15 Bible Verses about Heavenly Vision

Most Relevant Verses

Acts 26:19

So, then, King Agrippa, I did not go against the vision from heaven;

2 Corinthians 12:2

I have knowledge of a man in Christ, fourteen years back (if he was in the body, or out of the body, I am not able to say, but God only), who was taken up to the third heaven.

Acts 10:11

And he saw the heavens opening, and a vessel coming down, like a great cloth let down on the earth,

Genesis 28:17

And fear came on him, and he said, This is a holy place; this is nothing less than the house of God and the doorway of heaven.

Daniel 2:19

Then the secret was made clear to Daniel in a vision of the night. And Daniel gave blessing to the God of heaven.

Genesis 28:10-19

So Jacob went out from Beer-sheba to go to Haran. And coming to a certain place, he made it his resting-place for the night, for the sun had gone down; and he took one of the stones which were there, and putting it under his head he went to sleep in that place. And he had a dream, and in his dream he saw steps stretching from earth to heaven, and the angels of God were going up and down on them.read more.
And he saw the Lord by his side, saying, I am the Lord, the God of Abraham your father, and the God of Isaac: I will give to you and to your seed this land on which you are sleeping. Your seed will be like the dust of the earth, covering all the land to the west and to the east, to the north and to the south: you and your seed will be a name of blessing to all the families of the earth. And truly, I will be with you, and will keep you wherever you go, guiding you back again to this land; and I will not give you up till I have done what I have said to you. And Jacob, awaking from his sleep, said, Truly, the Lord is in this place and I was not conscious of it. And fear came on him, and he said, This is a holy place; this is nothing less than the house of God and the doorway of heaven. And early in the morning Jacob took the stone which had been under his head, and put it up as a pillar and put oil on it. And he gave that place the name of Beth-el, but before that time the town was named Luz.

Ezekiel 40:2

In the visions of God he took me into the land of Israel, and put me down on a very high mountain, on which there was, as it seemed, a building like a town opposite me.

Hebrews 8:5

Being servants of that which is a copy and an image of the things in heaven, as Moses, when he was about to make the Tent, had special orders from God: for, See, he said, that you make everything like the design which you saw in the mountain.

1 Kings 22:19

And he said, Give ear now to the word of the Lord: I saw the Lord seated on his seat of power, with all the army of heaven in their places round him at his right hand and at his left.

Zechariah 5:9

And lifting up my eyes I saw two women coming out, and the wind was in their wings; and they had wings like the wings of a stork: and they took the ephah, lifting it up between earth and heaven.

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Basic English, produced by Mr C. K. Ogden of the Orthological Institute - public domain