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But be certain of this, that if the master of the house had had knowledge of the time when the thief was coming, he would have been watching, and would not have let his house be broken into.

The lord of that servant will come in a day when he is not looking for him, and in an hour of which he has no knowledge,

But in the middle of the night there is a cry, The husband comes! Go out to him.

But the wise made answer, saying, There may not be enough for us and you; it would be better for you to go to the traders and get oil for yourselves.

And he who had had the one talent came and said, Lord, I had knowledge that you are a hard man, getting in grain where you have not put seed, and making profits for which you have done no work:

But his lord in answer said to him, You are a bad and unready servant; if you had knowledge that I get in grain where I did not put seed, and make profits for which I have done no work,

Why, then, did you not put my money in the bank, and at my coming I would have got back what is mine with interest?

For to everyone who has will be given, and he will have more: but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away.

Then will the upright make answer to him, saying, Lord, when did we see you in need of food, and give it to you? or in need of drink, and give it to you?

For I was in need of food, and you gave it not to me; I was in need of drink, and you gave it not to me:

I was wandering, and you took me not in; without clothing, and you gave me no clothing; ill, and in prison, and you came not to me.

Then will they make answer, saying, Lord, when did we see you in need of food or drink, or wandering, or without clothing, or ill, or in prison, and did not take care of you?

Then will he make answer to them, saying, Truly I say to you, Because you did it not to the least of these, you did it not to me.

But they said, Not while the feast is going on, for fear of trouble among the people.

But I say to you that from now I will not take of this fruit of the vine, till that day when I take it new with you in my Father's kingdom.

Then said Jesus to them, All of you will be turned away from me this night: for it is said in the Writings, I will put to death the keeper of the sheep, and the sheep of the flock will be put to flight.

Jesus said to him, Truly I say to you that this night, before the hour of the cock's cry, you will say three times that you have no knowledge of me.

And he comes to the disciples, and sees that they are sleeping, and says to Peter, What, were you not able to keep watch with me one hour?

In that hour Jesus said to the people, Have you come out as against a thief with swords and sticks to take me? I was teaching every day in the Temple and you took me not.

And they were not able to get it, though a number of false witnesses came.

But Jesus said not a word. And the high priest said to him, I put you on oath, by the living God, that you will say to us if you are the Christ, the Son of God.

Then the high priest, violently parting his robes, said, He has said evil against God: what more need have we of witnesses? for now his words against God have come to your ears:

So when Pilate saw that he was able to do nothing, but that trouble was working up, he took water and, washing his hands before the people, said, The blood of this upright man is not on my hands: you are responsible.

He is not here, for he has come to life again, even as he said. Come, see the Lord's resting-place.

Say, His disciples came by night and took him away secretly while we were sleeping.

And if this comes to the ruler's ears, we will see that he does not make you responsible.