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But the angel said to him: " Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth shall bear you a son, whom you shall call by the name John.

When he came out, he was unable to speak to them, and they perceived that he had seen a vision there. But Zechariah kept making signs to them, and remained dumb.

But how have I this honor, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?

And had finished their visit; but, when they started to return, the boy Jesus remained behind in Jerusalem, without their knowing it.

John, addressing them all, said: "I, indeed, baptize you with water; but there is coming one more powerful than I, and I am not fit even to unfasten his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.

His winnowing-fan is in his hand, that he may clear his threshing-floor, and store the grain in his barn, but the chaff he will burn with inextinguishable fire."

But Prince Herod, being rebuked by John respecting Herodias, the wife of Herod's brother, and for all the evil things that he had done,

And yet it was not to one of them that Elijah was sent, but to a widow at Zarephath in Sidonia.

And there were many lepers in Israel in the time of the Prophet Elisha, yet it was not one of them who was made clean, but Naaman the Syrian."

But he passed through the middle of the crowd and went on his way.

But Jesus rebuked the demon. "Be silent! Come out from him," he said. The demon flung the man down in the middle of the people, and then came out from him, without causing him further harm.

At daybreak, Jesus went out and walked to a lonely spot. But crowds of people began to look for him; and they came to where he was and tried to detain him and prevent his leaving them.

"We have been hard at work all night, Sir," answered Simon, "and have not caught anything, but, at your bidding, I will throw out the nets."

And then Jesus impressed upon him that he was not to say a word to any one, "but," he added, "set out and show yourself to the priest, and make the offerings for your cleansing, in the manner directed by Moses, as evidence of your cure."

But, finding no way of getting him in owing to the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him through the tiles, with his pallet, into the middle of the people and in front of Jesus.

But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins"-- he spoke to the paralyzed man-- "To you I say, Get up, and take up your pallet, and go to your home."

In answer Jesus said: "It is not those who are well that need a doctor, but those who are ill.

But Jesus answered them: "Can you make the bridegroom's friends fast while the bridegroom is with them?

But the days will come--a time when the bridegroom will be parted from them; and they will fast then, when those days come."

Then, as an illustration, Jesus said to them: "No man ever tears a piece from a new garment and puts it upon an old one; for, if he does, he will not only tear the new garment, but the piece from the new one will not match the old.

But the Teachers of the Law and the Pharisees were goaded to madness, and consulted together what they could do to Jesus.

He may be compared to a man building a house, who dug, and went deep, and laid the foundation upon the rock. Then, when a flood came, the river swept down upon that house, but had no power to shake it, because it had been built well.

But those who have listened and not acted upon what they have heard may be compared to a man who built a house on the ground without any foundation. The river swept down upon it, and the house immediately collapsed; and great was the crash that followed."

So Jesus went with them. But, when he was no great distance from the house, the Captain sent some friends with the message-- "Do not trouble yourself, Sir; for I am unworthy to receive you under my roof.

That was why I did not even venture to come to you myself; but speak, and let my manservant be cured.

But the Pharisees and the Students of the Law, having rejected John's baptism, frustrated God's purpose in regard to them.)

They are like some little children who are sitting in the market-place and calling out to one another--'We have played the flute for you, but you have not danced; We have wailed, but you have not wept!'

But, addressing him, Jesus said: "Simon, I have something to say to you." "Pray do so, Teacher," Simon answered; and Jesus began:

And then, turning to the woman, he said to Simon: "Do you see this woman? I came into your house--you gave me no water for my feet, but she has made my feet wet with her tears and dried them with her hair.

You did not give me one kiss, but she, from the moment I came in, has not ceased to kiss my feet.

You did not anoint even my head with oil, but she has anointed my feet with perfume.

And for this, I tell you, her sins, many as they are, have been pardoned, because she has loved greatly; but one who has little pardoned him, loves but little."

But Jesus said to the woman: "Your faith has delivered you; go, and peace be with you."

Other seed fell in the middle of brambles, but the brambles grew up with it and choked it entirely.

By the seed which fell along the path are meant those who hear the Message; but then comes the Devil and carries away the Message from their minds, to prevent their believing it and being saved.

By the seed which fell upon the rock are meant those who, as soon as they hear the Message, welcome it joyfully; but they have no root, and believe it only for a time, and, when the time of temptation comes, they draw back.

No man sets light to a lamp and then covers it with a bowl or puts it underneath a couch, but he puts it on a lamp-stand, so that anyone who comes in may see the light.

Presently Jesus' mother and brothers came where he was, but they were not able to join him on account of the crowd.

"Where is your faith?" he exclaimed. But in great awe and amazement they said to one another: "Who can this be, that he commands even the winds and the waves, and they obey him?"

And, on getting ashore, Jesus met a man, who had demons in him, coming out of the town. For a long time this man had worn no clothing, and he had not lived in a house, but in the tombs.

The man from whom the demons had gone out begged Jesus to let him be with him; but Jesus sent him away.

But, taking her by the hand, Jesus said in a loud voice: "Child, rise!"

Her parents were amazed, but Jesus impressed on them that they were not to tell any one what had happened.

But Herod himself said: "John I beheaded; but who is this of whom I hear such things?" And he endeavored to see him.

But the people recognized him and followed him in crowds; and Jesus welcomed them and spoke to them about the Kingdom of God, while he cured those who were in need of help.

But Jesus said: "It is for you to give them something to eat." "We have not more than five loaves and two fishes," they answered; "unless indeed we are to go and buy food for all these people."

Peter and his companions had been overpowered by sleep but, suddenly becoming wide awake, they saw Jesus glorified and the two men who were standing beside him.

While the boy was coming up to Jesus, the demon dashed him down and threw him into convulsions. But Jesus rebuked the foul spirit, and cured the boy, and gave him back to his father.

But the disciples did not understand the meaning of this; it had been concealed from them so that they did not see it, and they were afraid to question him as to what he meant.

But the people there did not welcome him, because his face was set in the direction of Jerusalem.

But Jesus said: "Leave the dead to bury their dead; but go yourself and carry far and wide the news of the Kingdom of God."

"The harvest," he said, "is abundant, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray to the Owner of the harvest to send laborers to gather in his harvest.

Then, if any one there is deserving of a blessing, your blessing will rest upon him; but if not, it will come back upon yourselves.

But, whatever town you go to visit, if the people do not welcome you, go out into its streets and say

As it chanced, a priest was going down by that road. He saw the man, but passed by on the opposite side.

A Levite, too, did the same; he came up to the spot, but, when he saw the man, passed by on the opposite side.

But a Samaritan, traveling that way, came upon the man, and, when he saw him, he was moved with compassion.

But Martha was distracted by the many preparations that she was making. So she went up to Jesus and said: "Master, do you approve of my sister's leaving me to make preparations alone? Tell her to help me."

But only a few are necessary, or rather one. Mary has chosen the good part, and it shall not be taken away from her."

But, if it is by Baal-zebub's help that I drive out demons, by whose help is it that your own sons drive them out? Therefore they shall themselves be your judges.

But, when one still stronger has attacked and overpowered him, he takes away all the weapons on which the other had relied, and divides his spoil.

But, on coming there, it finds it unoccupied, swept, and put in order.

As the crowds increased, Jesus began to speak: "This generation is a wicked generation. It is asking a sign, but no sign shall be given it except the sign of Jonah.

No one sets light to a lamp, and then puts it in the cellar of under the corn-measure, but he puts it on the lamp-stand, so that any one who comes in may see the light.

The lamp of the body is your eye. When your eye is unclouded, your whole body, also, is lit up; but, as soon as your eye is diseased, your body, also, is darkened.

But the Master said to him: "You Pharisees do, it is true, clean the outside of the cup and of the plate, but inside you yourselves are filled with greed and wickedness.

But Jesus went on: "Alas for you, too, you Students of the Law! You load men with loads that are too heavy to carry, but do not, yourselves, touch them with one of your fingers.

But he, who disowns me before his fellow men, will be altogether disowned before God's angels.

But Jesus said to him: "Man, who made me a judge or an arbiter between you?"

But should that servant say to himself 'My master is a long time coming,' and begin to beat the menservants and the maidservants, and to eat and drink and get drunk,

while one who does not know his master's wishes, but acts so as to deserve a flogging, will receive but few. From every one to whom much has been given much will be expected, and from the man to whom much has been entrusted the more will be demanded.