19 Bible Verses about Holiness Of The Saints
Most Relevant Verses
Because those of whom he had knowledge before they came into existence, were marked out by him to be made like his Son, so that he might be the first among a band of brothers:
Even as he made selection of us in him from the first, so that we might be holy and free from all evil before him in love:
Because it is God's purpose that our way of life may be not unclean but holy.
Who gave us salvation, marking us out for his purpose, not on account of our works, but in the measure of his purpose and his grace, which was given to us in Christ Jesus before times eternal,
And put on the new man, to which God has given life, in righteousness and a true and holy way of living.
If anyone makes the house of God unclean, God will put an end to him; for the house of God is holy, and you are his house.
For this reason, holy brothers, marked out to have a part in heaven, give thought to Jesus the representative and high priest of our faith;
But now, being free from sin, and having been made servants to God, you have your fruit in that which is holy, and the end is eternal life.
Let your desire be for peace with all men, and to be made holy, without which no man may see the Lord;
That we, being made free from the fear of those who are against us, might give him worship, In righteousness and holy living before him all our days.
And do not give your bodies to sin as the instruments of wrongdoing, but give yourselves to God, as those who are living from the dead, and your bodies as instruments of righteousness to God.
For this reason I make request to you, brothers, by the mercies of God, that you will give your bodies as a living offering, holy, pleasing to God, which is the worship it is right for you to give him.
But be holy in every detail of your lives, as he, whose servants you are, is holy;
Seeing then that all these things are coming to such an end, what sort of persons is it right for you to be, in all holy behaviour and righteousness,
Because God, then, will give us such rewards, dear brothers, let us make ourselves clean from all evil of flesh and spirit, and become completely holy in the fear of God.

In the body of his flesh through death, so that you might be holy and without sin and free from all evil before him:
So that your hearts may be strong and free from all sin before our God and Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his saints.
Let the evil man go on in his evil: and let the unclean be still unclean: and let the upright go on in his righteousness: and let the holy be holy still.
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