Most Popular Bible Verses in 1 Peter

1 Peter Rank:


To whom approaching, a living stone, truly disapproved of by men, and chosen by God, highly valued,


Peter, sent of Jesus Christ, to the chosen strangers of the dispersion of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia,


Dearly beloved, be not astonished at the refining of fire in you, being for trial to you, as a strange thing happening to you:


For also for this was the good news announced to the dead, that truly they might be judged according to men in the flesh, and live according to God in the spirit.


Therefore Christ having suffered for us in the flesh,, also arm ye yourselves with the same mind: (for he having suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin;)


For which salvation the prophets sought and inquired anxiously, they having prophesied of the grace to you:


And the word of the Lord remains forever. And this is the word having announced good news to you.


To him the glory and the strength for the time of times. Amen.


By Silvanus, to you the faithful brother, as I reckon, I wrote briefly, beseeching, and bearing testimony this to be the true grace of God in which ye stand.


Greet one another in a kiss of love. Peace to all you which in Christ Jesus. Amen.


Having beheld in fear your pure turning back.


For let not any of you suffer as a murderer, or thief, or doing evil, or as an inspector, in what pertains to others.


And if the just one with difficulty be saved, where shall the irreligious and sinful appear


In which they are astonished, you not running together in the same pouring out of lavish expense, blaspheming:


In which also having gone, he proclaimed to the spirits in prison;


To whom it was revealed, that not to themselves, but to us they were serving these things, which now have been again proclaimed to you by them having announced the good news in the Holy Spirit sent from heaven; into which angels eagerly desire to stoop and creep.


Searching for whom or what time the Spirit of Christ which in them manifested, testifying beforehand the sufferings to Christ, and the glories after these.