13 occurrences

'O God' in the Bible

But as for me, as my soul shall answer for it, I appeal to God as my witness, that it was to spare you pain that I gave up my visit to Corinth.

For we are a fragrance of Christ grateful to God in those whom He is saving and in those who are perishing;

But we have this treasure in a fragile vase of clay, in order that the surpassing greatness of the power may be seen to belong to God, and not to originate in us.

With earnest entreaty they begged from us the favour of being allowed to share in the service now being rendered to God's people.

But thanks be to God that He inspires the heart of Titus with the same deep interest in you;

As to the services which are being rendered to God's people, it is really unnecessary for me to write to you.

And our prayer to God is that you may do nothing wrong; not in order that our sincerity may be demonstrated, but that you may do what is right, even though our sincerity may seem to be doubtful.