23 Bible Verses about Preparing For Action
Most Relevant Verses
So make your minds ready, and keep on the watch, hoping with all your power for the grace which is to come to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;
And by the third day let them be ready: for on the third day the Lord will come down on Mount Sinai, before the eyes of all the people.
And he said to the people, Be ready by the third day: do not come near a woman.
And be ready by the morning, and come up on Mount Sinai, and come before me there in the morning, on the top of the mountain.
And the hand of the Lord was on Elijah; and he made himself strong, and went running before Ahab till they came to Jezreel.
Get your strength together like a man of war; I will put questions to you, and you will give me the answers.
Get your strength together like a man of war: I will put questions to you, and you will give me the answers.
Then he said to Gehazi, Make yourself ready, and take my stick in your hand, and go: if you come across anyone on the way, give him no blessing, and if anyone gives you a blessing, give him no answer. And put my stick on the child's face.
And Elisha the prophet sent for one of the sons of the prophets, and said to him, Make yourself ready for a journey, and take this bottle of oil in your hand, and go to Ramoth-gilead.
The Lord has let his holy arm be seen by the eyes of all nations; and all the ends of the earth will see the salvation of our God.
So the disciple who was dear to Jesus said to Peter, It is the Lord! Hearing that it was the Lord, Peter put his coat round him (because he was not clothed) and went into the sea.

And he who has given a price for goods will not get them, for my wrath is on all of them.
Put your work in order outside, and make it ready in the field; and after that, see to the building of your house.
Be ready, make yourself ready, you and all the forces who are with you, and be ready for my orders.
A crusher has come up before your face: keep a good look-out, let the way be watched, make yourself strong, let your power be greatly increased.
And he will take you up himself to a great room with a table and seats: there make ready for us.
So now, will you and the Sanhedrin make a request to the military authorities to have him sent down to you, as if you were desiring to go into the business in greater detail; and we, before ever he gets to you, will be waiting to put him to death.
Make clear to them that they are to put themselves under rulers and authorities, to do what they are ordered, to be ready for every good work,
And the goat will take all their sins into a land cut off from men, and he will send the goat away into the waste land.
But do not give way to them, for more than forty of them are waiting for him, having taken an oath not to take food or drink till they have put him to death: and now they are ready, waiting for your order
And the seven angels who had the seven horns made ready for sounding them.
And the four angels were made free, who were ready for the hour and day and month and year, that they might put to death a third part of men.