1 occurrence in 10 translations
'Engaged' in the Bible
And have them deliver it to the hands of the workmen who have been appointed over the house of the Lord, and have them give it to the workmen who are in the house of the Lord to repair the damages of the house—
Related Words
Bible Theasaurus
Absorb (1 instance)
Betrothed (19 instances)
Busy (20 instances)
Charter (1 instance)
Employ (8 instances)
Engage (51 instances)
Engaged (62 instances)
Enlist (3 instances)
Hire (53 instances)
Lease (2 instances)
Lock (13 instances)
Mesh (4 instances)
Meshed (1 instance)
Occupied (48 instances)
Occupy (45 instances)
Operate (4 instances)
Pledged (33 instances)
Plight (5 instances)
Prosecute (9 instances)
Pursue (143 instances)
Rent (83 instances)
Wage (69 instances)
Reverse Interlinear
Root Form