Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

Jesus said to His disciples, "It is inevitable that causes of stumbling should come; but alas for him through whom they come! It would be well for him if, with a millstone round his neck, he were lying at the bottom of the sea, rather than that he should cause even one of these little ones to fall. Be on your guard. "If your brother acts wrongly, reprove him; and if he is sorry, forgive him; read more.
and if seven times in a day he acts wrongly towards you, and seven times turns again to you and says, 'I am sorry,' you must forgive him." And the Apostles said to the Lord, "Give us faith." "If your faith," replied the Lord, "is like a mustard seed, you might command this black-mulberry-tree, 'Tear up your roots and plant yourself in the sea,' and instantly it would obey you. But which of you who has a servant ploughing, or tending sheep, will say to him when he comes in from the farm, 'Come at once and take your place at table,' and will not rather say to him, 'Get my dinner ready, make yourself tidy, and wait upon me till I have finished my dinner, and then you shall have yours'? Does he thank the servant for obeying his orders? So you also, when you have obeyed all the orders given you, must say, "'There is no merit in our service: what we have done is only what we were in duty bound to do.'"

It would be well for him if, with a millstone round his neck, he were lying at the bottom of the sea, rather than that he should cause even one of these little ones to fall.

Just then the disciples came to Jesus and asked, "Who ranks higher than others in the Kingdom of the Heavens?" So He called a young child to Him, and, bidding him stand in the midst of them, said, "In solemn truth I tell you that unless you turn and become like little children, you will in no case be admitted into the Kingdom of the Heavens. read more.
Whoever therefore shall humble himself as this young child, he it is who is superior to others in the Kingdom of the Heavens. And whoever for my sake receives one young child such as this, receives me. But whoever shall occasion the fall of one of these little ones who believe in me, it would be better for him to have a millstone hung round his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.

"Rabbi," said John to Him, "we saw a man making use of your name to expel demons, and we tried to hinder him, on the ground that he did not follow us." "You should not have tried to hinder him," replied Jesus, "for there is no one who will use my name to perform a miracle and be able the next minute to speak evil of me. He who is not against us is for us; read more.
and whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ, I solemnly tell you that he will certainly not lose his reward. "And whoever shall occasion the fall of one of these little ones who believe, he would be better off if, with a millstone round his neck, he were lying at the bottom of the sea.

Jesus said to His disciples, "It is inevitable that causes of stumbling should come; but alas for him through whom they come! It would be well for him if, with a millstone round his neck, he were lying at the bottom of the sea, rather than that he should cause even one of these little ones to fall.