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And the Lord said, Because the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is very great, and their sin is very evil,

And Abraham came near, and said, Will you let destruction come on the upright with the sinners?

And the Lord said, If there are fifty upright men in the town, I will have mercy on it because of them.

If by chance there are five less than fifty upright men, will you give up all the town to destruction because of these five? And he said, I will not give it to destruction if there are forty-five.

And again he said to him, By chance there may be forty there. And he said, I will not do it if there are forty.

And he said, Let not the Lord be angry with me if I say, What if there are thirty there? And he said, I will not do it if there are thirty.

And he said, See now, I have undertaken to put my thoughts before the Lord: what if there are twenty there? And he said, I will have mercy because of the twenty.

And he said, O let not the Lord be angry and I will say only one word more: by chance there may be ten there. And he said, I will have mercy because of the ten.

And he said, My masters, come now into your servant's house and take your rest there for the night, and let your feet be washed; and early in the morning you may go on your way. And they said, Not so, but we will take our night's rest in the street.

And crying out to Lot, they said, Where are the men who came to your house this night? Send them out to us, so that we may take our pleasure with them.

And he said, My brothers, do not this evil.

And they said, Give way there. This one man, they said, came here from a strange country, and will he now be our judge? now we will do worse to you than to them; and pushing violently against Lot, they came near to get the door broken in.

Then the men said to Lot, Are there any others of your family here? sons-in-law or sons or daughters, take them all out of this place;

And Lot went out and said to his sons-in-law, who were married to his daughters, Come, let us go out of this place, for the Lord is about to send destruction on the town. But his sons-in-law did not take him seriously.

And when they had put them out, he said, Go for your life, without looking back or waiting in the lowland; go quickly to the mountain or you will come to destruction.

And Lot said to them, Not so, O my Lord;

And he said, See, I have given you your request in this one thing more: I will not send destruction on this town.

And the older daughter said to her sister, Our father is old, and there is no man to be a husband to us in the natural way:

And on the day after, the older daughter said to the younger, Last night I was with my father; let us make him take much wine this night again, and do you go to him, so that we may have offspring by our father.

And Abraham said of Sarah, his wife, She is my sister: and Abimelech, king of Gerar, sent and took Sarah.

But God came to Abimelech in a dream in the night, and said to him, Truly you are a dead man because of the woman whom you have taken; for she is a man's wife.

Now Abimelech had not come near her; and he said, Lord, will you put to death an upright nation?

Did he not say to me himself, She is my sister? and she herself said, He is my brother: with an upright heart and clean hands have I done this.

And God said to him in the dream, I see that you have done this with an upright heart, and I have kept you from sinning against me: for this reason I did not let you come near her.

Then Abimelech sent for Abraham, and said, What have you done to us? what wrong have I done you that you have put on me and on my kingdom so great a sin? You have done to me things which are not to be done.

And Abimelech said to Abraham, Why did you do this thing?

And Abraham said, Because it seemed to me that there was no fear of God in this place, and that they might put me to death because of my wife.

And when God sent me wandering from my father's house, I said to her, Let this be the sign of your love for me; wherever we go, say of me, He is my brother.

And Abimelech said, See, all my land is before you; take whatever place seems good to you.

And he said to Sarah, See, I have given to your brother a thousand bits of silver so that your wrong may be put right; now your honour is clear in the eyes of all.

And the Lord came to Sarah as he had said and did to her as he had undertaken.

And when his son Isaac was eight days old, Abraham made him undergo circumcision, as God had said to him.

And Sarah said, God has given me cause for laughing, and everyone who has news of it will be laughing with me.

And she said, Who would have said to Abraham that Sarah would have a child at her breast? for see, I have given him a son now when he is old.

So she said to Abraham, Send away that woman and her son: for the son of that woman is not to have a part in the heritage with my son Isaac.

But God said, Let it not be a grief to you because of the boy and Hagar his mother; give ear to whatever Sarah says to you, because it is from Isaac that your seed will take its name.

And the boy's cry came to the ears of God; and the angel of God said to Hagar from heaven, Hagar, why are you weeping? have no fear, for the child's cry has come to the ears of God.

Now at that time, Abimelech and Phicol, the captain of his army, said to Abraham, I see that God is with you in all you do.

But Abimelech said, I have no idea who has done this thing; you never gave me word of it, and I had no knowledge of it till this day.

Then Abimelech said, What are these seven lambs which you have put on one side?

And he said, Take these seven lambs from me as a witness that I have made this water-hole.

Now after these things, God put Abraham to the test, and said to him, Abraham; and he said, Here am I.

And he said to him, Take your son, your dearly loved only son Isaac, and go to the land of Moriah and give him as a burned offering on one of the mountains of which I will give you knowledge.

Then he said to his young men, Keep here with the ass; and I and the boy will go on and give worship and come back again to you.

Then Isaac said to Abraham, My father; and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, We have wood and fire here, but where is the lamb for the burned offering?

And Abraham said, God himself will give the lamb for the burned offering: so they went on together.

But the voice of the angel of the Lord came from heaven, saying, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I.

And he said, Let not your hand be stretched out against the boy to do anything to him; for now I am certain that the fear of God is in your heart, because you have not kept back your son, your only son, from me.

And Abraham came from his dead and said to the children of Heth,

And in answer the children of Heth said to Abraham,

And he said to them, If you will let me put my dead to rest here, make a request for me to Ephron, the son of Zohar,

And Abraham said to Ephron, in the hearing of the people of the land, If only you will give ear to me, I will give you the price of the field; take it, and let me put my dead to rest there.

And Abraham said to his chief servant, the manager of all his property, Come now, put your hand under my leg:

And the servant said, If by chance the woman will not come with me into this land, am I to take your son back again to the land from which you came?

And Abraham said, Take care that you do not let my son go back to that land.

And he said, O Lord, the God of my master Abraham, let me do well in what I have undertaken this day, and give your mercy to my master Abraham.

And the servant came running to her and said, Give me a little water from your vessel.

And she said, Take a drink, my lord: and quickly letting down her vessel onto her hand, she gave him a drink.

And having done so, she said, I will get water for your camels till they have had enough.

And the man, looking at her, said nothing, waiting to see if the Lord had given his journey a good outcome.

And said to her, Whose daughter are you? is there room in your father's house for us?

And she said to him, I am the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Milcah, Nahor's wife.

And she said, We have a great store of dry grass and cattle-food, and there is room for you.

And said, Praise be to the Lord, the God of my master Abraham, who has given a sign that he is good and true to my master, by guiding me straight to the house of my master's family.

And when he saw the nose-ring and the ornaments on his sister's hands, and when she gave him word of what the man had said to her, then he went out to the man who was waiting with the camels by the water-spring.

And he said to him, Come in, you on whom is the blessing of the Lord; why are you waiting outside? for I have made the house ready for you, and a place for the camels.

And meat was put before him, but he said, I will not take food till I have made my business clear to you. And they said, Do so.

And he said, I am Abraham's servant.

And I said to my master, What if the woman will not come with me?

And he said, The Lord, whom I have ever kept before me, will send his angel with you, who will make it possible for you to get a wife for my son from my relations and my father's house;

And I came today to the water-spring, and I said, O Lord, the God of my master Abraham, if it is your purpose to give a good outcome to my journey,

And even while I was saying this to myself, Rebekah came out with her vessel on her arm; and she went down to the spring to get water; and I said to her, Give me a drink.

And straight away she took down her vessel from her arm, and said, Take a drink, and I will get water for your camels.

And questioning her, I said, Whose daughter are you? And she said, The daughter of Bethuel, the son of Nahor, and Milcah his wife. Then I put the ring on her nose and the ornaments on her hands.

Then Laban and Bethuel said in answer, This is the Lord's doing: it is not for us to say Yes or No to you.

See, here is Rebekah: take her and go, and let her be your master's son's wife, as the Lord has said.

Then he and the men who were with him had food and drink, and took their rest there that night; and in the morning he got up, and said, Let me now go back to my master.

But her brother and her mother said, Let the girl be with us a week or ten days, and then she may go.

And he said, Do not keep me; the Lord has given a good outcome to my journey; let me now go back to my master.

And they said, We will send for the girl, and let her make the decision.

And they sent for Rebekah and said to her, Are you ready to go with this man? And she said, I am ready.

And said to the servant, Who is that man coming to us through the field? And the servant said, It is my master: then she took her veil, covering her face with it.

And the children were fighting together inside her, and she said, If it is to be so, why am I like this? So she went to put her question to the Lord.

And the Lord said to her, Two nations are in your body, and two peoples will come to birth from you: the one will be stronger than the other, and the older will be the servant of the younger.

And Esau said to Jacob, Give me a full meal of that red soup, for I am overcome with need for food: for this reason he was named Edom.

And Jacob said, First of all give me your birthright.

And Esau said, Truly, I am at the point of death: what profit is the birthright to me?

And Jacob said, First of all give me your oath; and he gave him his oath, handing over his birthright to Jacob.

And the Lord came to him in a vision and said, Do not go down to Egypt; keep in the land of which I will give you knowledge:

And when he was questioned by the men of the place about his wife, he said, She is my sister; fearing to say, She is my wife; for, he said, the men of the place may put me to death on account of Rebekah; because she is very beautiful.

And he said to Isaac, It is clear that she is your wife: why then did you say, She is my sister? And Isaac said, For fear that I might be put to death because of her.

Then Abimelech said, What have you done to us? one of the people might well have had connection with your wife, and the sin would have been ours.

And Abimelech said to Isaac, Go away from us, for you are stronger than we are.

But the herdmen of Gerar had a fight with Isaac's herdmen, for they said, The spring is ours: so he gave the spring the name of Esek, because there was a fight about it.

Then he went away from there, and made another water-hole, about which there was no fighting: so he gave it the name of Rehoboth, for he said, Now the Lord has made room for us, and we will have fruit in this land.

That night the Lord came to him in a vision, and said, I am the God of your father Abraham: have no fear for I am with you, blessing you, and your seed will be increased because of my servant Abraham.