10 Bible Verses about Bread, Figurative Of
Most Relevant Verses
And the Lord hath given to you bread of adversity, And water of oppression. And thy directors remove no more, And thine eyes have seen thy directors,
for the bread of God is that which is coming down out of the heaven, and giving life to the world.' They said, therefore, unto him, 'Sir, always give us this bread.' And Jesus said to them, 'I am the bread of the life; he who is coming unto me may not hunger, and he who is believing in me may not thirst -- at any time;
For I -- I received from the Lord that which also I did deliver to you, that the Lord Jesus in the night in which he was delivered up, took bread, and having given thanks, he brake, and said, 'Take ye, eat ye, this is my body, that for you is being broken; this do ye -- to the remembrance of me.' In like manner also the cup after the supping, saying, 'This cup is the new covenant in my blood; this do ye, as often as ye may drink it -- to the remembrance of me;'read more.
for as often as ye may eat this bread, and this cup may drink, the death of the Lord ye do shew forth -- till he may come; so that whoever may eat this bread or may drink the cup of the Lord unworthily, guilty he shall be of the body and blood of the Lord: and let a man be proving himself, and so of the bread let him eat, and of the cup let him drink;
Daily also continuing with one accord in the temple, breaking also at every house bread, they were partaking of food in gladness and simplicity of heart,
because one bread, one body, are we the many -- for we all of the one bread do partake.
Young I have been, I have also become old, And I have not seen the righteous forsaken, And his seed seeking bread.
Lo, this hath been the iniquity of Sodom thy sister, Arrogancy, fulness of bread, and quiet ease, Have been to her and to her daughters, And the hand of the afflicted and needy She hath not strengthened.
For they have eaten bread of wickedness, And wine of violence they drink.
She is watching the ways of her household, And bread of sloth she eateth not.