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Nor is a lamp lighted to be put under a bushel, but on the lampstand; and then it gives light to all in the house.

No one ever mends an old cloak with a patch of newly woven cloth. Otherwise, the patch put on would tear away some of the old, and a worse hole would be made.

Nor do people pour new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the skins would split, the wine would escape, and the skins be destroyed. But they put new wine into fresh skins, and both are saved."

While He was thus speaking, a Ruler came up and profoundly bowing said, "My daughter is just dead; but come and put your hand upon her and she will return to life."

Another parable He put before them. "The Kingdom of the Heavens," He said, "may be compared to a man who has sown good seed in his field,

Another parable He put before them. "The Kingdom of the Heavens," He said, "is like a mustard-seed, which a man takes and sows in his ground.

For Herod had arrested John, and had put him in chains, and imprisoned him, for the sake of Herodias his brother Philip's wife,

And he would have liked to put him to death, but was afraid of the people, because they regarded John as a Prophet.

When they had quite crossed over, they put ashore at Gennesaret;

Then Peter said to Jesus, "Master, we are thankful to you that we are here. If you approve, I will put up three tents here, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah."

they will put Him to death, but on the third day He will be raised to life again." And they were exceedingly distressed.

Then came some of the Pharisees to Him to put Him to the proof by the question, "Has a man a right to divorce his wife whenever he chooses?"

"Why then," said they, "did Moses command the husband to give her 'a written notice of divorce,' and so put her away?"

Then young children were brought to Him for Him to put His hands on them and pray; but the disciples interfered.

"'These who came last have done only one hour's work, and you have put them on a level with us who have worked the whole day and have borne the scorching heat.'

For John came to you observing all sorts of ritual, and you put no faith in him: the tax-gatherers and the notorious sinners did put faith in him, and you, though you saw this example set you, were not even afterwards sorry so as to believe him.

"He will put the wretches to a wretched death," was the reply, "and will entrust the vineyard to other vine-dressers who will render the produce to him at the vintage season."

On the same day a party of Sadducees came to Him, contending that there is no resurrection. And they put this case to Him.

While the Pharisees were still assembled there, Jesus put a question to them.

No one could say a word in reply, nor from that day did any one venture again to put a question to Him.

"For this reason I am sending to you Prophets and wise men and Scribes. Some of them you will put to death--nay, crucify; some of them you will flog in your synagogues and chase from town to town;

and consulted how to get Jesus into their power by stratagem and put Him to death.

"Put back your sword again," said Jesus, "for all who draw the sword shall perish by the sword.

Meanwhile the High Priests and the whole Sanhedrin were seeking false testimony against Jesus in order to put Him to death;

Jesus however remained silent. Again the High Priest addressed Him. "In the name of the ever-living God," he said, "I now put you on your oath. Tell us whether you are the Christ, the Son of God."

When morning came all the High Priests and the Elders of the people consulted together against Jesus to put Him to death;

When the High Priests had gathered up the money they said, "It is illegal to put it into the Treasury, because it is the price of blood."

Meanwhile Jesus was brought before the Governor, and the latter put the question, "Are you the King of the Jews?" "I am their King," He answered.

Stripping off His garments, they put on Him a general's short crimson cloak.

They twisted a wreath of thorny twigs and put it on His head, and they put a sceptre of cane in His right hand, and kneeling to Him they shouted in mockery, "Long live the King of the Jews!"

One of them ran forthwith, and filling a sponge with sour wine put it on the end of a cane and offered it Him to drink;