Thematic Bible
Thematic Bible
Being Forsaken by friends » Instances of » David
Consolation under Affliction » To those deserted by friends
I will not leave you bereaved: I am coming to you.
Verse Concepts
If the world hates you, remember that it has first had me as the fixed object of its hatred. If you belonged to the world, the world would love its own property. But because you do not belong to the world, and I have chosen you out of the world--for that reason the world hates you.
Feet » Parts of, mentioned in scripture » Heel
Friends » False friends » David's friends were false to david
Ingratitude » Of man to man » David's companions to david
Judas » Foretold
Then when Judas, who had betrayed Him, saw that He was condemned, smitten with remorse he brought back the thirty shekels to the High Priests and Elders and said, "I have sinned, in betraying to death one who is innocent." "What does that matter to us?" they replied; it is your business." Flinging the shekels into the Sanctuary he left the place, and went and hanged himself. read more.
When the High Priests had gathered up the money they said, "It is illegal to put it into the Treasury, because it is the price of blood." So after consulting together they spent the money in the purchase of the Potter's Field as a burial place for people not belonging to the city; for which reason that piece of ground received the name, which it still bears, of 'the Field of Blood.' Then were fulfilled the words spoken by the Prophet Jeremiah, "And I took the thirty shekels, the price of the prized one on whom Israelites had set a price, and gave them for the potter's field, as the Lord directed me."
When the High Priests had gathered up the money they said, "It is illegal to put it into the Treasury, because it is the price of blood." So after consulting together they spent the money in the purchase of the Potter's Field as a burial place for people not belonging to the city; for which reason that piece of ground received the name, which it still bears, of 'the Field of Blood.' Then were fulfilled the words spoken by the Prophet Jeremiah, "And I took the thirty shekels, the price of the prized one on whom Israelites had set a price, and gave them for the potter's field, as the Lord directed me."
"Any one who has lately bathed," said Jesus, "does not need to wash more than his feet, but is clean all over. And you my disciples are clean, and yet this is not true of all of you." For He knew who was betraying Him, and that was why He said, "You are not all of you clean." So after He had washed their feet, put on His garments again, and returned to the table, He said to them, "Do you understand what I have done to you? read more.
You call me 'The Rabbi' and 'The Master,' and rightly so, for such I am. If I then, your Master and Rabbi, have washed your feet, it is also your duty to wash one another's feet. For I have set you an example in order that you may do what I have done to you. In most solemn truth I tell you that a servant is not superior to his master, nor is a messenger superior to him who sent him. If you know all this, blessed are you if you act accordingly. I am not speaking of all of you. I know whom I have chosen, but things are as they are in order that the Scripture may be fulfilled, which says, 'He who eats my bread has lifted up his heel against me.'
You call me 'The Rabbi' and 'The Master,' and rightly so, for such I am. If I then, your Master and Rabbi, have washed your feet, it is also your duty to wash one another's feet. For I have set you an example in order that you may do what I have done to you. In most solemn truth I tell you that a servant is not superior to his master, nor is a messenger superior to him who sent him. If you know all this, blessed are you if you act accordingly. I am not speaking of all of you. I know whom I have chosen, but things are as they are in order that the Scripture may be fulfilled, which says, 'He who eats my bread has lifted up his heel against me.'
When Jesus had thus spoken, He raised his eyes towards Heaven and said, "Father, the hour has come. Glorify Thy Son that the Son may glorify Thee; even as Thou hast given Him authority over all mankind, so that on all whom Thou hast given Him He may bestow the Life of the Ages. And in this consists the Life of the Ages--in knowing Thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent. read more.
I have glorified Thee on earth, having done perfectly the work which by Thine appointment has been mine to do. And now, Father, do Thou glorify me in Thine own presence, with the glory that I had in Thy presence before the world existed. "I have revealed Thy perfections to the men whom Thou gavest me out of the world. Thine they were, and Thou gavest them to me, and they have obeyed Thy message. Now they know that whatever Thou hast given me is from Thee. For the truths which Thou didst teach me I have taught them. And they have received them, and have known for certain that I came out from Thy presence, and have believed that Thou didst send me. "I am making request for them: for the world I do not make any request, but for those whom Thou hast given me. Because they are Thine, and everything that is mine is Thine, and everything that is Thine is mine; and I am crowned with glory in them. I am now no longer in the world, but they are in the world and I am coming to Thee. "Holy Father, keep them true to Thy name--the name which Thou hast given me to bear--that they may be one, even as we are. While I was with them, I kept them true to Thy name--the name Thou hast given me to bear--and I kept watch over them, and not one of them is lost but only he who is doomed to destruction--that the Scripture may be fulfilled.
I have glorified Thee on earth, having done perfectly the work which by Thine appointment has been mine to do. And now, Father, do Thou glorify me in Thine own presence, with the glory that I had in Thy presence before the world existed. "I have revealed Thy perfections to the men whom Thou gavest me out of the world. Thine they were, and Thou gavest them to me, and they have obeyed Thy message. Now they know that whatever Thou hast given me is from Thee. For the truths which Thou didst teach me I have taught them. And they have received them, and have known for certain that I came out from Thy presence, and have believed that Thou didst send me. "I am making request for them: for the world I do not make any request, but for those whom Thou hast given me. Because they are Thine, and everything that is mine is Thine, and everything that is Thine is mine; and I am crowned with glory in them. I am now no longer in the world, but they are in the world and I am coming to Thee. "Holy Father, keep them true to Thy name--the name which Thou hast given me to bear--that they may be one, even as we are. While I was with them, I kept them true to Thy name--the name Thou hast given me to bear--and I kept watch over them, and not one of them is lost but only he who is doomed to destruction--that the Scripture may be fulfilled.
"Brethren, it was necessary that the Scripture should be fulfilled--the prediction, I mean, which the Holy Spirit uttered by the lips of David, about Judas, who acted as guide to those who arrested Jesus. For Judas was reckoned as one of our number, and a share in this ministry was allotted to him." (Now having bought a piece of ground with the money paid for his wickedness he fell there with his face downwards, and, his body bursting open, he became disembowelled. read more.
This fact became widely known to the people of Jerusalem, so that the place received the name, in their language, of Achel-damach, which means 'The Field of Blood.') "For it is written in the Book of Psalms, "'Let his encampment be desolate: let there be no one to dwell there'; and "'His work let another take up.'
This fact became widely known to the people of Jerusalem, so that the place received the name, in their language, of Achel-damach, which means 'The Field of Blood.') "For it is written in the Book of Psalms, "'Let his encampment be desolate: let there be no one to dwell there'; and "'His work let another take up.'
Judas » Prophecies of
While I was with them, I kept them true to Thy name--the name Thou hast given me to bear--and I kept watch over them, and not one of them is lost but only he who is doomed to destruction--that the Scripture may be fulfilled.
Verse Concepts
and the meal was proceeding, when Jesus said, "In solemn truth I tell you that one of you will betray me." Intensely grieved they began one after another to ask Him, "Can it be I, Master?" "The one who has dipped his fingers in the bowl with me," He answered, "is the man who will betray me. read more.
The Son of Man is indeed going as is written concerning Him; but alas for that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It had been a happy thing for that man if he had never been born." Then Judas, the disciple who was betraying Him, asked, "Can it be I, Rabbi?" "It is you," He replied.
The Son of Man is indeed going as is written concerning Him; but alas for that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It had been a happy thing for that man if he had never been born." Then Judas, the disciple who was betraying Him, asked, "Can it be I, Rabbi?" "It is you," He replied.
"Brethren, it was necessary that the Scripture should be fulfilled--the prediction, I mean, which the Holy Spirit uttered by the lips of David, about Judas, who acted as guide to those who arrested Jesus.
Verse Concepts
"For it is written in the Book of Psalms, "'Let his encampment be desolate: let there be no one to dwell there'; and "'His work let another take up.'
Verse Concepts
And while they were at table Jesus said, "I solemnly tell you that one of you will betray me--one who is eating with me." They were filled with sorrow, and began asking Him, one by one, "Not I, is it?" "It is one of the Twelve," He replied; "he who is dipping his fingers in the dish with me. read more.
For the Son of Man is going His way as it is written about Him; but alas for the man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It had been a happy thing for that man, had he never been born."
For the Son of Man is going His way as it is written about Him; but alas for the man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It had been a happy thing for that man, had he never been born."
Yet the hand of him who is betraying me is at the table with me. For indeed the Son of Man goes on His way--His pre-destined way; yet alas for that man who is betraying Him!" Thereupon they began to discuss with one another which of them it could possibly be who was about to do this.
I am not speaking of all of you. I know whom I have chosen, but things are as they are in order that the Scripture may be fulfilled, which says, 'He who eats my bread has lifted up his heel against me.' From this time forward I tell you things before they happen, in order that when they do happen you may believe that I am He. In most solemn truth I tell you that he who receives whoever I send receives me, and that he who receives me receives Him who sent me." read more.
After speaking thus Jesus was troubled in spirit and said with deep earnestness, "In most solemn truth I tell you that one of you will betray me." The disciples began looking at one another, at a loss to know to which of them He was referring. There was at table one of His disciples--the one Jesus loved-- reclining with his head on Jesus's bosom. Making a sign therefore to him, Simon Peter said, "Tell us to whom he is referring." So he, having his head on Jesus's bosom, leaned back and asked, "Master, who is it?" "It is the one," answered Jesus, "for whom I shall dip this piece of bread and to whom I shall give it." Accordingly He dipped the piece of bread, and took it and gave it to Judas, the son of the Iscariot Simon.
After speaking thus Jesus was troubled in spirit and said with deep earnestness, "In most solemn truth I tell you that one of you will betray me." The disciples began looking at one another, at a loss to know to which of them He was referring. There was at table one of His disciples--the one Jesus loved-- reclining with his head on Jesus's bosom. Making a sign therefore to him, Simon Peter said, "Tell us to whom he is referring." So he, having his head on Jesus's bosom, leaned back and asked, "Master, who is it?" "It is the one," answered Jesus, "for whom I shall dip this piece of bread and to whom I shall give it." Accordingly He dipped the piece of bread, and took it and gave it to Judas, the son of the Iscariot Simon.
Prophecies respecting Christ » His being betrayed by a friend
After speaking thus Jesus was troubled in spirit and said with deep earnestness, "In most solemn truth I tell you that one of you will betray me."
Verse Concepts
I am not speaking of all of you. I know whom I have chosen, but things are as they are in order that the Scripture may be fulfilled, which says, 'He who eats my bread has lifted up his heel against me.'
Verse Concepts