Thematic Bible: True worship
Thematic Bible
True worship » Worshipped jesus
And again, when God sent the Firstborn One [i.e., Jesus. See Rom. 8:29; Col. 1:15, 18; Rev. 1:5] into the world, He said [Deut. 32:43 LXX], "And all of God's angels should worship Him."
Verse Concepts
Then the disciples in the boat worshiped Jesus, saying, "Truly you are the Son of God."
Verse Concepts
Suddenly Jesus met them and gave them greetings. They approached Him and took hold of His feet [and knelt] to worship Him.
Verse Concepts
Then they went into the house and saw the young child with His mother Mary. They fell to the ground and worshiped Him, and unpacking their treasures, they offered Him gifts of gold, incense and aromatic spices.
Verse Concepts
And the apostles worshiped Jesus, then returned to Jerusalem with great joy.
Verse Concepts
And when He had taken the book, the four living beings and the twenty-four elders fell down in front of the Lamb [i.e., to worship Him]. Each one of them held [in his hands] a harp and a golden bowl full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints [See Psa. 141:2; Rev. 8:3-4].
Verse Concepts
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