
Verse Concepts
Tell them: 'If Israelites or foreigners make burnt offerings or sacrifices,
Verse Concepts
Types of Christ » Burnt offering
He should lay his hand on the head of the burnt offering. It may then be accepted for him to make atonement with Jehovah on his behalf.
Verse Concepts
Tell the Israelites: 'When you bring an offering to Jehovah, bring your offering of animals from the herd or the flock.
Verse Concepts
Worship » Nature of worship » Sacrifice
Moses answered: Then you would have to provide us with animals for sacrifices and burnt offerings to offer to Jehovah our God.
Verse Concepts
Tell the Israelites: 'When you bring an offering to Jehovah, bring your offering of animals from the herd or the flock.
Verse Concepts
The Law is a shadow of the good things to come. It is not the actual things. The continual yearly sacrifices can never make those who worship perfect.
Verse Concepts