Thematic Bible: Who purifies their soul

Thematic Bible

Think what love the Father has had for us, in letting us be called God's children, for that is what we are. This is why the world does not know what we are??ecause it has never come to know him. Dear friends, we are God's children now; it has not yet been disclosed what we are to be. We know that if he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. And everyone who possesses this hope in him tries to make himself as pure as he is.

for you know that you have not been ransomed with anything perishable like silver or gold, from the futile way of living in which you were brought up, but with precious blood, like that of an unblemished, spotless lamb, the blood of Christ, who was predestined for this before the foundation of the world, but was revealed only at the end of the ages, read more.
for the sake of you who through him trust in God, who raised him from the dead and showed him honor; and so your faith and hope rest on God. Now that by obeying the truth you have purified your souls for sincere love of the brotherhood, you must love one another intensely and heartily, for you have been born anew from a germ not perishable, but imperishable, through the message of the living, everlasting God.