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They are dreaded and feared;
Their justice and authority originate with themselves.

“Their horses are swifter than leopards
And keener than wolves in the evening.
Their horsemen come galloping,
Their horsemen come from afar;
They fly like an eagle swooping down to devour.

“All of them come for violence.
Their horde of faces moves forward.
They collect captives like sand.

They mock at kings
And rulers are a laughing matter to them.
They laugh at every fortress
And heap up rubble to capture it.

“Then they will sweep through like the wind and pass on.
But they will be held guilty,
They whose strength is their god.”

The Chaldeans bring all of them up with a hook,
Drag them away with their net,
And gather them together in their fishing net.
Therefore they rejoice and are glad.

Therefore they offer a sacrifice to their net
And burn incense to their fishing net;
Because through these things their catch is large,
And their food is plentiful.

Will they therefore empty their net
And continually slay nations without sparing?

Sun and moon stood in their places;
They went away at the light of Your arrows,
At the radiance of Your gleaming spear.

You pierced with his own spears
The head of his throngs.
They stormed in to scatter us;
Their exultation was like those
Who devour the oppressed in secret.