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A man may be acting as if he had wealth, but have nothing; another may seem poor, but have great wealth.

The life of a wealthy man may be held for ransom, but whoever is poor receives no threats.

The field of the poor may produce much food, but it can be swept away through injustice.

A king's glory is in the number of his people: and for need of people a ruler may come to destruction.

A righteous man museth in his mind how to do good; but the mind of the ungodly imagineth how he may do harm.

[May] a man meet a she-bear robbed of offspring and not a fool in his folly.

Wherefore is there a price in the hand of a dullard? that he who is without sense, may acquire wisdom.

All the brothers of a poor man hate him;
how much more do his friends
keep their distance from him!
He may pursue them with words,
but they are not there.

The scoffer you shall strike, and the simple, may they learn prudence, and reprove the intelligent [and] he will gain knowledge.

An inheritance may be gotten hastily at the beginning; but the end thereof shall not be blessed.

Haughty and arrogant eyes and a proud heart,
The lamp of the wicked [their self-centered pride], is sin [in the eyes of God].

Drive away the scoffer, that strife may depart, and quarrel, and contempt may cease.

For it will be pleasant if you keep them within you,
That they may be ready on your lips.

To let you know the certainty of the words of truth,
That you may give a correct answer to him who sent you?

For, just as he hath thought in his own mind, so, he is: Eat and drink! he may say to thee, but, his heart, is not with thee.

He that imagineth mischief, may well be called an ungracious person.

My son, eat thou honey, because it is good; and the honeycomb, which is sweet to thy taste:

For, seven times, may the righteous fall and yet arise, but, lawless men, shall stumble into calamity.

For fear that the Lord may see it, and it may be evil in his eyes, and his wrath may be turned away from him.

And I see -- I -- I do set my heart, I have seen -- I have received instruction,

The heaven is high and the earth is deep, and the hearts of kings may not be searched out.

Remove a lawless man from before the king, that his throne, may be established in righteousness.

Or your hearer may say evil of you, and your shame will not be turned away.

If you have honey, take only as much as is enough for you; for fear that, being full of it, you may not be able to keep it down.

Let not your foot be frequently in your neighbour's house, or he may get tired of you, and his feeling be turned to hate.

Answer a fool according to his foolishness, so that he may not be wise in his own eyes.

His malice may be concealed by deception, but his wickedness will be exposed in the assembly.

May another praise you and not your own mouth, a stranger and not your own lips.

He that hideth her, hideth the wind, and, perfume, his right hand may proclaim.

A leader, may lack intelligence, yet abound in oppressions, The hater of greed, shall lengthen out days.

If a wise man goes to law with a foolish man, he may be angry or laughing, but there will be no rest.

He that shareth with a thief, hateth himself, an oath, he heareth, yet may not tell.

A discourse by the faithful collector. This is what this valiant man declared to the God with me, to the God with me, who then prevailed:

Surely I am more brutish and stupid than any man,
And I do not have the understanding of a man [for I do not know what I do not know].

Such is the way also of a wife that breaketh wedlock, which wipeth her mouth like as when she hath eaten, and sayeth, "As for me, I have done no harm."

Through three things the earth is disquieted, and the fourth may it not bear:

For fear that through drinking they may come to have no respect for the law, wrongly judging the cause of those who are in trouble.