Thematic Bible: Runners in a race
Thematic Bible
Righteous » Compared with » Runners in a race
Do you not know that [although] everyone runs in a race, only one person wins the prize? So, you should run in order to win.
Verse Concepts
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a large crowd of spectators [Note: Christians are pictured here as being in a crowded arena, performing in the games], we should lay aside every [excessive] weight and sin that so easily entangle us, and with perseverance, we should run the race [of life] that lies before us.
Verse Concepts
compared to Saints » Runners in a race
Do you not know that [although] everyone runs in a race, only one person wins the prize? So, you should run in order to win.
Verse Concepts
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a large crowd of spectators [Note: Christians are pictured here as being in a crowded arena, performing in the games], we should lay aside every [excessive] weight and sin that so easily entangle us, and with perseverance, we should run the race [of life] that lies before us.
Verse Concepts
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