8 occurrences in 4 translations

'Endeavors' in the Bible

And you shall eat there {before} Yahweh your God, and you shall rejoice {in all your endeavors}, you and your family [in] which Yahweh your God has blessed you.

Verse ConceptsLove FeastWorship, Reasons ForRejoicingEating Before GodEating Drinking And Rejoicing

Yahweh will command {concerning you} the blessing [to be] in your barns and {in all your endeavors}; and he will bless you in the land that Yahweh your God [is] giving to you.

Verse ConceptsTemporal BlessingsBarnsProsperityStores Of FoodDedication

The Lord was with him; he succeeded in all his endeavors. He rebelled against the king of Assyria and refused to submit to him.

Verse ConceptsRebellion, Against Human AuthorityGod With Specific PeopleThe Righteous Prosperprospering

Sow your seed in the morning, and don't stop working until evening, since you don't know which of your endeavors will do well, whether this one or that, or even if both will do equally well.

Verse ConceptsBusynessVegetationNot Knowing The FutureAt Morning And EveningFrom Morning Till EveningCareer SuccessReaping What You SowPlanting SeedsSeedsSuccess And Hard WorkSowing Seedssowing

They prayed and said, “You, Lord, who know all hearts [their thoughts, motives, desires], show us which one of these two You have chosen

Verse ConceptsGod, Omniscience OfChosen DisciplesGod And The Heart

And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the Book of Life; and the dead were judged according to what they had done as written in the books [that is, everything done while on earth].

Verse ConceptsGod, As JudgeGuilt, Human Aspects OfDestinySmallnessStandingJudgmentWhat Heaven Will Be LikeThe Judgement InvolvesThe Act Of OpeningOpening DocumentsThe Final JudgementGreat And SmallRepaid For DeedsJudgment According To WorksAccountabilityJudgement DayJudging Others Actionsdeeds

Bible Theasaurus

Attempt (41 instances)
Endeavor (9 instances)
Endeavors (8 instances)
Endeavour (7 instances)
Enterprise (4 instances)
Strive (81 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 41

Usage: 11

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