17 Bible Verses about God Will Answer

Most Relevant Verses

Jeremiah 33:3

'Call to me, and I will answer you, and I will tell you great [things] and inaccessible [things that] you have not known.'

Psalm 17:6

As for me, I have called on you because you will answer me, O God. Incline your ear to me. Hear my words.

Hosea 2:21

On that day I will answer, {declares Yahweh}, I will answer the heavens, and they will answer the earth.

Hosea 14:8

Ephraim, {what have I to do} with idols? I myself have answered and looked after you. I am like a luxuriant cypress; your fruit comes from me.

Ezekiel 14:7

For {each person} from the house of Israel, and from the alien who dwells as an alien in Israel, who separates himself {from following me} and brings up his idols into his heart and {places before himself} a stumbling block of his guilt, and [yet] he comes to the prophet to consult him concerning me, I Yahweh will answer him myself.

Ezekiel 14:4

Therefore speak with them, and you must say to them, 'Thus says the Lord Yahweh: "Every person from the house of Israel who brings up his idols into his heart and {places before himself} a stumbling block of his guilt and [yet] he comes to the prophet, I Yahweh, I will respond to him through this act with [respect to] the multitude of his idols,

Psalm 20:6

Now I know that Yahweh will help his anointed. He will answer him from his holy heaven with the victorious power of his right hand.

Zechariah 10:6

And I will strengthen the house of Judah, and the house of Joseph I will save. And I will bring them back, because I have compassion on them, and they will be as if I had not rejected them, for I [am] Yahweh their God, and I will answer them.

Zechariah 13:9

And I will bring the [remaining] third into the fire, and I will refine them like [one] refines silver, and I will test them like [one] tests gold. They will call my name, and I will answer them. I will say, 'They are my people,' and they will say, 'Yahweh [is] my God.'"

Genesis 41:16

Then Joseph answered Pharaoh saying, "{It is not in my power}; God will answer [concerning] the well-being of Pharaoh."

Isaiah 58:9

Then you shall call, and Yahweh himself will answer. You shall cry for help, and he will say, 'Here I [am]!' If you remove from among you [the] yoke, the {finger-pointing} and {evil speech},

1 Kings 18:24

Then you call on the name of your god, and I will call on the name of Yahweh, and it shall be that the god who answers by fire, he [is] God." Then all the people answered and said, "The word [is] good!"

Isaiah 30:19

For people will live in Zion; in Jerusalem, you will surely not weep. Surely he will be gracious to you; when he hears the sound of your cry, he will answer you.

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