6 Bible Verses about People As Signs

Most Relevant Verses

Zechariah 3:8

Hear, I pray thee, Joshua, the high priest, Thou and thy companions sitting before thee, (For men of type are they,) For lo, I am bringing in My servant -- a Shoot.

Ezekiel 24:27

In that day opened is thy mouth with the escaped, And thou speakest, and art not silent any more, And thou hast been to them for a type. And they have known that I am Jehovah.'

Ezekiel 12:11

Say: I am your type; as I have done so it is done to them, into a removal, into a captivity, they do go.

Ezekiel 24:24

And Ezekiel hath been to you for a type, According to all that he hath done ye do; In its coming in -- ye have known that I am the Lord Jehovah.

Ezekiel 12:6

Before their eyes on the shoulder thou dost bear, in the darkness thou dost bring forth, thy face thou dost cover, and thou dost not see the earth, for a type I have given thee to the house of Israel.'

Luke 11:30

for as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, so also shall the Son of Man be to this generation.

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