Thematic Bible: Perpetuity of

Thematic Bible

He stood up and shook the land; with his stare he startled the nations. The age-old mountains were shattered, and the ancient hilltops bowed down. His ways are eternal. Verse ConceptsHillsTheophanyThe AlmightyEternal WorldMountains RemovedGod ShakingThe Ground Being SplitGod Saves From Sin And Death

Your father's blessings will prove to be stronger than blessings from the eternal mountains or bounties from the everlasting hills. May they come to rest on Joseph's head, May they be set upon the brow of the one who was separated from his own brothers." Verse ConceptsHeadsHillsPrincesEternal WorldBlessed By God

the choicest portion of the eternal mountains, and the best of the everlasting hills; Verse ConceptsHillsEternal World

He built his sanctuary, high as the heavens, like the earth that he established forever. Verse ConceptsEternal WorldCreation Of The EarthUnicorns

A generation goes, a generation comes, but the earth remains forever. Verse ConceptsEternal WorldPermanenceThe EarthChange And GrowthSeasons Changing

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