Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

Thou wilt give truth to Jacob, mercy to Abraham, which thou didst swear to our fathers from the days of old. GuaranteePledgesPerforming The TruthGod Swearing BlessingsGod Speaking Of OldGod Showed His Lovingkindnessdevotion

And a messenger of Jehovah will go up from Gilgal to Bochim, and he will say, I will bring you up out of Egypt, and I will bring you in to the land which I sware to your fathers; and he said I will not break my covenant with you forever. Covenant breakersGuardiansProperty, LandThe Promised LandGod Bringing Israel Out Of EgyptGod Keeps CovenantAngelic Guardianship

And yet also this in their being in the land of their enemies, I did not reject them, and I did not abhor them, to cut them off, and to break my covenant with them: for I Jehovah their God. And I remembered for them the covenant of their beginnings, whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt, in the eyes of the nations to be to them for God: I Jehovah.

And he will say, Jehovah the God of Israel, none like thee, the God in the heavens from above and upon the earth from beneath, watching the covenant and the mercy to thy servants going before thee with all their heart: God, Uniqueness OfGod's WaysLoyaltyMonotheismNo One Is Like GodGod Keeps Covenant

For Jehovah thy God a merciful God; he will not desert thee, and he will not destroy thee, and he will not forget the covenant of thy fathers which he sware to them. AbandonmentAssurance, basis ofGod's attitude towards peopleMercifulnessGod's MercyGod Remembering His CovenantGod Not ForsakingMercy

For Jehovah loves you and watches the oath which he sware to your fathers: Jehovah brought you out by a strong hand, and he will redeem thee from the house of servants, from the house of Pharaoh king of Egypt. And know thou that Jehovah thy God, he is God, the faithful God, watching the covenant and the kindness to those loving him, and to those watching his commands to the thousandth generation:

He remembered his covenant forever, the word he commanded to a thousand generations. Which he cut out with Abraham, and his oath to Isaak. And he will set it for a law to Jacob, to Israel an eternal covenant: read more.
Saying, To thee will give the land of Canaan, the line of your inheritance:

And he will remember his covenant to them, and he will console according to the multitude of his mercy. God, Repentance OfLoyaltyRepentance, Nature OfGod Remembering His CovenantGod Keeps CovenantGod Showed His Lovingkindness

And Moses will call to all Israel, and say, Hear, thou Israel, the laws and the judgments which I speak in your ears this day, and learn them, and watch to do them. Jehovah our God cut out with us a covenant in Horeb. Jehovah cut not out this covenant with our fathers, but with us, we, these here this day, all we living.

He is Jehovah our God: his judgments are in all the earth. He remembered his covenant forever, the word he commanded to a thousand generations. Which he cut out with Abraham, and his oath to Isaak. read more.
And he will set it for a law to Jacob, to Israel an eternal covenant:

The spirit of the Lord Jehovah is upon me; because Jehovah anointed me to announce good news to the afflicted, he sent me to bind up to the broken of heart, to call freedom to the captives, and the opening of the prison to the bound. To call the year of acceptance to Jehovah, and the day of vengeance to our God; to comfort all those mourning; To set to those mourning in Zion, to give to them adorning instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, the vestment of praise for the spirit of faintness; and it shall be called to them, The mighty trees of justice of the planting of Jehovah, to be honored. read more.
And they shall build the perpetual wastes; they shall raise up the former desolations, and they renewed the cities of the waste, the desolations of generation and generation. And strangers stood and fed your sheep, and the sons of the stranger, your husbandmen and your vinedressers. And ye shall be called the priests of Jehovah, serving our God; he shall say to you, Ye shall eat the strength of the nations, and ye shall take place in their honor. For your shame the second place; and they shall rejoice in reproach, their portion: for this in their land they shall inherit the second place; eternal joy shall be to them. For I Jehovah love judgment, hating robbery for burnt-offering; and I gave their works in truth, and I will cut out to them an eternal covenant And their seed was known among the nations, and their offspring in the midst of the peoples: all seeing them shall recognise them, for they the seed Jehovah blessed.

And say to them, Thus said Jehovah, God of Israel: Cursed the man who will not hear the words of this covenant, Which I commanded your fathers in the day of my bringing them forth out of the land of Egypt, from the furnace of iron, saying, Hear ye to my voice, and do them according to all that I shall command you: and be to me for a people, and I will be to you for God: To establish the oath which I sware to your fathers, to give to them a land flowing milk and honey, as this day. And I shall answer and say, Verily, O Jehovah.

The oath which he sware to Abraham our father, Abraham, New Testament ReferencesGod Swearing Blessings

Sojourn in this land, and I will be with thee, and will bless thee, for to thee and to thy seed will I give all these lands; and I established the oath which I sware to Abraham thy father. Blessings, To AbrahamOaths, DivineSojourningGod Swearing BlessingsGod Will Be With YouGod Will Blessland

In which God, willing more abundantly to show to the heirs of the promise the firmness of his counsel, he intervened by an oath: That by two unalterable deeds, in which it is impossible for God to deceive we might have a strong consolation, taking refuge in holding firmly the hope set before:

And he will say, By myself did I swear, says Jehovah, for because that thou didst this word, and didst not spare thy son, thine only. AbrahamChild sacrificeOaths, DivineThe Only ChildOnly Child Of PeopleGod HimselfNot SparingSwearingmyself

And Joseph will say to his brethren, I am dying; and God reviewing, will review you, and will bring you up from this land to the land which he sware to Abraham, to Isaak and to Jacob. Assurance, basis ofProperty, LandThe Promised LandGod VisitingNearness Of DeathDeath Will Soon HappenDeath Approaching

Once did I swear in my holy place if I shall lie to David. Oaths, DivineHow God Can't Liewholeness

Which he cut out with Abraham, and his oath to Isaak. God Swearing BlessingsGod's Covenant With The Patriarchscovenant

For God promising to Abraham, since he had none greater to swear by, sware by himself, God HimselfSwearing

And Abram shall be the son of ninety years and nine years: Jehovah shall be seen to Abram and will say to him, I am God Almighty; walk thou before me, and be complete. And I will give my covenant between me and between thee, and I will multiply thee with might exceedingly. And Abram will fall upon his face, and God will speak to him, saying, read more.
I, behold my covenant with thee, thou being father of a multitude of nations. And thy name shall no more be called Abram, and thy name shall be Abraham, for the father of a multitude of nations have I given thee. And I made thee fruitful with might exceedingly, and I gave thee for nations, and kings shall come forth from thee. And I set up my covenant between me and between thee, and between thy seed after thee to their generations for a covenant of eternity; to be a God to thee and to thy seed after thee. And I gave to thee and to thy seed after thee, the land of thy sojournings with all the land of Canaan for an eternal possession; and I was God to them. And God will say to Abraham, Thou shalt watch my covenant., thou, and thy seed after thee to their generations. This my covenant which ye shall watch between me and beween you, and between thy seed after thee; every male among you to be circumcised. And ye circumcised the flesh of your uncircumcision; and it was for a sign of the covenant between me and between you. And the son of eight days shall be circumcised, every male of your generations being born in the house, and he bought with silver, from every son of the stranger which is not of thy seed. He shall be circumcised with circumcising, he being born in thy house, and bought with thy silver: and my covenant was in your flesh for an eternal covenant And the uncircumcised male which shall not be circumcised in the flesh of his uncircumcision, and that soul shall be cut off from its people: he broke my covenant And God will say to Abraham, Sarai, thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai, for Sarah her name. And I blessed her, and I gave thee also a son of her: and I blessed her and she was for nations, and kings of people shall be from her. And Abraham will fall upon his face and laugh, and will say in his heart, Shall there be born to the son of a hundred years? and shall Sarah the daughter of ninety years, bring forth? And Abraham will say to God, O for Ishmael to live before thee And God will say. Truly, Sarah thy wife, shall bring forth to thee a son, and shall call his name Isaak: and I set up my covenant with him for a lasting covenant, and to his seed after him. And for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I blessed him and made him fruitful, and I multiplied him with might exceedingly: twelve chiefs shall he beget, and I will give him into a great nation. And my covenant will I set up with Isaak whom Sarah shall bring forth to thee at this appointed time in another year. And he will finish speaking with him, and God will go up from Abraham.

And Jehovah will say to Abram, Go for thyself from thy land, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, to the land which I will shew thee. And I will make thee into a great nation, and I will bless thee, and I will make thy name great; and thou shalt be blessed. And I will praise them praising thee, and I will curse him cursing thee, and in thee shall all the families of the earth be praised.

Neither that the seed of Abraham, are all children: but, In Isaac shall the seed be called to thee. That is, The children of the flesh, these not the children of God: but the children of the solemn promise are reckoned for seed. For this the word of solemn promise, According to this time will I come, and there shall be a son to Sarah. read more.
And not only; but also Rebecca, having coition of one, Isaac our father; (For not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that according to choice the purpose of God might remain, not of works, but of him calling;) It was said to her, That the greater shall serve the less. As has been written, Jacob have I loved, and Esau have I hated.

He remembered his covenant forever, the word he commanded to a thousand generations. Which he cut out with Abraham, and his oath to Isaak. And he will set it for a law to Jacob, to Israel an eternal covenant: read more.
Saying, To thee will give the land of Canaan, the line of your inheritance:

And also have I set my covenant with them to give to them the land of Canaan, the land of their sojournings, which they sojourned upon it And also I heard the groaning of the sons of Israel whom the Egyptians have made to serve: and I will remember my covenant For this say thou to the sons of Israel, I am Jehovah, and I brought you forth from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I delivered you from their work, and I redeemed you with an arm stretched out and with great judgments. read more.
And I took you to me for a people, and I was to you for God: and ye knew that I was Jehovah your God, having brought you forth from under the burdens of the Egyptians. And I brought you to a land which I lifted up my hand to give it to Abraham, to Isaak, and to Jacob, and I gave it to you a possession: I am Jehovah.

Thou thyself Jehovah the God who chose in Abram, and thou broughtest him from Ur of the Chaldees, and didst set his name Abraham. And thou didst find his heart faithful before thee, and thou didst cut out a covenant with him to give the land of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perezzites, the Jebusites, and the Girgashites, to give to his seed: and thou wilt set up thy words, for thou art just:

And Abram shall be the son of ninety years and nine years: Jehovah shall be seen to Abram and will say to him, I am God Almighty; walk thou before me, and be complete. And I will give my covenant between me and between thee, and I will multiply thee with might exceedingly. And Abram will fall upon his face, and God will speak to him, saying, read more.
I, behold my covenant with thee, thou being father of a multitude of nations. And thy name shall no more be called Abram, and thy name shall be Abraham, for the father of a multitude of nations have I given thee. And I made thee fruitful with might exceedingly, and I gave thee for nations, and kings shall come forth from thee. And I set up my covenant between me and between thee, and between thy seed after thee to their generations for a covenant of eternity; to be a God to thee and to thy seed after thee. And I gave to thee and to thy seed after thee, the land of thy sojournings with all the land of Canaan for an eternal possession; and I was God to them. And God will say to Abraham, Thou shalt watch my covenant., thou, and thy seed after thee to their generations. This my covenant which ye shall watch between me and beween you, and between thy seed after thee; every male among you to be circumcised. And ye circumcised the flesh of your uncircumcision; and it was for a sign of the covenant between me and between you. And the son of eight days shall be circumcised, every male of your generations being born in the house, and he bought with silver, from every son of the stranger which is not of thy seed. He shall be circumcised with circumcising, he being born in thy house, and bought with thy silver: and my covenant was in your flesh for an eternal covenant And the uncircumcised male which shall not be circumcised in the flesh of his uncircumcision, and that soul shall be cut off from its people: he broke my covenant And God will say to Abraham, Sarai, thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai, for Sarah her name. And I blessed her, and I gave thee also a son of her: and I blessed her and she was for nations, and kings of people shall be from her. And Abraham will fall upon his face and laugh, and will say in his heart, Shall there be born to the son of a hundred years? and shall Sarah the daughter of ninety years, bring forth? And Abraham will say to God, O for Ishmael to live before thee And God will say. Truly, Sarah thy wife, shall bring forth to thee a son, and shall call his name Isaak: and I set up my covenant with him for a lasting covenant, and to his seed after him. And for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I blessed him and made him fruitful, and I multiplied him with might exceedingly: twelve chiefs shall he beget, and I will give him into a great nation. And my covenant will I set up with Isaak whom Sarah shall bring forth to thee at this appointed time in another year. And he will finish speaking with him, and God will go up from Abraham.

He is Jehovah our God: his judgments are in all the earth. He remembered his covenant forever, the word he commanded to a thousand generations. Which he cut out with Abraham, and his oath to Isaak. read more.
And he will set it for a law to Jacob, to Israel an eternal covenant:

The oath which he sware to Abraham our father, Abraham, New Testament ReferencesGod Swearing Blessings

For God promising to Abraham, since he had none greater to swear by, sware by himself, Saying, Truly will I praise thee, and multiplying will I multiply thee.

For I sware in mine anger if they shall come in to my rest ExclusionGod Swearing Harm

Jehovah of armies sware by his soul: That if I filled thee with men as with locusts, and they struck up a shout against thee. LocustsMany Enemies

And to whom sware he that they could not come into his rest, if not to them having been disobedient? God Swearing Harmdisobedience

To establish the oath which I sware to your fathers, to give to them a land flowing milk and honey, as this day. And I shall answer and say, Verily, O Jehovah. AmenMilk And Honey

For by myself did I swear, says Jehovah, that Bozrah shall be for a desolation, for a reproach, and for a waste, and for a curse; and all her cities shall be for wastes forever. Made A Horror

For the law establishes men chief priests having weakness; but the word of the sacrifice sanctioned by solemn oath, after the law, the Son, having been perfected forever. Jesus Christ, Eternity OfGod, Perfection OfPriesthood, In NtConsecrationUnblemishmentChrist Made PerfectRivers

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And he will say, By myself did I swear, says Jehovah, for because that thou didst this word, and didst not spare thy son, thine only. AbrahamChild sacrificeOaths, DivineThe Only ChildOnly Child Of PeopleGod HimselfNot SparingSwearingmyself

Once did I swear in my holy place if I shall lie to David. Oaths, DivineHow God Can't Liewholeness

Which he cut out with Abraham, and his oath to Isaak. God Swearing BlessingsGod's Covenant With The Patriarchscovenant

For we having believed come into the rest, as he said, As I sware in my wrath, if they shall come into my rest: although the works having been from the foundation of the world. CompletionHeaven,  Redeemed CommunityOpportunities, And SalvationPerfection, DivineEntering LifeSaved By FaithGod Swearing HarmFrom The BeginningGod Giving RestNew Testament Claiming Old Testament Is InspiredRestFinishing Strongfinishing

Jehovah sware the truth to David; he will not turn back from it: from the fruit of thy belly I will set upon the throne to thee. Kingship, HumanGod Is UnchangeableThrone, Examples OfProphecies Concerning ChristMessianic PropheciesPromises

As I aware in my wrath, If they shall come into my rest.) SleeplessnessEntering LifeGod Swearing Harm

And sware by him living for ever and ever, who created the heaven, and all in it, and earth, and all things in it, and the sea, and all in it, that time shall be no more: Earth, Creation OfGod, Living And Self sustainingHeaven, Nature OfNatureCreation Of The Physical HeavensImminenceCreation Of The SeasGod Not DelayingSwearing ByRainbow

By myself I sware the word, justice went forth out of my mouth, and shall not turn back, That to me every knee shall bend, every tongue shall swear. FeetFace Of GodAttitudes, in prayerGod, Will OfHeadshipKneelingOaths, DivineSatan, Resistance ToTongueTributesSwearing OathsSolar EclipseSwearing

And if ye will not bear these words, by myself I sware, says Jehovah, that this house shall be for a desolation. RuinsRefusing To Hear

(For they truly without sacrifice sanctioned by solemn oath became priests; but he with the sacrifice sanctioned by solemn oath by him, saying to him, The Lord sware, and will not repent, Thou priest forever, according to the order of Melchisedec:) God, Human Descriptions OfConsistencyAssurance, basis ofJesus Christ, Eternity OfGod Is UnchangeableGod Swearing BlessingsNot Swearing OathsGod ReturningNew Testament Claiming Old Testament Is Inspired

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American Bible Union New Testament
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Common New Testament
Daniel Mace New Testament
Darby Translation
Emphatic Diaglott Bible
Godbey New Testament
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Holman Bible
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Noyes New Testament
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Youngs Literal Translation