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So that you might have certain knowledge of those things about which you were given teaching.

And they were without children, because Elisabeth had never given birth, and they were at that time very old.

And the angel came in to her and said, Peace be with you, to whom special grace has been given; the Lord is with you.

He hath given help to Israel his servant, That he might remember mercy

And on the eighth day they came to see to the circumcision of the child, and they would have given him the name of Zacharias, his father's name;

And they made signs to his father, to say what name was to be given to him.

the oath that He swore to our father Abraham.
He has given us the privilege,

And when eight days were fulfilled for circumcising him, his name was called Jesus, which was the name given by the angel before he had been conceived in the womb.

Now it came about that when all the people had been given baptism, Jesus, having had baptism with them, was in prayer, when, the heaven being open,

And the devil said to him, I will give thee all this power, and their glory; for it is given up to me, and to whomsoever I will I give it.

And having folded the roll, having given it back to the officer, he sat down, and the eyes of all in the synagogue were gazing on him.

These were Simon, to whom also He had given the name of Peter, and Andrew his brother; James and John; Philip and Bartholomew;

And fear came on all, and they gave praise to God, saying, A great prophet is among us: and, God has given thought to his people.

At that time Jesus had healed many people of diseases, plagues, and evil spirits, and had given sight to many who were blind.

And answering them he said, Go back and give news to John of what you have seen, and the things which have come to your ears; the blind now see, those who had no power in their legs are walking, lepers are made clean, those who had no hearing now have their ears open, dead men come to life again, and the poor have the good news given to them.

(And all the people, and the tax-farmers, to whom John had given baptism, when they had knowledge of these things, gave glory to God.

One kiss hast thou not given me, but she from the time she hath come in, hath not ceased tenderly to kiss my feet.

Those by the side of the road are those who have given hearing; then the Evil One comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not have faith and get salvation.

And a woman, who had had a flow of blood for twelve years, and had given all her money to medical men, and not one of them was able to make her well,

He said to them, "Do not take anything with you during your travels; not [even] a walking stick [Note: By comparing this and the restriction in Matt. 10:10, with the permission given in Mark 6:8, the harmony seems to be "if you do not already have a walking stick, do not get one"], or a traveling bag [for personal belongings], or food, or money, or [even] two coats [Note: Mark 6:9 says, "take only one coat" confirming the idea that Jesus was saying, in effect, "do not take anything extra, go just as you are"].

And Herod said, I put John to death: but who is this, of whom such stories are given to me? And he had a desire to see him.

Let these words go deep into your ears, for the Son of man will be given up into the hands of men.

And into whatever town you go, if they take you in, take whatever food is given to you:

All things have been transferred and turned over to Me by My Father and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, or who the Father is except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal Him.”

And he said, You have given the right answer: do this and you will have life.

For to everyone who makes a request, it will be given; and he who is searching will get his desire; and to him who gives the sign, the door will be open.

So that punishment may come on this generation for the blood of all the prophets which was given from the earliest days;

But make His Kingdom the object of your pursuit, and these things shall be given you in addition.

And that slave who knew the will of his master and did not prepare or do according to his will {will be given a severe beating}.

But he answering said to his father, Behold, so many years I serve thee, and never have I transgressed a commandment of thine; and to me hast thou never given a kid that I might make merry with my friends:

And if you are not faithful with what belongs to another, how can you ever be given what is your own?

So you also, when you have obeyed all the orders given you, must say, "'There is no merit in our service: what we have done is only what we were in duty bound to do.'"

They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.

Then Peter said, "See, we have given up our homes and have followed you."

For He will be given up to the Gentiles, and be mocked, outraged and spit upon.

And he will be given cruel blows and put to death, and on the third day he will come back to life.

And it came to pass, that when he was returned, having received the kingdom, then he commanded these servants to be called unto him, to whom he had given the money, that he might know how much every man had gained by trading.

And he said to those standing by, Take from him the mina, and give it to him that has ten minas,??25 and they said to him, Lord, he has ten minas,??26 for I tell you, that to every one that has shall be given; but from him that has not, even what he has shall be taken away;

They said to him, 'He has two hundred, sir!'??26 'I tell you, the man who has will have more given him, and from the man who has nothing, even what he has will be taken away!

and spoke to him saying, Tell us by what authority thou doest these things, or who is it who has given thee this authority?

Then some of the scribes replied, "Teacher, you have given a fine answer."

And he said, Truly I say to you, This poor widow has given more than all of them:

for these people all contributed out of their surplus, but she has given out of her neediness all her living."

"Rabbi, when will this be?" they asked Him, "and what will be the token given when these things are about to take place?"

And he received a cup, and when he had given thanks, he said, Take this, and divide it among yourselves:

And in the same way, after the meal, he took the cup, saying, This cup is the new testament, made with my blood which is given for you.

For it will be done to the Son of man after the purpose of God, but unhappy is that man by whom he is given up.

And he said, The kings of the Gentiles are lords over them, and those who have authority are given names of honour.

When Herod saw Jesus, he was exceedingly pleased, for he had been wanting to see him for a long time, having heard a great deal about him; and he was hoping to see some sign given by him.

for behold, days are coming in which they will say, Blessed are the barren, and wombs that have not borne, and breasts that have not given suck.

(He had not given his approval to their decision or their acts), of Arimathaea, a town of the Jews, who was waiting for the kingdom of God:

saying that the Son of Man must be handed over to sinful men, and be crucified, and on the third day rise [from death to life].”

[Immediately] their eyes were opened [i.e., they were given insight] so they could recognize Him. And [just then] He disappeared from their view [Note: The Greek says, "became invisible," suggesting that He vanished miraculously].