Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

And every one who hears these my teachings and does not act upon them will be found to resemble a fool who builds his house upon sand. Verse ConceptsFolly, Examples OfFailureComplacencyWicked Described AsThe Insecurity Of The WickedHearing ChristThe Work Of FoolsDoing God's WorksSand And Gravel

Your duty then was to deposit my money in some bank, and so when I came I should have got back my property with interest. Verse ConceptsCreditTalentsDepositsInterestMoney, Stewardship OfMoney, Uses OfPossessingBanksGifts And Talentsinvestinglent

And that servant who has been told his Master's will and yet made no preparation and did not obey His will, will receive many lashes. Verse ConceptsAccording To His WillSin, Nature OfSins Of OmissionKnowing God's WillKnowing FactsStrictnessDoing The Right ThingservanthoodNot Serving God

What good is it, my brethren, if a man professes to have faith, and yet his actions do not correspond? Can such faith save him? Verse ConceptsFaith, As Basis Of SalvationClaimsProfitsWork, And RedemptionFaith That WorksUseless ReligionThings Which Cannot SaveWorks Of Faith

And every one who hears these my teachings and does not act upon them will be found to resemble a fool who builds his house upon sand. Verse ConceptsFolly, Examples OfFailureComplacencyWicked Described AsThe Insecurity Of The WickedHearing ChristThe Work Of FoolsDoing God's WorksSand And Gravel

Your duty then was to deposit my money in some bank, and so when I came I should have got back my property with interest. Verse ConceptsCreditTalentsDepositsInterestMoney, Stewardship OfMoney, Uses OfPossessingBanksGifts And Talentsinvestinglent

And that servant who has been told his Master's will and yet made no preparation and did not obey His will, will receive many lashes. Verse ConceptsAccording To His WillSin, Nature OfSins Of OmissionKnowing God's WillKnowing FactsStrictnessDoing The Right ThingservanthoodNot Serving God

What good is it, my brethren, if a man professes to have faith, and yet his actions do not correspond? Can such faith save him? Verse ConceptsFaith, As Basis Of SalvationClaimsProfitsWork, And RedemptionFaith That WorksUseless ReligionThings Which Cannot SaveWorks Of Faith